  • Report:  #193913

Complaint Review: Moneywayz.com - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- rapidan, Virginia,

Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
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I'm sorry for two things: Not calling the BBB before investing my hard-earned money with this program(check the report). Second, not knowing about this site until about an hour ago, just by chance from clicking on a link(thanks to Google). My story is very fresh, because all of this transpired just about a half hour ago. I not only did heavy mailer advertising, but spent a portion of my income tax return to do the cable access t.v. spots with a company Moneywayz deals with. My next step was going to be a huge one: I was going to pour literally hundereds(if not, a couple of thousand)dollars into online advertising with ANOTHER company Moneywayz has dealings with. This company started to make me think over some things.

I requested a street address from them and they only gave me a p.o. box, and get this...MONEYWAYZ didn't even know this internet marketing company's address(so they claim) YET.. Moneywayz had this company call me one Saturday last month to pitch their services to me. Of course they sounded convincing, but it wasn't until they failed to call back when they said they would to submit a legitimate street address to me, and additional information about their services. I'm not saying this advertising company is a fraud, but this is what "nailed" things for me this afternoon...I talked to a marketing rep from Moneywayz civilly, and very politely requesting to know the proceedure for refunding me any moneys at all that I invested in this company. HE WAS DEFENSIVE AND VERY ARGUMENTITIVE. He wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise. When he transferred me over to customer service; the woman I spoke to ALSO did a 180 degree when I made my refund/discontinuation of this program request known. She wasn't curt, she was Nasty. I was told I have to wait until the 12 months are up from my date of entering the program. If everything is in my folder and I follow all of the instructions they provided then I have to call them back next February to request ONLY the $500 start up money I spent with this program. I am diligent and have a tremendous work ethic, but my personal issue with this particular company is exaggarated claims.

I'm extremely patient, but if I pour hundreds of dollars into advertising that will mainly benefit the company, and I MIGHT? get paid SOMETHING? at somepoint, then I'm just not willing to gamble with odds like these. I didn't mind the waiting, but my gut started to really speak to me on this one...unfortunately about $4500+ later. Important Note: How this company's reps responded to my refund request was quite a wake-up call for me. Just the thing I needed.


Rapidan, Virginia

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