  • Report:  #1246738

Complaint Review: Morgan Exteriors - Lutz Florida

Reported By:
Pamela Strong - St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Morgan Exteriors
15915 N. Florida Ave. Lutz, 33549 Florida, USA
(813) 931-4663
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I chose to work for this small family owned company because they seem like genuen people. I was hired to help them get a new division up and running because they had no experience in going into the home.

I was sent to Georgia to train with Corporate Bath Planet. A life time product with lifetime installation great deal for all of my customers. The owner or no representative from this franchise family owned joined 3 of us 2 salesman and 1 manager for this training when they should of just for basic knowlege of what we were trained to do on the streets.I was disappointed no interest from the Morgans at all.

When I returned I sold over 160k of business a 80% closer because this was a product I truly believed in and  had a personal passion for. Unfortunatly things changed frequently the more I sold the more things were changed emediatly lifetime istallation was changed to 1 year, althought the owner made over 50% profit he was greedy and wanted more prices increased. Then they decided to hire a install manager EXPERIENCE rebuilding CORVETTS REALLY??? and it was Kirks best friend that he moved from out of state. This guy ran the team to the ground very quickly. 1 st salesman quite turned in equipment and was never paid. I out sold the whole entire staff. Kirk and Nick -the manager with a lot of experience went from remodeling entire bathrooms to just the wet area.

I had sold 2 entire bathroom remodels and I asked the company to cancell because I knew they did not have the experience and I did not want my name on the final result. Kirk said I do not let any one out of the contract I said but you didnt even order the product yet : John responded they can put a lien on the home. I said that is WRONG they asked me not to communicate with my customers at all. Kirk & John the inexperience install manager decided to move forward. When they became 4 months behind when told 6 week turn around on installs I grew extremely concerned. I spoke to my manager and he said that I was not getting any appointments because they had 13 jobs on waiting list to be installed and they needed to slow down my sales. I then found out the best installer we had quite leaving us with just 1 somewhat expereince installer extremely slow not drug tested, not certified and not criminally back ground checked like I was taught I found out no one is with the company. A company is only as good as the installer and the best and only one had just quite because of John.All customer were told a basic wet area simple job only takes 1 - 2 days at most these simple installs were running into 5 day.

With my growing consern of what was sold < taught by corporate> nothing was taught by the franchise at all and what was delivered I had decided to get a full time job and not to be on call at that point I had found out the Manager Nick quite also. I said I was willing to work part time untill thing got caught up.

I was paid a 10% commission first 1/2 on the front and second 1/2 on the final install so I had had over 4k in back commission that Morgans owed me. After speeking to the previouse salesman John that resigned he had told me that he was never paid his commission that was owed and also my manager Nick said I would never see a dime and to hold on to the equipment until they came to a agreement. This equipment cost at most $500.

Kirk had said for me to emediatly turn in my equipment. Nick and I said we will turn in when you come to a agreement. I never heard anything until the HR lady that does the books emailed and said when all installs are complete they would pay back commisions. I explained to her bacause John was not paid I was conserned she said that had agreed to go ahead and pay John. I had confirmed that 3 months after his deals were closed they finally desided to pay him and he thanked me for getting that done. He said he would of never got paid if I had never complained to them about his misstreat.

2 months go by I recieve a letter saying eqipment was not turned in so they were forfieting my back commisions over $4,000.00 because equipment was not turned in. I had contacted the step son Opie and asked if I gave a self generated lead would he agree to allowing me to turn in equipment professionally with out no drama. He said absolutly, sure. Then 1/2 hour later he responded didnt need the equipment any more. I asked why a change of heart and they continued to ignore me after that. all equipment was turned in and Nick never turned in equipment. I gave the customer the phone # explained to him why I quite but I still believe in the product not the company.

This company is a success to spite themselves. Morgan will not be in business forever dont count on warranty and make sure you do thourough check before the 3 days right to canxcell they will not let you out of your contract ask them to come back its a scam when they tell you the deal is for today only they can offer better deals than what they leave with this is called REHASHING. Put minimal down you will never see it if you stop the contract.You can always ask for 10% off of listed price if not more get 3 oppinions. Bath Planet has the experience but Morgan the franchise has none and will not last. My customers should get 10% refunded from the paid price since they did not pay me my commision. I will be contacting them within a week. I am sorry to all of my customers please understand it was not me but the company with no marals or ethics that treats people like this.

I have chosen to go to a company that morally treats all customers with respect.They are not greedy and they have the only LIFETIME true warranty for installation. I recomend Weathertite windows to all.

P.S. Please see attached for customers that is owed 10% or the going rate



4 Updates & Rebuttals

Lies and be-littleing

#2Author of original report

Mon, September 07, 2015

As said before all equipment was returned in great shape and they tried to say I took a hammer to all equipment until I said I had photos of all equipment in the lobby of this shamefull business including the ipad that i won for top sales that obviously they lied about I have a photo with their employyee having it in hand with 2 other employees looking on.

