  • Report:  #639415

Complaint Review: MORTGAGE FRAUD EXAMINERS - Reston Virginia

Reported By:
SLC, LLC - Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America

1818 Library Street Suite 500 Reston, 20190 Virginia, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Storm Bradford and Mortgage Fraud Examiners have cost my company thousands of dollars because of their misrepresentations, fraud and dishonesty.

He is a liar, and a fraud!!!

Please do not be fooled by these imposters.

This office is run by Storm Bradford who represents himself to be a licensed Attorney when in fact he is not.  He trys to perform Forensic Loan Audits, Mortgage Loan Audits, Attorney Forensic Loan Audits, or whatever you want to call them.

Storm Bradford has personally called our offices and made unlawful, unethical, and immoral threats including racial threats targeted at minorities at our office if we did not comply with his requests.  He conduct was so severe that it is the subject of criminal investigation for stalking and criminal threats.

Many complaints have already been filed against Mortgage Fraud Examiners and Storm Bradford with the Federal Trade Commission, Attorney General Office and the State Bar in several Jurisdictions.

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Exposing Scams

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 30, 2015

Since Mortgage Fraud Examiners exposes scams and scam companies, these entities do anything in their power to make us look bad by fabrication and lies.

Firstly, although I've owned a litigation support company for over 35 years, I do not prctice law and I make that fact perfectly clear.

Secondly, MFE does not perform loan audits, that is a scam we've exposed.

Thirdly, there have been no complaints filed against me and or any government concer.

Lastly, the alleged complaining company does not exist now or has never existed, and that is one of the biggest complaints about Rip Off Reports, they don't require proof by the author, Therefore, anyone wishing to defame a legitimate concern can do so without fear of being exposed.


How Do We Know The Alleged Complainer Is A Fraud?

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, November 14, 2012

Everyone knows that Mortgage Fraud Examiners besides examining mortgage transactions (contracts) exposes worthless services, scams and scammers. So, now let's count the ways that this is not an individual with a legitimate beef, but some scammer that's been exposed.

First, anyone with a legitimate beef would have no fear in giving their name and contact info. Clue number 1 they're a scammer. More importantly they're a coward.

Secondly, they contradict themselves like most scammers do. In their first post they state: "I have read one of Storm's "reports" and they are useless. For $2k he gave the consumer statements like."

Now, in their second post they state: " I paid you TWO EFFING THOUSAND DOLLARS and you have the balls to tell ME I have to check my state LAWS? SERIOUSly? No, that's YOUR job.  And I paid you HANDSOMELY to check my effing state laws man." They're clearly having trouble keeping their lies straight.

Thirdly, this scammer tells another lie: "he gave the consumer statements like, "you may have violations of RESPA in your situation. You should consult an attorney."

The dozens of attorneys who use our services around the country will tell you we're very succinct in our examinations and get right to the point we do not use words like "may" when describing anomalies in the mortgage transaction. We for example identify the fraud, who committed it, how they committed it, why they committed it, and what the courts have to say about it.

Fourthly, this scammer tells another lie in their second post: "Comments by him that people who don't pay their mortgage just "want a free house."

That statement has NEVER come out of my mouth, to the contrary, we tell everyone of a very real chance they can get their home free & clear. From our press release: Mortgage Fraud Examiners has just exposed the latest foreclosure rescue scam--"Pretender Defenders" http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/03/21/mortgage-fraud-examiners-warns/ "Bradford adds, ?if the homeowner had a choice of possibly stalling the foreclosure action or possibly getting their home free and clear, and/or a monetary settlement from the bank, does anyone really believe the homeowner would choose the stall tactic?"

Fifthly, this scammer tells another lie: "He admittedly worked "for the banks." I've NEVER made that statement.

Sixthly, this scammer makes a big deal out of the fact that we are in the same office building as MERS. I guess if we were in the same building as psychiatrists, that would qualify us to find out why this coward has the mental problems he/she does.

