  • Report:  #146509

Complaint Review: National Magazine Exchange - Clearwater Florida

Reported By:
- San Antonio, Texas,

National Magazine Exchange
16120 U.S. 19 North Clearwater, 33758-9084 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
When you get the letter that looks like a check and claims that Pat Haines is trying to reach you go ahead and call if you want a good laugh.

There are about 500 people working for this outfit and nobody there goes by the name Pat Haines. I was told that she does not exist by a sales rep and if you call 1.800.762.4723 after 11:00 P.M est time you will hear a recording of the mysterious "Pat" on the line telling you to call her back after 9:00 A.M. the follwing day.

There is no "Pat" but yet she's loud and clear after the company closes for the day.

Now to have a little fun tell them that you got the letter claiming you have won but you can't make out the last (2) numbers in the ID. They will tell you that's no problem and just generate you another one. So I guess the original winning ID is no longer valid?

After you give or get your ID# they will ask you what you would do with the money. That question is a lead into what's about to happen next. Many people will say "buy a new house", "purchase a new car", or "I would like to travel".

Now the rep can throw at you some magazines that are along this answer. Travel, Car and Driver, Home & Garden, and so on.

They want to know if you have a credit card and after saying yes they will tell you about $40 in gasoline and some watches they want to give. Pick out two magazines.

Now, just to make sure your happy they will throw in an additional magazine. Making it (3) all for a 1.29 a week! They tell you to hold. (It's time for the super to close the deal).

The rep stays on hold with you and ask "how is the weather?

I told her it was snowing and she said I was lucky because it was so hot in Florida. Keep in mind she is suppose to know that I am in south Texas and I think the high here today was 101!

Super comes on, throws in 2 more unwanted magazines bringing me to (5) and a electronic organizer. All that she needs is the exp. date on my card. She lets me know that it is only 1.29 a week for all five. They don't bill weekly because it would be a headache for their customers. That's nothing of the headache you will get if you fall for this scam

First off none of these magazines are weekly issues. Next why can't she bill me $5.16 a month. (1.29 x 4)

When it was all said and done those 5 mags are going to cost you close to 300.00 plus 8.95 and 9.95 a month for more junk. Magazines are cheaper when you order from the magazine itself at this rate.

Ask them for popular mags like SI, Time, People, GQ, Vanity Fair to name a few and they will tell you they don't cary those but have something better.

Anybody who works for this company for more than a day is a low-life. I figure it would take about 10 minutes to realize that you where scamming and many of your hits were against the elderly.

If you really want to have some fun try this call again and go through the whole deal. Have them generate a new ID number and when you make it all the way to the "super" tell him or her that the rep told you your chances of winning were better if you bought the magazines.


San Antonio, Texas

13 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 11, 2005

What lies have I told. I have NEVER lied. If you want NME to "Stop bugging " you, call them, give them your ID number and when they have your details on screen say "Put me on your no cal no mail list thank you good bye" and put the phone down. You WILL be placed on NCNM. Simple as that. Some people can't take the truth. Some people who buy the magazines, generally older people, may not understand what they are getting into. That is wrong, personally I would like to see an upper age limit as well as a lower age limit on buying things over the phone. However a regular person like yourself should LISTEN and act instead of BLINDLY giving out their CC details. I no longer work there, no loyalty from me. But the truth is the truth. NO SCAM,


Response to wow easy killer Crystal.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, September 05, 2005

I'm responding to your wow easy killer response and I'm not a cry baby your former company needs to stop bugging me or I'm going to call someone in a higher office like a member of congress and will intent to throw everyone who knew what they were doing was illegal including your former boss Bill Hood, the owner, the executive staff, Management and the biggest investors. We will make sure you also end up in jail too for a very long time and so will the other names on the list.


