  • Report:  #896723

Complaint Review: MSI Credit Solutions - Internet

Reported By:
C - SD, Arkansas, United States of America

MSI Credit Solutions
Frisco, Texas Internet, United States of America
866-217-9841 214-888-4992
www.msicredit.com and fhaloanapproval.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I applied on line at www.fhaloanapproval.com to get a home loan. I was contacted by email from Chris Cuellar who asked for more information, (see below)

First email I received from Chris Cuellar and he listed his company as fhaloanapproval.com

Hello, Charles

I just left a message for you in regards to your mortgage inquiry. You should have received an e-mail from me shortly after you signed up. I will be able to help you out and all  I will need is just a few minutes of your time to complete your
application & to see what I can do to help you out. Once I have the application complete, I can have results back within a few minutes. At that point, youll have a great feel as far as where you stand & what we can get done for you. Please call me back at your convenience so we can proceed. If you prefer e-mail, please complete the short application below. All of my contact
information is at the bottom of this e-mail & I look forward to hearing back from you! 

Ok so I sent him all my information and this was the 2nd email I received from him but now his company is  B M Leanding

Dear Charles,

We have reviewed your loan application and it appears your credit score falls below the minimum mortgage guidelines. Don't
worry we have partnered with a company (MSI Credit Solutions) to help get your credit score raised to meet the minimum loan requirements. On average, MSI Credit Solutions will have your score raised and eligible for a home loan within 60 days. Please inform MSI you are a client of Proficio Mortgage Corporation. We appreciate the opportunity in assisting you with your mortgage loan and look forward to doing business with you in the near future. A MSI representative, will be contacting
you, shortly. If you need immediate assistance please call them directly at 866-217-9841 or visit them online at www.msicredit.com.

He states my credit is "below the minimum mortgage guidelines" Really the website stated I need a 620 my score is 657 hmmmm. So I went online and looked up MSI Credit Solutions and found out they have some very bad reviews. I then received 5 emails from MSI 3 of them from Ricardo Mendiola the first email stated he is the General Manager turns out he is the Owner. Because there are so many I will not place all the emails.(see email below)

First email fom Ricardo Mendiola

Subject: Thank you for Inquiring at MSI Credit

Hi Charles, 

My name is Ricardo Mendiola and I am one of the Managers at MSI Credit Solutions.  Thank you for your interest in our services. We are very excited to answer all of your questions and help you accomplish your goals. I hope that you had the opportunity to view the company's credentials on our website, www.msicredit.com . 

One of our consultants will be contacting you soon.  Should you need immediate assistance, you will find our contact information below. 

Sincerely, The Team at MSI

Credit Solutions

First off I NEVER contacted MSI, so when I stated I was NOT interested in a credit repair company, that I only wanted a home loan and told Ricardo that I read MSI was a scam..... this was his responce (see email below).

Subject: Re: Thank you for Inquiring at MSI Credit Solutions

This is one client and you haven't heard the other side of the story. Let me ask you this? Has anyone ever ever said anything negative about you? Should I judge you if they have?

WOW ...Ok now he want to call judgement....and he jumped into attack mode real quick. He did judge me that's why I did'nt get the loan, one company said something 7 years ago, but whatever.

I informed him this started out as a loan request NOT a credit repair I only have 1 thing on my credit from 2005 and DID NOT WANT HIS HELP and if he didn't stop I would also write a rip off repot. This email gets better aperantly they have been in business for only 5 years and don't need my bussiness. Well then why should I click on the link below??

next email from Ricardo Mendiola

Subject: RE: Thank you for Inquiring at MSI Credit Solutions

You can do whatever you want, we dont need your business. We have been in business for 5 years and if we were out to screw people we wouldnt be in business. As a matter of fact we received an award from a very creditable source last year, please click on link below. Do whatever you wish you wont hurt us. Consumers know that you will always find negative stuff on any company that they are doing business with. You cant make everybody happy. As a matter of fact Rip off report will
laugh at you because you are not even a client of ours to be complaining on us. 

I was required to offer you this service because the mortgage company you applied at was not able to qualify you. I will document your account that you refused this service and close your account. No biggie, I wish you luck with your credit and
please do not EVER call or contact us again.