Lastly, anyone with an IQ over a single digit can readily read the press releases on our website and read the comments from different attorneys around the country that use our services or methodologies and the types of awards homeowners our getting to include multimillion dollar settlements and free & clear homes. Nobody has the success that Mortgage Fraud Examiners has and has had--PERIOD!

Report Attachments

Bob Hurt

United States of America
"Fraudbuster": Change your Handle to "FOUL-MOUTH BOZO"

#4General Comment

Wed, November 14, 2012

You are an idiot, not a fraudbuster.

If Storm charged you $2,000 that means your house was in foreclosure, which YOU allowed to happen.  You could have negotiated a keys for cash, deed in lieu, of short sale, but you didn't.  Instead, you wisely went to Storm.  Maybe you read this web site and realized his method makes impeccable sense:


Storm either found causes of action underlying your mortgage, or he didn't.  If he didn't then you should have walked from the house because you will lose it in foreclosure anyway because YOU SIGNED THE NOTE AND MORTGAGE AND FAILED TO PAY AS REQUIRED, SO YOU MUST FORFEIT THE COLLATERAL.  PERIOD.  Even if the court dismisses the case for failure to have the paperwork in order or lack of standing, the bank ALWAYS refiles or appeals unless borrower negligence has let the house go to ruin.  And then the bank ALWAYS wins, with exceedingly rare exceptions.

But IF Storm found causes of action, his report showed it, and that means you could use it to negotiate a settlement by yourself or through a professional negotiator like an attorney, and failing a decent settlement offer you could have sued the lender pro se or through an attorney, just like Ms. Brown did in the above cited Quicken Loan case.  

You see, Ms Fraudbuster foulmouth, IF you bought an exam from Storm, you either walked from the house and saved your credit some or you settled/sued, and in either case HE saved you from foreclosure by giving you the knowledge of whether or not it made sense to walk or settle/sue, which you did not know before you hired Storm.

You did read that Quicken Loans case, didn't you?  You DID notice how attorney Jim Bordas found monumental appraisal fraud and outrageous origination fees underlying the mortgage and got the jury to punish Quicken Loans severely in court, right?  You noticed that, didn't you?

To anyone reading this rebuttal to your nonsense and understanding the real-life story of Ms Brown, Jim Bordas, and Quicken loans, your Fraudster report become an obvious lie.  I interpret that as a blatantly OBVIOUS indication that you are a competitor of Storms, you did not pay a penny for one of his mortgage fraud examinations, and you hate him because of his profound competence in contrast to your own, and possibly because he told you securitization audits have no value in foreclosure defense.  And, I believe you bilk your own clients by selling them worthless securitization audits.  You just hate the fact that you have been exposed as a fraud yourself.

I feel sorry for you.  You have to look at your deceitful, hateful, foul-mouth when you use the mirror in the mornings to smear lipstick and makeup on your face.  And you have to go to work every day wondering if the people you meet can see through the makeup to your malevolent, evil heart.


United States of America
And this is supposed to be comprehensible in English?

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2012

Wow. Speak English, Dude.  Cause your arguments FOR Storm are like totally incomprehensible.  But <shock> that's what Storm would do ... ask imbeciles like you to post on his behalf .


United States of America
Storm is NOT "straight up"

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, November 14, 2012

I appreciate that you are a plant by Storm Bradford to come on here and "rebut" the allegations against him. But the truth of the matter is, Storm is a fraud. He admittedly worked "for the banks."  Now he claims to "work for homeowners." I dare you to throw his email address which you can get off this website into Google and see what you come up with ... lemme guess. Comments by him that people who don't pay their mortgage just "want a free house."  Yeah.  Says a lot, don't you think?

Storm charges $2k for a report that makes claims like, AND I'M PARAPHRASING as I don't have the report in front of me, "Your state may have laws that make this a violation ....."  Ummm, HELLoooooo ... you have my address, RIght?  I paid you TWO EFFING THOUSAND DOLLARS and you have the balls to tell ME I have to check my state LAWS? SERIOUSly? No, that's YOUR job.  And I paid you HANDSOMELY to check my effing state laws man.