No equipment was signed out by me which this clearly states in the contract. They encourage all of their departing employees to take them to court because they know it would cost more than 5,000. to do that.

Of course I am disgruntled when they took advantage of my kndness and hard work ethics.

I made the a lot of money but obviously they need the money more than I did.

I never harrassed any of the customers 2 called me and I explained to them why I left this was before they RIPPED ME OFF. Their charracter shines through when they be-little me because I m not a perfect writer that is not why I wrote on this web sight to be corrected but thanks for the advise but I will continue selling for awesome companies that respect and treat their employees the way I expect to be treated.

I am just sad that I waisted over 6 months with this shamefull family MORGANS.

I will obviously never see a dime I knew that before my last day but hopefully they will learn a leason by me never giving up and getting over 4,000. worth of on going reminders that they will think twice before pulling out a screwdriver and pointing it towards any employee again. I know over 5 ex-employees now that they did the same to and they were thank full for me doing what I will continue to do. Just think twice before going to work or hiring this company -WARNING-

Morgan Exteriors

Disgruntled Ex-Employee

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 26, 2015

Dear Rip-off report, what is this about your reports containing "DO NOT sign your name or include any e-mail addresses in the report"?  This is like watching the Jerry Springer show!

This is a disgruntled ex-employee who knows knothing about the inside operations of Morgan Exteriors on who does what, whose supposed to do what and how its done.   She was hired to be a "Sales person" only, not run the business.  There were several documents signed upon her employment, one specifically stating should she no longer be employed she is to return all items belonging to Morgan Exteriors immediately and failure to do so would forfiet all future commmissions that are owed.  It was verbally and written that we asked of ex-employee to return items on several occasions and even that we would pick up said items.  After three months had passed, a formal letter and email was sent to ex-employee informing her that to much time had passed and that said items had been replaced and Morgan Exteriors was therefore going to exercise its rights regarding the forfieture of future commissions under the agreement.  Even after notification of her forfieture it was still several weeks before she returned the items which were a mess! She had been notifed also to cease all future communications with Morgan Exteriors, its employees, and its customers, which she still continues to do so.  I personally have had it with this ex-employees' harrassments and threats.  Ex-employee wants to talk about "morals and ethics"?  Really?  It is not in my nature to do my laundry in public, however, after all of this, she will never see a dime from Morgan Exteriors and she can take me to court on that note.  Morgan Exteriors, its employees and its customers have been harrassed enough.  Please ex-employee, take a grammer class on writing and get back on your medication!  Thank goodness she only worked at Morgan Exteriors a couple of months.

NO problem with providing proof call me or email any time

#4Author of original report

Tue, August 25, 2015

Of course this would be said. I have all the proof in the world. This company lacks morals and ethics and does not conduct good business. Please call or email any time my personal email or cell phone [email protected] 727-744-7513 obviously this shows the cowardly way of doing business and its sad I need to resort my self to their level to get back what is owed. One way or another I will get my 4,000.00 dollars that they owe me.

All equipment was turned in and I have no outstanding obligation and I DO HAVE PROOF of that. Mrs. Morgan is making excuses for paying what is owed. But obviously they need the money. I have 3 other employees that will also speak to any one that would like to talk.

I am glad we have a scam report company that cares about the little men. Morgans know we will not take them to small claims court because it cost about that for lawyer fees. So I legally will harrass them untill they make a settlement or I cause 4,000.00 worth of damages.

They do put leans on home even if product is not ordered BAD business I have customers that tried to get out of their contract and Morgan would not let them I am sorry I even met this family and sold good people a great product but a bad company. They are the best example of a small family doing bad business.

I choose not to down load photos and documents for the privacy of the customers that I sold a promise to that I gave to Morgans. Thats how I do business Morgans obviously do not care they just bark out this web sight has no proof because they have no leg to stand on.

Morgan Exteriors, Inc.

Pamela Strong Report

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 10, 2015

I am surprised that Ripoff Report would allow such report to be published as it violiates several conditions in its terms and conditions.  No evidence has been provided to any truth that is stated in said report.  There are false allegations, threats, and advertising all on one and this is clearly an act of cyberharrassment and cyberbullying and a revenge post.

Common sense is that no "new" employee is going to know anything about the inside operations of the business and quite honestly, there are things that are none of Ms. Strongs business.  There were several agreements Ms. Strong signed prior to her employment in which she still has not abided by.  After several months have passed, and with continued harrassment and threats by Ms. Strong, Morgan Exteriors had no other choice but to exercise its rights in accordance to the Aggreements signed by Ms. Strong. 

Ms. Strong did not have the sales she claims, she did not have the commission coming to her as she claims, and yes, she did in fact return tangible items belonging to Morgan Exteriors, three months after her employement ended dispite the fact she was to return them immediately after her employment has ended.  Ms. Strong had been notified to have no further contact with Morgan Exteriors, or its customers however she continues to do so and even publicly threatens to do so. 

I suggest you ask Ms. Pamela Strong for proof before printing such allegations. I will be more that happy to produce any documents supporting this entire report.





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