Ricardo Mendiola

Every day with Excellence,

Ricardo Mendiola 

The link he sent didn't even work (Surprised NOT) Required to offer me this service? I didn't want this service or to pay $700-$900 for a service that can be done for FREE. Close my account? There should of never even been an account open with them. Then he states "No biggie, I wish you luck with your credit and please do not EVER call or contact us again". I NEVER called or contacted them at all. I informed them from the start that I was NOT interrested and to stop contacting me. I had to send him another email explaining harrasment laws in Texas and I am sure this is not over yet. Please Please Please Do NOT get involved with these people. Make sure you contact a respective company. If he did this to me for not being a customer and in his words "SCREWED customers" for hundres even thousands of dollars he WILL do it to you. Don't be a victim stand up and say NO, tell others and togetther we will stop companies like this one from hurting others.


Oh and BTW

Below you will find the RIPOFF REPORT I found on this site. Because of them me and my family was not scammed and did not loose any money so we would like to say......Thank you Christian for your information it helped me and hope it helps others.

See original letter to Below.

MSI Credit Solutions Biggest Scam EVER.. ..They will steal your money!! Dallas Texas

*Consumer Comment: I fell for it and made it even worse!

Print this Report

MY husband and I were trying to buy our first home when we learned of MSI. I read th testimonials, and everything sounded great. So, we signed up with Rey Salomon. Rey told us everything that we wanted to hear. A very smooth talker. He told us that after we bagan the program we would start receiving letters from all of our creditors, receiving weekly phone call from him to let us know that status of our repair process, and every 30-45 days new credit reports with updated info. We paid the
fee. $975.00 for my husband and $775 for myself. The easiest way to put it is that Rey Salomon in full of LIES. We have never received anything. He told us that we would get a welcome packet in the mail with postage paid envelopes to
mail these letters, good thing we never got any. I never received this alleged welcome pack, even asking him to send it 4 times. Every time he said it would be here in 2 days. Rey also told us to go on and pay down the balances on our
credit cards, which we did, and not to have anymore late payments. I have contacted our mortgage company and all of the negative items are still there,

however; because WE paid our items down, our credit score has improved dramatically.

The customer service reps for MSI are equally as bad. I spoke to one named Chris and told him of all the problems we were having and before I could finish he hung up on me.

The reason that we received no letters is because Rey told us that the had our things going to a PO Box there in Dallas so they could receive the info faster. I asked the customer service rep about this PO BOX, he had never heard of such a thing. Atleast I got that out of him before I was hung up on.

So, The moral of the story is this:

Pay your bills on time and you will do more credit repair that MSI Credit can do. Do not let them steal your money as they have to many. DO NOT TRUST MSI CREDIT OR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES. IT IS A SCAM.


cafb, South


Report Attachments

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Concerned Citizen

United States of America
MSI Credit Solutions is a house of cards. You write stuff like this and expect people to trust you or your company?

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 04, 2012

House of Cards - a speculative scheme that depends on unstable factors that the planner cannot control, a structure that is insubstantial and subject to imminent collapse.

I was doing an advance search and came across this and the other reports by Ricardo Mendiola co-owner of MSI Credit Solution wrote . This upset me (as it will others) that MSI thinks they are above the law and can hurt people and families. I have to say that I agree with Steve Rhodes when he said and I quote "Ouch. That response from MSI Credit Solutions is the wrong approach to resolving consumer issues. May I humbly suggest you take a look at How to Handle a Consumer Complaint Like a Pro And Come Out Smelling Like a Rose"  Mr. Mendiola you have crossed the line and you will be held accountable for your actions. In the other reports you write an apology letter asking Mr and Mrs McCombs to find it in their hearts to forgive you and then you write this. Your company is a sham and I hope everyone searches your name, Robert Neal, MSI Credit Solutions, Tri-Source and all other companies tied to you. They will see how you constantly contradict yourself and lash out out at people. When someone uses the Internet to threaten someone or treat them in a negative way this is known as cyber bullying, and you Mr Mendiola you are a BULLY.

Mr McCombs (or anyone else) if you see this please report MSI/Mr Mendiola because together we can and will stop them from hurting others. Don't let bullies like Mr Mendiola or others at MSI get away with it! Stand up and let your voice be heard.

The website states:

Problems with a Credit Repair Organization?

