  • Report:  #1146006

Complaint Review: Modern Industrial Services - Nationwide

Reported By:
HeathB - Grand Rapids, Michigan,

Modern Industrial Services
Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I saw an ad on Craigslist for a security job making $1200 a week. I thought it would be a scam so I ignored the job posting. After a few days of it being on there I decided to give them a call. I left a voicemail on their answering machine under the security department. I received a phone call within a few hours from a female saying I inquired about factory work, I told her security and she said I could meet with Jim on 4-6-14 at a local Mariott hotel. 

I walked into the hotel and stood at the front desk waiting to speak to the hotel personnel. A man walked up to me and introduced himself to me as Jim. He led me into the conference room with several tables garnished with packets, pens, and mints at each chair. He instructed me to sit down and fill out the application and I-9 forms, etc. Once I was done he sat down and talked with me about the position, the company, and the job. He told me that all security positions were filled but that i was more than welcome to work as a replacement factory worker making $12/hour and $18/hour for overtime. Jim informend me that the Union had went on strike at this automotive factory and that the job would be temporary because at some point the union and factory would come to an agreement. He told me that i would ride a bus to and from the factory out in Big Rapids, which is an hour away, and that i would meet at this hotel at 4:15 AM to work a shift of 6am-6pm. 

I showed up and rode the bus the next morning with about 30-40 others. I was placed on a line and worked my 12 hour shift. I worked 4-7, 4-8, 4-9 all 12 hour shifts. On 4-9 Ben and the bus driver had gotten into an argument. On 4-10 the factory had informed us that we would only work a 9 hour shift, from 6am-3pm. That day was special. I finished up my shift and went outside to catch the bus at the end of the day. There was no bus. The bus had a tendency to be late but today it was 90 minutes late. As i standing there talking on the phone with my gf i see this van show up and Ben is talking to the driver who happened to be one of the security guards. Something seemed phishy so i walked up and asked what was going on. It came out that Ben had fired the bus so we were going to be riding in the van now to and from Grand Rapids to Big Rapids. I was pissed that they were just going to leave me behind but 10 of us crammed into the van. I didnt get home that night until like 7-8pm. 

The next day, Friday 4-11 i didnt show up as my car was acting like a b****. I showed up on 4-14 and worked my shift of 8 hours. I overheard this kid saying on Monday that he still didnt receive his check that was supposed to get mailed to him so Ben told him that if he didnt want to work to take a taxi home and he did. I was starting to get scared that i could get jipped but still showed up on 4-15 because i was desperate for money. I didnt work 4-16, 4-17 or 4-18. 

On 4-18 I called Ben and he said i could meet the bus at normal drop off time at the Mariott hotel to receive my paycheck. Chaz was the van driver that day and he said he didnt have my check. There was also 1-2 other people there waiting to get their checks as well. I was informed that they would send another van at around 8 to a neighboring hotel where Chaz was staying to pick my paycheck up. I was informed to go to the front desk and that they would have my check. I showed up and there was no Chaz staying there and the desk personnel said they had no checks and that i wasnt the only person showing up to get checks. The desk person seemed irritatated that all of us were misinformed and needed to contact the company we were hired from to get it sorted out.  I called Ben and he said to come back to the hotel the next day anytime after 8am to the front desk to get my check, and i clarified this with him. I showed up at 10:30 am to get my check and was informed that Chaz told him that he would be back around 2pm and to show up then to get my check. I called Ben because by now i was extremely pissed off and he said that Chaz just ran to the bank supposidly. I told Ben that i was told by the desk personnel that Chaz told him to tell us that he would be out till 2pm. Ben was rude to me because it appeared that i was arguing with him but i was just trying to tell him what i was told was going on. 

I called the hotel around 1-1:30 pm to try and see if Chaz was back because after getting the run around so many times i didnt want to have another wasted trip. The desk personnel informed me that there was no checks yet again and that there was no Chaz supposidly staying there. I checked under Ben and Jim just to be sure. The guy i talked to on the phone said that he had no idea what was going on but that we all seemed to be misinformed. I called Ben to find out what the hell was going on. He literally screamed at me on the phone questioning my intelligence because i literally thought that they would have my checks at the front desk. He said to me "do you think im going to put a bunch of company checks with some lazy minimum wage desk f**k and if you think so youre an idiot." He told me that Chaz' real name was Caesar "something" and to ask for him at the desk at 2. 

I showed up at the hotel before 2pm to get my check. He was standing right in the lobby passing checks out to various people. I grabbed mine and left. I opened it and my gf told me the check was short and we noticed it was missing my 5 hours of overtime which totaled $90. I instantly was furious with the company and called Ben back and he apologized and said hed look into it. He called me back saying that he filled the proper form out for me to recieve my money. 

I showed up to get my check on 4-25 and it had the proper wages. I called ben to tell him that i still havent received the $90 and he said that its just behind and to get ahold of him on the next Friday 5-2-14. I contacted him on that Friday 5-2 and he said that it was behind again. I called him back on the following Friday 5-9 and he acted like he had no idea what the hell i was talking about and he said that he would look into me being shorted. He told me to drive my paycheck stubs to him and i told him he was nuts that i was not driving an hour away to bring some d**n stubs to him...i told him id mail a copy, fax a copy or email him a copy. We agreed that i would email him a copy and I told him to contact me as soon as he got any information. I emailed him a copy the next day because i needed to find them. He responded with an email saying that i was not shorted and he made a list of all the days i worked with the amount of hours i worked nect to it. Hes trying to say that i worked only 4 hours on 4-11. I told him thats a bunch of crock when i rode the bus to and from work everyday and explained to him how the hell would i have gotten home then. He said that my word isnt concrete evidence and that he would have to look into it. I explained to him how i can remember that day like it was yesterday and i explained how that was the day we all had to cram into the van yata yata yata. I found it really funny that the only hours i was shorted was my 5 hours of overtime at $18/hour. I called Ben back tonight on 5-12 to see if he found any information out and he stated that i signed out on the sign out sheet for 4 hours of work. I started arguing that point because i had gotten in trouble by him on the second to last day i worked because i had never signed the sign out sheet all the other days i had worked. So i told him i found that to be highly unlikely. He literally said to me "we can argue this until the cows come home but you signed the sheet and are not getting the $90....and he said sue the company over $90." I hung up and filed a report with MI labor division. 

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