  • Report:  #67045

Complaint Review: MWI Homeworks - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

MWI Homeworks
9500 W. Dodge Road Omaha, 68114 Nebraska, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered an item from another company by phone 2 months ago. At that time I was asked if I wanted to accept a "free" membership for "buying services". I said no.

They made the offer several times on the phone and I said no every time. They said, but its free, I said I didn't care, the answer is still no.

I refused the offer at least 8 times by phone. Now they have charged my credit card for a "membership fee". I called and complained. They said I did not cancel my free membership by the deadline so they charged me.

I asked for a supervisor. They put me on terminal hold, but I kept waiting. I asked for an address to write them and they gave me an address (9500 W. Dodge Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68114).

I asked them what part of "no" did not understand. I told them I refused it several times--they don't seem to take no for an answer and charge you anyway.


Atlanta, Georgia

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