United States Minor Outlying Islands
wow easy killer

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, September 02, 2005

i think you are being a little rude there no one makes you call in you can do what other people do and throw it away. you people realy need to learn how to read. and stop crying about something you knew you were getting in to and if you didn't know maybe you should listen more carefully or again with the whole learning to read thing



#5Consumer Suggestion

Tue, August 30, 2005

Hey Chris you have told a bunch of lies and from a person that got duked by you bunch of Jerks and Morons and you CEO can go to hell where he belongs and anyone else who knew what they were doing including the founder and owner can go too.



#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 14, 2005

Marc Have I told any lies on here?



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 13, 2005

I am very happy to say that I am an ex-employee of the glamourized money factory located about 2 miles from my home. Never have I worked for such a sorrier excuse for human beings in my life! They know exactly what they are doing, and sadly, brain-washed robots (like Chris) will continue to leave their dignity at the door, enter what is clearly the ugliest building in Clearwater, and go to work, preying on the most vulnerable members of our society. Sleazes like Jackie Moran should be held accountable for promoting such cryptic verbage and unscrupulous business practices. There must be a more dignified way for these fraudulent, bottom feeding members of our society to turn a buck! I quit with no other job to fall back on. Why? Because my honor was more important that providing funds to pay for their corporate lawyers that N.M.E. hides behind. You can't hide forever, and justice will catch up to you, it always does! So, ride the wave, my former comrades! When that place closes, and the roaches scatter, the mean I.Q. of the county will rise 50 points! Remember, criminals don't always carry guns, in fact, some people can rip you off wearing a smile. That fancy building should be turned into a resource center for homeless and runaway teens (after it has been professionally fumigated, of course). Hey Chris, I would love to hear from you. Seems you always ignore my entries. Pity.


not a ripoff

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 09, 2005

First of all Lorraine, the only reason a collections agency wrote to you is because you never made your payment of the amount YOU agreed to. You say you refused to give out your credit card details, were you transferred to the Pay by check dept? If so, you must have given them yout checking account details. Otherwise YOU DID NOT PLACE AN ORDER. Credit/Debit card or electronic check are the ONLY methods of payment for the FIRST payment. You were told you would receive a confirmation letter in 7 to 10 days. You were also told to fill out the bottom portion of the letter and return it for your free gifts. Did you do this? If you did and did not recieve said gifts, this was due to no payment being made. I am surprised you have good credit, if your normal action is not to pay for an agreed service. You were also told it would take 8-12 weeks for the magazines to arrive. When did you place the order? The collections dept at NME would have called you several times and written to you several times before any outside Collections Co would get involved. As for the staff being nasty, YOU did not pay for services YOU ordered, what did you expect roses? He even lowered the amount you had to pay. It seems to me you are a little embarassed that you ordered something you didn't really want and instead of cancelling, you ignored it. Why are you crying ripoff? The deal was explaned to you and you agreed to it. They have it on tape, all sales are recorded and a percentage audited. The deal is legitimate. It is explained thoroughly. As for Pat Haines, do you expect to speak to a shire horse if you call Budweiser or the Gecko if you call Geiko? Also there ar nearly 2000 people working for this company. And if anyone told you there was a better chance of winning by buying magazines, they lied, report the company, because that is a lie. There is no purchase or payment required. Most of the past winners didn't buy the magazines.


