  • Report:  #45270

Complaint Review: M.T. Marketing - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
- Rocky Hill, Connecticut,

M.T. Marketing
P O Box 211063 Denver, 80221 Colorado, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Being tired of living paycheck to paycheck I decided to look for a home based business that didnt promise huge payouts/immediate wealth, but just something that would help me temporarily supplement my income.

Instead I ended up in more financial distress..not only did I send in the initial $12.00, but I in turn sent in the additional $169.00 plus handling to make the 290 mailings! And guess what - I also forked out the $107.00 for postage!

Its been two weeks - no word from MT Marketing. Gee - Im sooo surprised...so I decided to search the web looking for information about this company to contact them (as hmmm...no phone number on the paperwork...how did I miss THAT before!)

Instead I found other people who stated they got ripped off. Well, I intend to do more research, write certified letters, report them to the BBB - not that they really do anything- and whatever else I can find that might shut them down. (How about the local news channel "We are on YOUR side?" (I will probably never get my money back - and I will NEVER invest in a home business like this again).

I just wish I had made copies of the mailing labels they sent me prior to processing the work - then I could have sent my OWN letter to each individual warning them in advance.


Rocky Hill, Connecticut

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Rocky Hill,
MT Marketing - Being SUED!!!!

#2Author of original report

Mon, March 03, 2003

Upon sending a certified letter (which was signed for and returned to me with no response from the signer) I have tracked this company down - right down to the owner of it and I am in the process of filing a small claims suit....I will keep you posted. If I win my lawsuit I will also send to anyone requesting the information the information to file your own small claims.

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