  • Report:  #352063

Complaint Review: National Auction Group - Gadsden Alabama

Reported By:
- New Smyrna Beach, Florida,

National Auction Group
644 Walnut Street Gadsden, 35902 Alabama, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We hired the best and received the worst! Absolute auction is a lie, there is a floor price. We hired the National Auction Group to market and sell our beautiful paradise in the Florida Keys. It was approximatively 4 acres of pristine white sugar sand with three beautiful homes. The receipts from this auction where to take care of my mother in her golden years, she is an "Angel" Sugarloaf was open to all to enjoy even if you were just passing by and did not know us, you were welcome to walk the beach and enjoy. We had lived there over 35 years. The property was hard for the local realtor's to handle It appraised for $2,500.00 in 1999. My mother was not well and was getting along in years , but she loved working on the property so much, she had a big tractor but we where afraid she would be hurt. It was time for her to live somewhere where she would not have so much work it was hard to keep the property up. After marketing it locally with some offers we hired the "NAG", (funny acumen) to come down and see the property. They handled only "Trophy Properties" Eric Morgan was the representative for the company after walking all around, we sat on the front porch and watched the beautiful sun set. He explained that we would set our floor price and that they advertised "Absolute Auction " as a leader to people who would come. We told him firmly that if he and his company did not see $2,500,000. we had nothing more to talk about and we could part friends. Eric said he would take it back to the "powers that be" and they would due a market study and see if they thought it was reasonable to get that price in this market they had all kinds of experts to see where we would stand. Eric would be back in touch, but he did not see any problem with our floor. One week later he called and said everyone loved the property and they where excited about working in the Keys and that the price was no problem Eric came back down we gave him the required $80,000.00 has a marketing retainer. "NAG" was to make great brochures put our property on their web-site to get world wide and maximum visibility for the property. We busted our tails to get everything ready for the day of the auction. We had everything perfect! I was taking no chances I asked the the President Mr. William Bone attend so he could over see things. They were to bring the best price that the market would bear. "NAG" objective is to let the bid assistances take the perspective people around the property and get an offer from them. They are then to report their bids to the President and he is suppose to open when the floor is met. The assistants did not seem on their game after a night of partying in Key West, they run through the crowd quickly and returned with an opening bib of $800,000,00 my sister ask Mr. Bone what we should do he said do not worry as there are 13 bidders, more than they have ever had at any auction each with $100,000.00 down to bid (as this was their requirement in his exact words William Bone the President said "It Doesn't get any better then this" We went to auction on his advice, I would seem that he wanted the best price for us his clients and for his company as they would gain a large commission based on the out come, less what we had paid for the marketing of the property. The auctioneer first call was "3 Hurricane's and shes still standing folks" do I have an opening bid of $2,500,000,00 dollars. I could not believe my ears! The auctioneer then dropped the bid so quickly it astounded and scared the bidders. They acted like they were in a hurry to get to another auction. Our beautiful paradise sold for $1,400,000.00 when it closed after there unprofessional handling this auction. Total auction timen was 20 minets Then Mr, Bone new he was in trouble he tried to give my sister another $80,000,00 if we would be a reference for them. My mother told him that her family would not be a references for them as they did not perform even close to what was expected. They hurt my mother and my family horrendously financially. We have had sickness, hurricane's and all kinds of problems to contend with since this auction and have not recovered yet. We have not reported this company until now as we have been to busy dancing with the mess they left us in. We could have taken a sign and placed it on US1 and done better they they did. Anyone can give their property away , we just paid far to dear of a price to do that! I have tried to arbitrate with them and have had nothing but the run-a-round for three months last year, until finally receiving and e-mail from their VP Mr Jim Stripman in which he was very rude he said It was a good and fair price, but for us the cost was way to high. National Auction Group was suppose to be the experts when it came to "Trophy Properties" My advice is watch out for this group. They need to undue the damage they created after fatting their pockets, because one day they will answer to a higher power. My mother and father (who had been passed for 16 years) had always been good people and share of the time and resources with all. This company needs to make right the wrong they perpetrated on our family


New Smyrna Beach, Florida


1 Updates & Rebuttals

The National Auction Group, Inc.

Correction to misinformation

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, December 24, 2015

This erroneous 'report' has recently been brought to our attention and The National Auction Group has decided to submit a rebuttal and clarify gross inaccuracies written by a person who was not even the owner of the property in question.

The Sugarloaf Key auction was conducted November 14, 2000, and the first complaint we received was almost eight years later from an individual who was not the owner of the property. Despite repeated written explanations and phone conversations detailing the auction and our handling of it, the individual was not satisfied and demanded money. Contrary to this ‘report’, the owner of the property was very satisfied with the entire auction process and the price of $1,425,000.

The bidders decide the price, not the auction company.  Our job was to market the property and get potential buyers to attend the auction. In our experience, a property sells for every dollar it is worth when 13 bidders bring $100,000 in certified funds and qualify to bid on a property.

Prior to starting the auction, the owner signed an authorization accepting the number of registered bidders with a starting bid price of $800,000 and further authorized National Auction Group to commence with the auction. As with all of our auctions, the owner has complete control over the auction process and decides if the auction will proceed.

The owner was happy with the result of the auction and signed the purchase agreement. The property closed 30 days later.  The owner attended another auction conducted by National Auction Group several months after her auction to thank us for the great job we did selling her property.

For more than 30 years, we have conducted auctions in 44 states and six countries and have a long list of reference letters from extremely happy sellers. We consider this auction as one of our successful auctions with the owner as a great reference. Following the closing, we received as a gift from the owner, a beautiful conch shell with display stand, which is still on our conference room table.

The above statements are the facts but, unfortunately, there has been a wrongful representation of the quality of customer service and professionalism provided to the owner of the property by The National Auction Group. Please feel free to call our office with any questions regarding this 'report'.


William R. Bone


The National Auction Group, Inc

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