  • Report:  #279980

Complaint Review: MP3MusicHQ.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Anonymous, Other,

Saphie Number1 Third Floor, Conway House 7-9 Conway Street St. Helier Jersey JE2 3NT Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I started here:

- http://compnetworking.about.com/od/p2ppeertopeer/tp/p2pfilesharing.htm

where I was browsing information about downloading music legally. This article lead to a link for Winmx (I chose Winmx as it is for Windows):

- FreeMusicShare.com/Winmx

in an attempt to legally download music, I signed up. There was a fee $24.76 USD one time payment and unlimited downloading. I began the credit card payment but it never gave me a subtotal or total price, I was waiting for it to authorize but next thing I know I had paid with my credit card. They said they would email a confirmation so I thought ok I'll check my email later.

- I downloaded songs which turned out to be a hoax and not what the file names stated (Mustang Sally by The Committments and Mustang Sally by Buddy Guy) The songs were not songs at all but inappropriate spoken messages that were pretty creepy and disturbing.

- At the same time, my internet options suddenly changed. An extra tool bar appeared out of nowhere which I could not remove and it directed my searches to one site (Ask.com) I got scared and decided this was not worth it. I wasn't getting what I paid for. So I decided to cancel and I suspected I may have fallen for an internet scam. I could not return to the MP3musicHQ.com website because I kept being re-directed to ask.com. Similarly I could not get to my email (yahoo.com) to check the payment confirmation. It was as if my computer had been taken over by ask.com, I could not go to any other website no matter what I typed in the www address field/ or searched for.

- Long story follows: suffice to say I documented everything that happened in the next five and a half hours as I tried to reach someone who could help. I also contacted my credit card company who told me to wait till the bill appeared on my credit card statement and then dispute the charge.

- I finally reached MP3musicHQ.com who agreed to cancel my registration, refund my money (by the way they had erroneously charged me USD $34.64) They said the extra $9.88 was a tech support payment. Here is the bottom line: there is a cancellation/processing fee of $9.95 which apparently appears in the Terms and Conditions box which I ticked "I agree" to. Fair enough as I scrolled down without reading it all, it was massive.

- Quote from the company rep (Carlo) who spoke to me: "We did not charge you to download music, downloading music on the internet is free for everyone, what we sell is computer technical support, that's what you paid for". He also tried to talk me into continuing the payments (Which by the way had suddenly become monthly payments according to him). He asked if any one else used the computer at my house because they might one day need tech support even if I didn't, and their tech support was available 24/7 or I might need it in the future for any computer problems.

- That's the story. I don't believe anyone behind this company means intentional malicious harm to anyone, but I do believe that they are in some way aware that they are doing something which makes people want a refund. Perhaps they will change their policies as a result of all the consumer reports. I wish them well and hope that they will add the correct information to their website in order of importance. "We are a computer tech support company" is the correct lable that should appear on their website. A clear statement of purpose is not too much to ask. I wasted a lot of time today dealing with this which cannot be returned to me. I documented all the steps, I'll keep all the notes in case I hear from anyone who will make this company stop taking advantage and twisting words to take money from people. They did not earn or deserve the money they took from me. It was unfair and it left me feeling that dirty business had just happened and that I had been tricked but they made me feel that I was dumb and it was my fault that I didnt read the fine print. Very smooth trained reps on the phone and on their instant chat customer service.

- Reading the fine print and ticking the "I agree" box had nothing to do with it. They did not deliver the product, or authorize the total payment for my credit card and, of course, it was false advertising.

- I will follow up with my credit card company as per the advice of the editor at Ripoff.com. Thank you for providing that, it's very good advice.

thank you for what you do. Despite losing my whole Saturday, I feel better after a friend recommended your website.




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