Storm does NO SUCH THING as telling his clients he resides in the same building as MERS.  In fact, I had NO IDEA he was in bed with MERS until I did some digging ... unfortunately for me it was too late.  I paid my $2,000 and got ripped the hell off.  I got point after point after point with insinuations like ... and again, I AM PARAPHRASING AS I DO NOT HAVE THE QUTOE AUDIT IN FRONT OF ME END QUOTE - You may have violations of WHATEVER, please consult an attorney in your state to verify if you have these violations .

Here is my contention.  Storm pretends he is "on the side" of the homeowner because he purportedly "used" to work for the banks.  He claims to now work for homeowners.  But the s**t of it is, he still resides in the bed of MERS as he works in the SAME BUILDING AS MERS.  So he's kibitzing with them on a constant basis.  And you can tell me as much as you want that he isn't, BUT HE IS IN BED WITH MERS. And he's putting out arguments against VERY REAL homeowner defenses to foreclosure that WIN HOMEOWNERS THEIR HOMES.  But he's saying, "No, don't do that. It doesn't work ...."  And we're supposed to believe HIM and OUR DEFENSES DON'T WORK?  What??? Just because "he says so"???? Yeah, I don't THINK so.

Storm Bradford is a PLANT from the BANKS.  Hoping he can INFLUENCE US ... honest, hardworking homeowners who got screwed BECAUSE THE BANKS f**kED UP ... from dropping our lawsuits against the banks.  He wants to convince us that his $2k audit is more important than any securitization audit we could get from anywhere because HE SAYS SO.  Well guess what?  You're WASTING YOUR TIME AND MONEY asking him for an audit because all he's gonna do is refer you back to an attorney who's gonna rip you off.  

Go ahead.  Believe in Storm Bradford.  But I'm telling you, you're gonna lose.


Temple Terrace,
United States of America
Fraudbuster is probably a Pretender Defender

#7General Comment

Wed, November 14, 2012

Clearly you did not read Mortgage Fraud Examiner's website. Everything is thoroughly explained. Storm not only spends lots of time to help clients AND their attorneys understand the process, he is VERY CLEAR about what information the report will contain. I know plenty of consumers who "get it" and plenty of attorneys who do "NOT" get it--from personal experience. He has educated many attorneys, but most attorneys are in interested in ONE thing: how much money they can make by dragging out the case, giving their client hope, without ever telling their client that all they plan to do is stall out the case and continue billing the client, rather than doing the right thing--standing up for the client in court and offensively going after the bank and their agents.

Either you are unahppy with the results of your case, or you consulted a pretender defender, or you are a pretender defender, which is my bet. Storm is by far, one of the most highly intelligent people I've ever had the PRIVILEGE of knowing. I have an attorney in my area who is aggressive and understands HOW to utilize the reports. He doesn't go for the BS arguments most attorneys think are "viable." My guess is that you've had a conversation with him and were just plainly outwitted.

Secondly,  Storm has an excellent reputation and is a straight up, "get to the truth and the point" kind of person. So, insulting and defaming someone you don't know in order to destroy their reputation is very sad. Attempting to harm their business as a result is sadder.

Lastly, Storm TELLS his clients on his own that he's in the MERS building.  Because they are in the same building, are you insinuating that they work together? Your implication is ludicrous.

Before posting negative comments, you should do your own due diligence.


United States of America
Another IDIOT COMPETITOR Trying to Destroy a Good Man

#8General Comment

Tue, November 13, 2012

I hereby rebut the insipid lies by the whiner, an obvious competitor, probably a securitization audit scammer (someone who sells worthless securitization audits), and most likely one suffering from PMD.  