New Jersey,
National Magazine Exchange Rip Off

#9REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 30, 2005

I am compelled to write re: my experience with this company. I am an intelligent person who thought I'd like to have some magazines and responded to a post card which would in return enter me into their sweepstakes. When I responded we went through a series of questions and I eventually ordered the magazines but refused to give my credit card over the phone. They said they would bill me, I would receive a free watch and start to receive my magazines. I never received the watch nor the magazines or even a bill. I received a letter months later from a firm called Tate & Kirlin threatening me to pay $154 for payment of these magazines that I never received and a threat against my credit. I called the company and the Rep on the phone wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise and continued to demand payment or it would ruin my credit. I have had great credit for the past several years and I wasn't about to give that up because of some faulty magazine company. I asked to speak to a manager and spoke to a person by the name of Greg Shaw (sounds like an invalid name to me)! Anyhow, after arguing with him for serveral minutes and threatening them that I am going to report them and NME to the BBB he suddenly lowered the payment due to $79.22. I asked him what ever happened to the initial $17 for the deal and he said that fell through when I didn't pay the initial bill. First I never received a bill, second why would I pay for something I never received. He continued to threaten my and after I told him what a nasty person he was to make a living by ripping people off and going along with this horrible scam I paid him the $79 and told him I am only doing this because I don't want my credit ruined. This is absurd!!! Well, this happened this morning on 7/30, we will see what happens from here and if it makes a mark on my credit. I'd like to see if I start actually receiving magazines, somehow I highly doubt it!!! Discusted in NJ... Lorraine


New Jersey,
National Magazine Exchange Rip Off

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 30, 2005

I am compelled to write re: my experience with this company. I am an intelligent person who thought I'd like to have some magazines and responded to a post card which would in return enter me into their sweepstakes. When I responded we went through a series of questions and I eventually ordered the magazines but refused to give my credit card over the phone. They said they would bill me, I would receive a free watch and start to receive my magazines. I never received the watch nor the magazines or even a bill. I received a letter months later from a firm called Tate & Kirlin threatening me to pay $154 for payment of these magazines that I never received and a threat against my credit. I called the company and the Rep on the phone wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise and continued to demand payment or it would ruin my credit. I have had great credit for the past several years and I wasn't about to give that up because of some faulty magazine company. I asked to speak to a manager and spoke to a person by the name of Greg Shaw (sounds like an invalid name to me)! Anyhow, after arguing with him for serveral minutes and threatening them that I am going to report them and NME to the BBB he suddenly lowered the payment due to $79.22. I asked him what ever happened to the initial $17 for the deal and he said that fell through when I didn't pay the initial bill. First I never received a bill, second why would I pay for something I never received. He continued to threaten my and after I told him what a nasty person he was to make a living by ripping people off and going along with this horrible scam I paid him the $79 and told him I am only doing this because I don't want my credit ruined. This is absurd!!! Well, this happened this morning on 7/30, we will see what happens from here and if it makes a mark on my credit. I'd like to see if I start actually receiving magazines, somehow I highly doubt it!!! Discusted in NJ... Lorraine


New Jersey,
National Magazine Exchange Rip Off

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 30, 2005

I am compelled to write re: my experience with this company. I am an intelligent person who thought I'd like to have some magazines and responded to a post card which would in return enter me into their sweepstakes. When I responded we went through a series of questions and I eventually ordered the magazines but refused to give my credit card over the phone. They said they would bill me, I would receive a free watch and start to receive my magazines. I never received the watch nor the magazines or even a bill. I received a letter months later from a firm called Tate & Kirlin threatening me to pay $154 for payment of these magazines that I never received and a threat against my credit. I called the company and the Rep on the phone wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise and continued to demand payment or it would ruin my credit. I have had great credit for the past several years and I wasn't about to give that up because of some faulty magazine company. I asked to speak to a manager and spoke to a person by the name of Greg Shaw (sounds like an invalid name to me)! Anyhow, after arguing with him for serveral minutes and threatening them that I am going to report them and NME to the BBB he suddenly lowered the payment due to $79.22. I asked him what ever happened to the initial $17 for the deal and he said that fell through when I didn't pay the initial bill. First I never received a bill, second why would I pay for something I never received. He continued to threaten my and after I told him what a nasty person he was to make a living by ripping people off and going along with this horrible scam I paid him the $79 and told him I am only doing this because I don't want my credit ruined. This is absurd!!! Well, this happened this morning on 7/30, we will see what happens from here and if it makes a mark on my credit. I'd like to see if I start actually receiving magazines, somehow I highly doubt it!!! Discusted in NJ... Lorraine


