  • Report:  #68727

Complaint Review: NACS - National Association Credit Services - St Petersburg Florida

Reported By:
- San Antonio, Texas,

NACS - National Association Credit Services
P.O. BOX 41127 St Petersburg, 33743 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On November 7, 2001 I was contacted by NACS, a financial company. At the time of contact I was just graduating from college and my credit was very bad. They offered me this credit card to help me rebuild my credit so I agreed.

My girlfriend, who today is my wife, entered the room in the middle of the transaction and asked me to verify this was a real credit card not some catalog card. I asked them and it was exactly what my wife was telling me, so I cancelled the card. They deducted the money anyway, so we made a dispute through our bank and they refunded the money. (I still have the documents for this dispute as a proof). Our bank representative recommended that we close the account because they could come back later. We followed their advice and never heard from them again until last week.

Almost 2 years have passed and we have rebuilt my credit. We kept a close eye on our credit report because we are in the process of buying a house.

NACS reported us to the Credit Bureau because they could not withdraw the money from our account. We tried contacting the company but it was a nightmare. When we finally got a hold of them, the NACS representative kept repeating like a robot that we had a verbal agreement and refused to let us talk to a manager and hung up the phone. My wife also tried contacting them and they said that if we agreed to pay $325.00 they would let us close the account. Paying them for what? I have not received any service or merchandise from them and I closed my account 2 years ago.

I found out they target people with bad credit to take advantage of unprivileged citizens who lack resources to defend themselves. Today is not about the $325.00, is about standing against this lack of work ethics. So I hired a lawyer.

This is to let all of you know that if you think it is over because you closed your account or because you were refunded by your bank, BEWARE! This people will eventually come back.

God Bless you all,


San Antonio, Texas

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