  • Report:  #45211

Complaint Review: Monterstar Limited - London England

Reported By:
- brooklyn, NY,

Monterstar Limited
11-13 Soho Street (wiv Or W1v) 5da London, England, U.S.A.
800-897 8063
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
i found 7 other victims of www.montsr.com with the very same complaints i was charged 39.99 for some stupid membership to some allcamsite. when i called these creatures i was put on hold forever. i hung up several times but i decided to wait this time, so i put the phones speaker on and waited on the toilet.

someone finally answered and i told them my problem but like all the other reports this dude told me i sgned up through a porn site , i checked there is no web site like that, the only thing i joined was ebay and that was in january i was charged on the 6th of febuary. he canceled my phantom membership but after reading the other reports i dought it was ligit the man told me they will do a trace to see who charged my acct.. he also told me that i would get a refund by mail but if they discover that i did sign up then i wont get anything! huu we'll see about that

i think i have to get a new card because when i went to montsr i gave my number again just to get the info on this fake membership they also had a page for reporting fraud (huu go figure) there was a trace form they said had to be filled out and sent to them in GODDAM ENGLAND!!!!!!!

no wonder no on can find em this looks like a diversion to keep folks chasing after their tales but im posting it so someone can do something about these bastards.

monterstar limited 11-13 soho street london w1v or wiv 5da england


brooklyn, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
monterstar limited

#2Author of original report

Tue, February 18, 2003

these scammers just upgraded the look of their web site, hmm i wonder were they got the money to do that?! they also changed their phone number : 1888 641 9953

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