palm harbor fl,#2UPDATE EX-employee responds
Sat, May 19, 2012
Hi I was looking to get back into working after helping with my grandkids till they got
into grammar school.I came on this site while looking up one of the companies I used
to work for SDP.I myself agree with some of the things written above but not all.
When I worked there in 99-00 and again in 02-03 I remember there being very clear
guide lines on way you can and cant do and a handbook. Its basically a points system
hence the word level one warning you mentioned.
They are VERY clear on staying on script! If you learn one thing at all in the 3 weeks
of training before you even enter the sales room its that.You are aloud a little wiggle
room in the intro to establish rapore with your customer than thats it.your on script
or your on the radar of qd as you should be.
The script and rebuttals protect everyone the customer the co and the sales rep this
means you give the facts with out fluff.The co is very clear on that.As to people here
saying all tele sales are scams and the co is s**t bull! This company created jobs
for thousands of people in clearwater thats no small feat for any company. They
pushed a legitimate product people love for a great price.
I my self purchased mag through the co and with a family of 6 and a good 12 mag
coming in at any given time thats a lot of savings. You have to see the value in
a product to sell it well.We never lied about the product or the cost.The code of
ethics required ue to end any call that it became clear the customer did not understand.
We were never aloud to end a call with out explaining unless we were cursed at
and than we had to clearly state This is ssr or which ever department (emp #)
I am ending this call due to profanity thank you have a nice day.
I did have a problem with a supervisor while there Yelling at me during a function
and than he began to harass me.Even said I said something once I didn't or left some
thing out cant remember now but I demanded to see the tape lodged a complaint and
had it where the guy had to leave me alone.
It doesn't matter that pat haines was a real person early in the companies history its
now still just a marketing name used by the company as stated.Its frustrating having
worked for this company and been a verifier to read on pages like this one how a company
is a scam.Or in a case of buyers remorse had ripped someone off and not told them they
were being charged.Which never happened once anytime I set up payment.
Im sorry if you were treated unfairly but for the most part my experience was positive
good luck a possible former coworker
Palm Harbor,#3UPDATE EX-employee responds
Sat, February 21, 2004
Tim, I can only say to you what I said to Greg, if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem. The problem is that there are far too few people out there courageous enough to challenge the "accepted norms" of business. As a result businesses go overseas and the once proud American worker is reduced to burger flipping and telemarketing. The attitude; "let someone else do it". Apathy such as yours created this situation. In fact I know of several telemarketing firms that are, homest, ethical and above board. Business like this should be applauded and patronized. SDP has the unfortunate problem of being the victim of its owners megalomania. It was once a good company to work for and build a future on, it is no more and that IS unfortunate. As to your situation, if you screwed off, you DESERVED to be fired. But sooner or later Tim, you are going to have to grow up, take responsibility for your future and wipe your own a**. As to my situation, I may be crazy, but I am not a whiner, I am a dooer. I will stop the day SDP changes its ways, shuts its doors or has its doors shut. I really don't care which. I am well out of telemarketing and am in a profession now which among other things, holds businesses and people responsible for their actions. There is, in the final analysis, no other way to live. I and other's like me are trying to make a difference, what's your excuse? ..Good luck Tim;
Clearwater,#4UPDATE EX-employee responds
Fri, February 20, 2004
Listen.. I was a perfomance supervisor for over a year, as well as a Verifier and SSR.. I was eventually fired because I'm lazy and didn't take calls.. But thats not the point. Telemarketing by NATURE is a unethical and a scam, and by your elequent letter I can tell your not stupid. If it would have been any other telemarketing job, (such as the one I work for now), you would have been cussed out and probably beaten on the way out the door. Quit being bitter, paranoid and stupid. Get over it. SDP is a peice of s**t job that people only take for a couple weeks at the most. Go get a real job, off the phones and quit whining.
Palm Harbor,#5UPDATE EX-employee responds
Thu, October 23, 2003
Nancy, they cannot and would not obtain your credit card info and charge it. They may commit unethical acts and skate the edges of the law, but they are not outright crooks. HOWEVER... North Carolina is one of the no-rebuttal states I referenced in my first letter, I sent a warning to your State Attorney General some months ago. As your telemarketing law reads, as soom as you offer an objection they are supposed to IMMEDIATELY discontinue the call, not badger you to buy. Do not blame the sales rep however, they are never informed of this fact and acted innocently.You should file a complaint at: North Carolina Office of Attorney General North Carolina Department of Justice P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC 27602-0609 Good luck to you Nancy.
Cary,#6Consumer Comment
Tue, October 21, 2003
so i got a letter in the mail from NME too, and i read all the fine print on the back to ensure that the sweepstakes thing was real. i thougt it was convincing and decided why not call, the fine print says no purchase nesessary to enter. i called and the went through their whole shpeel. i remeber my english teacher i high school always taught us to be very VERY skeptical with the offers, so i asked a million questions about who, what, where, when, about the company. after seeing that their supervisor gave very generalized answers i knew something was not right about this company. the telemarketer was too nice, the offer was to good, and i was bagered about buying the subscriptions. luckily i didn't play along. the supervisor although still offered me the deal was getting annoyed with my questions. i didn't give out my credit card number or expiration date. the information they have on me is my NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE #, AND THAT I HAVE A VISA (but they don't know the credit card # or expiration date). i am worried that they may find some way of tracking my credit card info with the information they already have on me. do i have anything to worry about besides more sweepstakes letters, or does anyone think i might get billed somehow. i am worried!
Palm Harbor,#7UPDATE EX-employee responds
Fri, October 10, 2003
The company's revenge in this case Greg is going to come at VERY a high price. Companies like this one have gotten away with far too much for way too long. However, in this case they pulled their power stunt on the WRONG ex-employee. I will not stop until they pay for their crimes. That is not revenge, that is justice. The excuse of "they all do it", leaves me cold. There is an old adage: "the only condition for the triumph of evil, is that good men sit back and do nothing." Corporate America has gotten in this condition, because too many people have allowed them to get away with it time after time. I know the owner of SDP Greg, he was a good and moral man who tried, I believe at the time, to run his company with high ethical standards. HE may not have changed personally, but his company has. If he is still in charge, then there is absolutely no excuse for that change. Perhaps the inevitable success of the union movement at SDP will encourage him to go back on track and practice what he preaches. In any event Greg, there are never bystanders in a situation like this. If you arent part of the solution, you're part of the problem. That sir is YOUR option regardless of what your situation is in life. I have picked my ground and will stand on it. As to the magazines, yes the offer is a GREAT value, so sell them honestly, run your business honestly, and treat your employees honestly.
Largo,#8UPDATE Employee
Fri, October 10, 2003
Chuck, while I don't condone the practices of any corporation acting out against a whistleblower because it is against the law, the reality is retribution is always enacted against whistleblowers, always. It's human nature to want revenge. This company isn't much different than most in this regard. Management wants total control and teamplayers. Resist either and you will be singled-out, ostracized and eventually terminated. I am definitely glad my last name is not printed out with these reports . . . some crazed person who saved money on magazines might want to hunt me down . . .