1.  The whiner says Storm cost her company thousands of dollars because of misrepresentation, fraud, and dishonesty.  That is COMPOUND LIE #1.  If he cost her money, he did it through honest competition and truthfully warning client foreclosure victims that securitization audits are UTTERLY USELESS in fighting foreclosures, and virtually NEVER result in the victim getting the house free and clear.

2.  The whiner says Storm represents himself as an attorney.  He does not, so that is lie #2.  He plainly explains his law background to anyone who asks.

3.  The whiner mischaracterizes his service as an audit to disparage it, but uses suppressive generalities to avoid having to reveal her utter ignorance of the value of his mortgage fraud examination reports.

4.  The whiner accuses Storm of racial, immoral, unethical, unlawful remarks without specifying which remarks or to whom made.  This kind of generalization is suppressive and devoid of any logical basis for anyone to believe it.  I have known Storm for years and NEVER heard him use that kind of language, even in heated discussions.  He empitomizes the level-headed raconteur and NEVER misstates the law.  This is whiner lie #4.

5.  Whiner states she refused to comply with Storm's requests.  Really?  What did he do, ask you for a date, or did he ask you for PROOF that your nonsensical securitization audits work?  Hey, I want to see the proof too, and I don't hide.  So cough it up.

5.  The whiner claims to know about a criminal investigation against Storm.  Oh yeah?  In what city and state?  Only a coward-liar would make such a baseless and empty allegation. Even so, where's the result?  Still ongoing after months?  Or never happened at all because it has no basis in fact?  Lie #5.

6.  Whiner says many complaints were filed.  Really?  And wolf bitches howl insanely at the moon at their time of the month.  So what?  WHAT complaints?  Any complaint numbers to offer as evidence? More generalizations and LIE # 6.

Only an total dumba** would give any credence to this inane whining.  It reminds me of what a woman once said about me when she made a pass at me and I failed to become lured in by her phony charms. What was that saying about a woman scorned?  In this case, if I don't miss my guess, Storm told her that securitization audits are useless, and the whiner couldn't stand that because she bilks money out of her clients for useless securitization audits.  Some people, like this whiner, just cannot live with the stark truth, so they hide like cowards behind ripoff reports.

EVERYTHING in this ripoff report is a LIE except three things:
1.  Storm Bradford,
2.  Mortgage Fraud Examiners, and
3.  They cost the whiner money because clients figured out the uselessness of her product and purchased a Mortgage Fraud Examination and report from Storm Bradford instead of a worthless securitization audit from her.


United States of America
Another Scammer Filing False Report

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 29, 2012

Here we have another scammer that most likely Mortgage Fraud Examiners exposed. Once again some anonymous loser making ludicrous and slanderous remarks that are completely untrue.

These individuals NEVER give their true names for fear that we will expose them for what they are truly are cowards and scammers that can't back up what they post. It's really disturbing that these charlatans continue to harm homeowners, but we will continue to expose them and the groups they represent.

Anyone is free to call Mortgage Fraud Examiners, or read our press releases regarding the scams, where they will find the names of attorneys who use our services and our methodologies to get their clients homes free & clear and financial compensation from lenders. 

Mortgage Fraud Examiners has just exposed the latest foreclosure rescue scamSecuritization Audits." http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/03/27/beware-of-the-latest-foreclosure-rescue-scam-securitization-audits/

Report Attachments


United States of America
I completely agree with this Fraud Alert

#10Consumer Comment

Mon, October 29, 2012

I completely agree with the author of this fraud alert and respectfully disagree with the commenters. I have read one of Storm's "reports" and they are useless. For $2k he gave the consumer statements like, "you may have violations of RESPA in your situation. You should consult an attorney." I'm sorry, but for $2k Storm, you should be providing the specific violations. Storm did not apprise the homeowners of the report I read of what would be included in the report. They did not sign a contract either.

Storm also likes to threaten to sue people if there are any negative comments made about him.