If you have had problems with a credit repair organization, you may be entitled to recover money.  Contact one of our attorneys today!

Again please anyone who has had problems with MSI Credit Solutions contact Consumer Class Action and tell them your story. Click on or copy and paste the website below and file now!


MSI is NOT above the law please see below:

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. The Attorney Generals Office filed lawsuits against:

Consumer Credit Group of Florida and Proactive Planning Solutions of Arizona for violating Indianas Do Not Call Law and Auto-Dialer Act known as the robo-call law.

Both companies violated the Credit Service Organization Act and Deceptive Consumer Sales Act by not obtaining $25,000 surety bonds with the state and collecting money upfront without performing any services.

Debt Zero of California for collecting money up front, failing to provide services or a refund and operating without a $25,000 surety bond.

Clear One Advantage of Maryland and Credit Arbitrators of Texas for violating the Credit Service Organization Act and the Deceptive Consumer Sales Act by not obtaining the required surety bonds.

In addition, the office has entered into settlements with American Debt Services, Capital Debt Relief, Credit Answers, Financial Management, MSI Credit Solutions and Silverleaf Debt Solutions.

Can be viewed at:


Here's another one:

Todd v. MSI Credit Solutions LLC et al

Plaintiff: Michael Todd

Defendants: MSI Credit Solutions LLC, Robert Adam Neal and Ricardo Mendiola

Case Number: 1:2011cv02988

Filed: May 5, 2011

Court: Illinois Northern District Court

Office: Chicago Office

County: Cook

Presiding Judge: Joan B. Gottschall

Nature of Suit: Other Statutes - Other Statutory Actions

Cause: 15:1681 Fair Credit Reporting Act

Jurisdiction: Federal Question

Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff

Can be viewed at: 


You can read what Steve Rhodes had to say and other complaints about MSI Credit Solutions at:


Together We Stand : Divided We Fall


oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive


Thank you kind stranger : )

#3Author of original report

Mon, August 06, 2012

I agree wholeheartedly with you and thank you. When we told them we wasn't interested it should of stopped there, but instead Ricardo Mendiola posted some very nasty lies about my husband on this website under dead beat dads in retaliation for calling his company a SCAM and asking him to leave us alone. I then had to contact several places including NASCO to get the threats and harassment to stop. Now I see he has started it up all again and I'm now having to contact everyone again. The letter below dated June 8th 2012 show Mr. Mendiola apologizing for what he had done and I thought that was the end of it. I never wanted to be a part of this! I never asked them to contact us or help us! All I asked was to take their scam somewhere else and leave us alone. If you read the letter below Mr. Mendiola even states "When Mr. McCombs replied back saying he didnt need our services" he took it personal. I have never heard of a company that lashes out on customers like MSI does. Customer service is all about helping, fixing , and making the customer happy. Not hate, lies, and hurting people. The worst part of this all is that he's the owner of this company and I belive there is no hope for him. Makes you wonder if this letter was just another lie he came up with. Trust him or not people can make their own decisions.

Please see letter below

From: Ricardo Mendiola-MSI Credit Solutions [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 4:35 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: New Contact by McCombs

Please notify Mr. and Mrs. McCombs that I apologize for my actions. When Mr. McCombs replied back saying he didnt need our services because we were a scam I took it personal. I reacted and let my emotions get the best of me.  It is very irritating that people judge you or your company by a couple of negative post that they read online. We have never scammed anybody and we never will. I sincerely apologize to the McCombs family and hope they find it in their hearts to forgive me. 

Ricardo Mendiola


New Brighton,
A solution.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 03, 2012

If I read these posts correctly, the loan company to which you applied, Original Poster, was not able to qualify you and automatically and without your consent asked a credit counseling company to contact you, not OK on either of their parts as it hints at some agreement between them, I would be uncomfortable also. So you are not interested in their services.

So this situation should have ended then. It is no longer a business or legal dispute, just two parties who each wish to have the last word and are locked in a perpetual cycle of harsh email replies. Please keep in mind, both of you, that it is easy to be harsh by email. 

OP, please forgive this credit repair fellow for contacting you without your consent, it seems like he came on strong and should have stopped replying at your first negative signal. Credit counseling fellow, please forgive OP for reacting so strongly, to an outside observer it seems that OP's reaction was out of the ordinary, most people would just say "No thanks, not interested." Let me say it for him then, and we can all consider this matter closed.