New Jersey,
National Magazine Exchange Rip Off

#12REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, July 30, 2005

I am compelled to write re: my experience with this company. I am an intelligent person who thought I'd like to have some magazines and responded to a post card which would in return enter me into their sweepstakes. When I responded we went through a series of questions and I eventually ordered the magazines but refused to give my credit card over the phone. They said they would bill me, I would receive a free watch and start to receive my magazines. I never received the watch nor the magazines or even a bill. I received a letter months later from a firm called Tate & Kirlin threatening me to pay $154 for payment of these magazines that I never received and a threat against my credit. I called the company and the Rep on the phone wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise and continued to demand payment or it would ruin my credit. I have had great credit for the past several years and I wasn't about to give that up because of some faulty magazine company. I asked to speak to a manager and spoke to a person by the name of Greg Shaw (sounds like an invalid name to me)! Anyhow, after arguing with him for serveral minutes and threatening them that I am going to report them and NME to the BBB he suddenly lowered the payment due to $79.22. I asked him what ever happened to the initial $17 for the deal and he said that fell through when I didn't pay the initial bill. First I never received a bill, second why would I pay for something I never received. He continued to threaten my and after I told him what a nasty person he was to make a living by ripping people off and going along with this horrible scam I paid him the $79 and told him I am only doing this because I don't want my credit ruined. This is absurd!!! Well, this happened this morning on 7/30, we will see what happens from here and if it makes a mark on my credit. I'd like to see if I start actually receiving magazines, somehow I highly doubt it!!! Discusted in NJ... Lorraine


I was a customer...and now I see what people mean.

#13Consumer Comment

Mon, July 25, 2005

I call the number, listened to the shpeel, got transfer, got an "OK" deal, never received my watches or any of my free gifts, tried out the "free for the 1st 3 months deals" and cancelled them, got charged when I shouldn't have, fought with the company even after I cancelled before the due date. Held up my end of the deal and got nothing. Play the little lottery, knew I wouldn't win a thing, but thought "what the heck, I want some magazines too". And all in all, got a couple of the magazines I ordered, never got them all. I am pretty much disappointed only because I did all that was asked of me. But I also have an opinion about what the customer and this "employee" have written, I do disagree with the fact that this company is being labeled as a "rip-off", thats not exactly fair, we are all trying to make a living, even though "Pat Haines" is probably living off everyone she encounters. The people on the other end of the phone are only doing a job. They have been trained to talk and sell the way they do. As the consumer, you should just listen closely, ask questions if you're not sure or don't understand, and of course decline if you are not interested or feel uncomfortable with this whole situation. The sales person can't break your arm into buying from them. Of course they are going to make the offer look as sweet as they possibly can, they have quotas, numbers they must meet, but so do cops. All in all if you encounter a situation you don't like, don't give in just because. I have to agree with the "employee" that we are all in control of ourselves, but I definitely don't think that just because someone falls for the sale this makes them stupid. A lot of the time these sales people are unclear and manipulative. But that doesn't make anyone stupid, it just makes them an easy sell. And just to finish up, I think someone should be convicted for the comment made of the so-called "laws" that are in place regarding credit cards and debit cards associated with banks and credit agencies and the consumer can just get it back from the bank. I work for a bank and "laws", rules and regulations, more like dedicated customer service... if a customer comes to us with either an unauthorized charge through their debit or credit card or a fraudulent one, the bank is going to help that customer with the problem. Nine times out of ten the customer has already contacted the company making the charges (NME) and that company will not stop as if they think the customer will just give up. So you, "the employee", are telling me that the bank should take the loss for a charge unauthorized or a company just trying to make its numbers and the money for marketing and advertising purposes. We lose money so you can make it, just because you won't stop the charges. I don't think thats legal, do you? That sounds more like theft to me. Remember people read what you write and so now, as an employee of the bank, I know that your company would rather continue charging your customers in cases where these continuing charges have been disputed, just so your company can get the moeny they so desperately need and in turn let the banks across the country take the losses. Interesting...