Just so everyone knows, Storm Bradford's office in Reston, VA is in the same building where MERS is located. I find it interesting that Storm likes to write comments and articles about homeowners getting a free home, yet he claims to want to help homeowners, yet he works in the same building as MERS and likes to convince homeowners that viable arguments are worthless. Also, Lex Consulting LLC, part of mortgagefraudexaminers, does not appear to be registered in any state as a legitimate company.

Do your due diligence, but in my opinion, stay away from Storm Bradford.


Temple Terrace,
United States of America
Your statements are lies, plain and simple.

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, March 09, 2012

I've known Storm Bradford a long time, and he is quite the opposite of your tall
tale. Mr. Bradford states the facts, and for some people it is a reality check.
He doesn't tell them what they want to hear. He tells them the truth. I've heard
him spend untold hours with prospective clients and attorneys to explain the
only process, I know of, where a homeowner has a chance of obtaining a financial
settlement, or their home free & clear.
Mortgage Fraud Examiners has experienced legal professionals who perform legal
examinations of mortgage and appraisal transactions. Additionally, Mortgage
Fraud Examiners will refuse to let you purchase an examination UNLESS you can
afford hiring a knowledgeable attorney to go after the wrongdoers..

Mortgage Fraud Examiners does not provide these spurious TILA/RESPA or securitization
audits, as anyone who understands the law knows are worthless. The legal
examinations are a TOOL, that when contract breaches and fraud are noted, can
used by an offensive action attorney to negotiate financial settlements, the
house free and clear, and sometimes mortgages are even chopped in half.
Obviously, there is NO guarantee that anything will be discovered in an
examination, however most reports come back with something that the clients
attorney can use to negotiate a settlement.
I know, because I have referred dozens of clients to Mortgage Fraud Examiners.
They take the time to educate clients, and will speak to any attorney
representing them as to the process. Because most attorneys seem to do nothing
more than charge a monthly retainer as opposed to billable hours and just play
the stall tactic game, clients that have had their mortgage transactions
analyzed, need to spend the time to find a litigator that is knowledgeable in
contract and tort law. I've had clients who have won non-disclosed financial
settlements. That means pre-suit, so you will not read about them in public
records, where the borrower's dirty laundry is exposed.
It's quite obvious you're just a con artist, who's undoubtedly one of these companies
that have been identified in the press releases as a scam, and as a result are
hell-bent in destroying one that's legitimate.
BTW, there are no legitimate complaints against Storm Bradford, or Mortgage Fraud
Examiners. For a company that's been around for over 30 years, I think MFE is
doing a wonderful service, I will continue to refer clients to them. While I
won't give you my name, since I don't want to be subjected to your rather
obvious lies and smear campaigns, I WILL tell you I am a consumer advocate who
hosts a radio show and appears on a major TV station as an expert in my


United States of America
Storm Bradford of Mortgage Fraud Examiners Is Not A Fraud!

#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, October 27, 2011

We have been talking with Mr. Bradford since April of 2011 and he has given us free advice regarding our mortgage loan.  Mr. Bradford will not except a dime from us because of his words, "You don't have enough money to get an attorney after I give you the information to fight!"  Therefore, Mr. Bradford has not ever said or imply that he is an attorney.  Which makes perfect sense, what will we do when we get the information regarding the faults in our loan and we can't afford a qualified attorney to fight for us?  By the way, we are Afro-American and to us, Mr. Bradford is ethical, honest and very helpful to his prospective clients and we have not experience any of the above abuses mentioned above.  When we do get in financial position, we plan to use Mr. Bradford and Mortgage Fraud Examiners to championed our cause.


Obvious Hoax

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, March 25, 2011

The information, provided by this unknown entity, about Storm Bradford and Mortgage Fraud Examiners is an obvious hoax and scam, most probably planted by some disgruntled individual or company not happy about the rip-offs we've uncovered. Every statement made, by this scammer, is a total lie, even including their identification as SLC, LLC of Atlanta Ga.

When and if we ever find out who the scammer is, we intend to file a lawsuit to educate them on the repercussions of making up such reprehensible swill.

Reports & Rebuttal
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