  • Report:  #45998

Complaint Review: MWI Connections - Connecticut

Reported By:
- Hoffman Estates, Illinois,

MWI Connections
mwiconnections.com Connecticut, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was going over my bank statement for the month and noticed a debit of $139.95 out of my account for a company called MWI Connections. I had never heard of that company so I checked the internet. The first site that came up was this site so I immediately knew that I had become the next victim of this scam. I am outraged about this, that is a lot of money to lose.

I am following a police report this evening and have aleady cancelled my ATM card. This in itself is going to be a hassle. I will now be forced to carry cash on my body for the weekend, not a smart thing to do downtown. I will filling out more paperwork with my bank and should get the credit for all of the money that was lost.

These people, whoever they are, need to be stopped.


Hoffman Estates, Illinois

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