  • Report:  #68286

Complaint Review: Movingcost - Nationwide Relocation Services - Coast to Coast - Sunset Movers - Fort Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
- Rocklin, California,

Movingcost - Nationwide Relocation Services - Coast to Coast - Sunset Movers
1700 NW 64th Street, Ste400 Fort Lauderdale, 33309 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Movingcost changed subcontractors without informing us. These guys went by the name Coast to Coast and subcontracted out to a group known as Sunset Movers, based out of Dallas.

When they arrived for the job they were thoroughly unprepared, and ended up taking an extra day to get us packed and loaded. Because of deadlines that had to be met re: catching a flight and getting to our new home in time to receive our car, things were extrememly rushed and frustrating in leaving. We ended up leaving our former home before the movers did.

Ostensibly, the movers were going to Dallas to consolidate the two trucks that they loaded into one for the move to CA. Their story at this point is that one of the drivers stole one of these trucks and it was found by the Dallas PD with very little remaining in it. I strongly suspect that all of the people with sunset movers, if it really exists, were in on the heist.

Coast to Coast Movers are likely involved as well. I cannot say that movingcost is involved, but they have been extremely unhelpful to the point of negligence with our situation.

The day our belongings were to have arrived and for the two days after, we were unable to get a hold of the Sunset guys. All the good people at movingcost did was blow us off and assure us that everything was probably fine and that the movers had probably just gotten a flat or stopped off to see some family. Unbelievable.

When we pressed them on this and told them that we had information leading us to believe that our things had been stolen, we were told that there was nothing they could do. They didn't indicate that they would look into it, file a report with the Dallas PD, or do anything else to help locate and recover our lives.


Rocklin, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals


contact the FBI

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 06, 2003

Elise, I'm sorry this happened to you. The companies you mention are notorious scammers in the business. Within the past year the FBI has arrested many scam moving company owners. Their information comes from people like you. Please take the time to make a formal complaint at this website: http://miami.fbi.gov/movescam.htm

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