  • Report:  #46182

Complaint Review: MWI Connections - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Woodbridge, Virginia,

MWI Connections
9500 West Dodge Road Omaha, 68114 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have an update and some help for people. I posted a message yesterday that these underhanded theives stole $96.00 off my check card.

Today I found another $60.00 in overdraft charges. The bank has at least temporarily reversed these charges while they investigate.

Meanwhile, after searching for about 2 hours I found a way to contact the company to demand my money back and they claim I will be receiving a refund in a few days.

I'm not holding my breath, but at least I've got a copy of their e-mail as proof they agreed to refund my money that I can bring to the bank!

I recommend demanding your refund that way - if you call on the phone you won't have proof for the bank. You can contact them through their website (that's right, they can run but they can't hide!) at


Once you've done that, next you can fight back to help stop these criminals once and for all! Fill out a complaint form on each of the following sites: Federal Trade Commission (http://www.ftc.gov/), Better Business Bureau of Connecticut one of the places they do business and Better Business Bureau of Nebraska Metro Omaha - another place they do business out of

There is something you can do! The more people that fill out complaints the better chance we have of seeing their tyrade of theivery come to an end.

Help others and yourself not be victimized in the future. For the complaint forms, their addresses are:

MWI Connections,

9500 West Dodge Rd,

Omaha, NE, 68114,

and their connecticut location is Stamford (I don't have the street address.)

I hope this information is helpful to people - I know when I found this fraudulent charge on my account nothing felt better than reporting these jerks.


Woodbridge, Virginia

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