Saint Petersburg,
I work for SDP and I am a good person:)

#14UPDATE Employee

Fri, July 08, 2005

I certainly hope that my name will not be given out. I am an employee of this company, and I'm a good person. I have been employed with this company now for several weeks, and to my knowledge we are not ripping people off. I treat all callers the same with diginty and respect, and I do not look to get compensated on ripping off the elderly. There are alot of good people that work for this company attemtping to make a living. The magazines are legitamate for $1.29/per week for 3 magazines, not for each one but for all 3 together. Some magazines depending on the ones you choose have 12 issues a year. So that is one issue of a particular magazine a month for 12 months, so you are paying $1.29/week for 3 seperate magazines, and you could be offered one or two more for the same price. Its not for the sale of the magazine, but it's to get the numbers higher for the publishers so they can inreturn get higher amounts for advertising for next year, so they could give them away for 2 cents a magazine and still get paid by the publisher. The publisher is concerned with the number of magazines distributed simply so they can charge more money to advertisers for the following year or issue of the magazines. As for Pat Haines, who is she....I also laugh at this myself cause I feel stupid when people ask for her, Pat Haines is the owners Mother, who is alive and Im sure a very wealthy lady, she has authorized him to use her name for advertising purposes. So she is a real person. As for the sweepstakes, it is also real and a winner will be selected from a drawing that is to be held on Decemeber 31, 2005. The odds of winning are 1 in 50,000,000. So kinda like playing the lottery, so who is the fool ? The people who call in to enter the sweepstakes are not very bright to begin with, otherwise they wouldn't be looking for a quick way to get rich. Smart people know that you have to work for your money, invest, water it a bit, and watch it grow. So when stupid people call in to enter the sweepstakes, you allow us to say what we have to say, so if your not interested, just stop being stupid and hang up. You'd make our job alot easier, so hang up and we can move on to the next caller who is interested in magazines and who enjoys the issues their getting. With the laws protecting all of us these days, it is easy to cancel your credit card, your debit card, and your bank will refund the money to you that was taken, so if this company has truely done that to people, then I hope you'll also have the common sense to take ahold of your finances and get them back, also file a report with your local police dept and submit the report to your credit agecny so they can have proof that you are not in default of this agreement, then you should be ok as for your credit rating and being hassled by collection agencies. SDP has their own in house collections, and they get paid well for every dime they get out of you, so if you think your being ripped off, hang up, dont talk to them, you are a free human being to do as you choose, so simply hang up, the longer you stay on the phone, the more they have to talk to you, so just hang up. I enjoy magazines myself. Everytime I open the cover of a new issue, I am inspired to do so much, new furniture, new paintings, new style for decorating or building something. This is a legitamate offer to my knowledge, however I myself questioned my instructor as to why the magazines could NOT be billed monthly at a rate of $ 5.16 a month, definately sounds like a your getting the deal that meant to offer you. The company makes more money if they get you into a 4 year agreement, and can break the total amount of $1.29 a week for 4 years or even 2 yrs, then take that amount and break it up into 4 or 5 payments, they are getting their money, and the publishers are getting their numbers for the next issue and can charge a higher amount to their advertisers just as I said above. So what do you do ? I dont know, pay full price on the news stand and dont call in, and certainly dont be a dum idiot and think that you will win the millions, cause someone else will win. We could sit for hours and days and ask ourselves why, why, why? We humans do exactly what we want to do, and if dont want to be a victim of a good deal of getting a magazine for $0.43 a month for one issue then dont call in, and again hang up, it makes my job easier. Thank you so much for listening, and if I can interests you in the Reader's magazine exchange program, please give us a call and we'll be glad to assist you and even enter you in the sweepstakes, and remember, before we get to that Million Dollar question of .....tell me, how would you spend one million dollars, please just hang up, I get tired of talking to those who are not interested, and my mouth gets very dry, thank you , smiles:)

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