R Mend

United States of America

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 02, 2012

Anybody that reads these silly post will not take anything you say seriously. As a matter of fact we had our best month ever last month. Nothing that you do can hurt us.

Keep wasting your time I find it amusing. I cant beleive that you let other people control your life. Are you that butt hurt that I refused services to you?? Well guess what? YOU STILL CANT BE A CLIENT OF OURS!  

For anybody that is curious on how we take care of our clients here is a recent testimonial.

Thanks to ___  and my consultant ___ , my family was able to purchase our dream home this year. I went from a 630 score to a 714 in less than 90 days due to the hard work of the___ processing team, and ____ very detailed steps for me to follow to fix my credit situation. ___ even went the extra mile to work with my loan officer and mortgage company to provide them with necessary document to close my home loan.

I cant say enough about the professionalism, and attention to detail ___ gave to my case. I would give anyone who has bumps and bruises on their credit score the ___ referral. Thanks ___!!!!



United States of America
Thank you for the proof

#6Author of original report

Tue, June 26, 2012

I ended up having to block this man and his company from ever contacting us again. There were a lot more emails but the ones he posted were from my wife. But as you can se even after blocking him he is still having major issues. In every email as you can see we asked him to quit sending us any more emails and then had to file against his company. The worst part of it all is he brings GOD into it like this will make it all better. I have a lot more emails that he had sent me and at the time I posted this, the comments from my wife hadn't been made yet. This was 18 emails later and she (us) had enough. We have the right to make our own choices, all I ask is please be careful and read not just mine but everyone comments about this compay and all the money they (customers) have lost.

R Mend

United States of America
Anger Managment for Charles McCombs

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 25, 2012

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to let you guys know that Mr. Charles McCombs is nuts and does not know what he is talking about. First of all we contacted him because he was referred to us. When we reached out to him he went psyco. I dont know who has hurt this guy before but he needs to forgive them and understand that not everybody in this world is out to get him. This guy should have no right to complain, he is not even a client! For Mr. McCombs to talk about us ripping off people is complete fraud.

I have refused service to this individual because of the way he has conducted himself. People like this will become more of a headache and we refuse to deal with them. We have been in business for 6 years and that should say a lot. I beleive anybody can start a business but it takes integrity and character to keep the doors open.

Look below at the way Charles McCombs handles himself and tell me if you think he is a credible source? I have made a report to Ripoff Report about Charles McCombs and if continues with this nonsense I will sue him for defamation of character.

From: Mccombs321 [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 11:12 AM

To: rmend

Subject: Re: Thank you for Inquiring


Why do you keep saying " I can't be a part of you business or you refuse to serve me"? I have stated from the beginning your a scam....Oh wait, I get it, your butt hurt aren't you? Awwww did you realize you're nothing? You're a nobody? Did the kids in school pick on the little gay boy? Boo h*o cry me a river. You really are pathic and apparently this is your way of compensating for your short comings? Have you really convinced yourself you are somebody? You're obsolete, you don't count for nothing. If you dissapeard tomorrow life would still go on and no one would remember you as a good person. No one cares because you're just blah and your words follow as such blah blah blah. Reality check 5 years is still a new company and you still have'nt learned anything yet. 

From: Mccombs321 [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:23 AM

To: rmend

Subject: Re: Thank you for Inquiring


No s**t SHERLOCK...... you are more stupid then you look. People do read it that's how I found out about you and your company. You are in for a shock. Again NOT the only web site! There is also the Attorney General's office whom I am sending all these emails too. Why do you thing I keep responding and telling you to stop. Evidence buddy Duh. The more you send me the more I have.

From: Mccombs321 [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 9:36 AM

To: rmend

Subject: Re: Thank you for Inquiring

Question: Are you retarded? I have stated over and over again YOU AND YOUR COMPANY ARE SCAMMERS and I never asked to be in your program. Please show me the request I made to MSI. I am now requesting documentation that I contacted you and asked for services. I have documentation that proves you contacted me to run a scam. Listed below are all the reports on your company. I will continue to forward, copy, and send all emails. Sooner or later someone will have you in court. 

Happy reading oh and GOD bless the Hippocrates and con artists : )



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