  • Report:  #214768

Complaint Review: New Beginning Association Inc. - Evanston Illinois

Reported By:
- Grand Rapids, Michigan,

New Beginning Association Inc.
2859 Central Street Suit 174 Evanston, 60201 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Very charasmatic African-American female selling magazines door-to-door. She is selling on behalf of the "New Beginning program" which is supposedly training her to have the skills to converse, act professionally and discuss products.

She gets 'points' for sale of magazines and also for the nice comments that you may write. She 'seduces' you by making you feel privleged and subsequently guilty for having a better life that she but she hopes this program can help her to aspire to something better.

It seems that the program is solely for aspiring con-artists! I ordered my $48 magazine (which I should have realized was a bit outrageous) and haven't seen it since ordering it in June 2006.


Grand Rapids, Michigan

13 Updates & Rebuttals


I was visited by a La Tanya with "New Beginning Assoc."

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2006

I live in Seabrook, Tx and was visited by "La Tanya" from "New Beginning Association". The description given of this lady is identical to the other desciption listed in the other report from other states. I ordered 2 magazines from her. After she left, I discovered this website. My husband tried to call the 1-800 number on our receipt- it was a dead end number offering no help. I found her in the neighborhood and got my check back. I told her that I saw this website and that I thought this was a scam. She had absolutely nothing to say as she continued to phone her ride. She did not defend her company at all. My sister, in a near neighborhood bought $40 worth of magazines from the same lady a few months ago. They were told it was to put HER through college! She told me it was to support other underpriveleged young women get a start on a career, but that she is not underpriveleged. So far my sister has not recieved her magazines- but I will keep you posted as to whether or not she recieves them. After all, the receipt does say up to several months. What I don't understand is that "La Tanya" showed me the 1-800 number on the receipt and told me if I had any questions to call and ask for La Tanya. She said she is the only La Tanya there. After looking through these comments I have noticed that La Tanya has rebutted to the comments and she is from Chicago, IL which happens to be the same city and state listed on the receipt. Is this company based out of Chicago? Is there really only one La Tanya or are do they all go by La Tanya? Even if the magazines do arrive, where are the profits really going? After all, people do buy magazines out of the kindness of their hearts for charitable contributions; not to pay a salary.


I was visited by a La Tanya with "New Beginning Assoc."

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2006

I live in Seabrook, Tx and was visited by "La Tanya" from "New Beginning Association". The description given of this lady is identical to the other desciption listed in the other report from other states. I ordered 2 magazines from her. After she left, I discovered this website. My husband tried to call the 1-800 number on our receipt- it was a dead end number offering no help. I found her in the neighborhood and got my check back. I told her that I saw this website and that I thought this was a scam. She had absolutely nothing to say as she continued to phone her ride. She did not defend her company at all. My sister, in a near neighborhood bought $40 worth of magazines from the same lady a few months ago. They were told it was to put HER through college! She told me it was to support other underpriveleged young women get a start on a career, but that she is not underpriveleged. So far my sister has not recieved her magazines- but I will keep you posted as to whether or not she recieves them. After all, the receipt does say up to several months. What I don't understand is that "La Tanya" showed me the 1-800 number on the receipt and told me if I had any questions to call and ask for La Tanya. She said she is the only La Tanya there. After looking through these comments I have noticed that La Tanya has rebutted to the comments and she is from Chicago, IL which happens to be the same city and state listed on the receipt. Is this company based out of Chicago? Is there really only one La Tanya or are do they all go by La Tanya? Even if the magazines do arrive, where are the profits really going? After all, people do buy magazines out of the kindness of their hearts for charitable contributions; not to pay a salary.


I was visited by a La Tanya with "New Beginning Assoc."

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2006

I live in Seabrook, Tx and was visited by "La Tanya" from "New Beginning Association". The description given of this lady is identical to the other desciption listed in the other report from other states. I ordered 2 magazines from her. After she left, I discovered this website. My husband tried to call the 1-800 number on our receipt- it was a dead end number offering no help. I found her in the neighborhood and got my check back. I told her that I saw this website and that I thought this was a scam. She had absolutely nothing to say as she continued to phone her ride. She did not defend her company at all. My sister, in a near neighborhood bought $40 worth of magazines from the same lady a few months ago. They were told it was to put HER through college! She told me it was to support other underpriveleged young women get a start on a career, but that she is not underpriveleged. So far my sister has not recieved her magazines- but I will keep you posted as to whether or not she recieves them. After all, the receipt does say up to several months. What I don't understand is that "La Tanya" showed me the 1-800 number on the receipt and told me if I had any questions to call and ask for La Tanya. She said she is the only La Tanya there. After looking through these comments I have noticed that La Tanya has rebutted to the comments and she is from Chicago, IL which happens to be the same city and state listed on the receipt. Is this company based out of Chicago? Is there really only one La Tanya or are do they all go by La Tanya? Even if the magazines do arrive, where are the profits really going? After all, people do buy magazines out of the kindness of their hearts for charitable contributions; not to pay a salary.


I was visited by a La Tanya with "New Beginning Assoc."

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, November 11, 2006

I live in Seabrook, Tx and was visited by "La Tanya" from "New Beginning Association". The description given of this lady is identical to the other desciption listed in the other report from other states. I ordered 2 magazines from her. After she left, I discovered this website. My husband tried to call the 1-800 number on our receipt- it was a dead end number offering no help. I found her in the neighborhood and got my check back. I told her that I saw this website and that I thought this was a scam. She had absolutely nothing to say as she continued to phone her ride. She did not defend her company at all. My sister, in a near neighborhood bought $40 worth of magazines from the same lady a few months ago. They were told it was to put HER through college! She told me it was to support other underpriveleged young women get a start on a career, but that she is not underpriveleged. So far my sister has not recieved her magazines- but I will keep you posted as to whether or not she recieves them. After all, the receipt does say up to several months. What I don't understand is that "La Tanya" showed me the 1-800 number on the receipt and told me if I had any questions to call and ask for La Tanya. She said she is the only La Tanya there. After looking through these comments I have noticed that La Tanya has rebutted to the comments and she is from Chicago, IL which happens to be the same city and state listed on the receipt. Is this company based out of Chicago? Is there really only one La Tanya or are do they all go by La Tanya? Even if the magazines do arrive, where are the profits really going? After all, people do buy magazines out of the kindness of their hearts for charitable contributions; not to pay a salary.


Latoya and maggers...

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 30, 2006

Sharp as a tack, you are... however no words penned here or elsewhere will negate the thousands of dissappointed folks who are taken in by your front porch crap. Of COURSE I was in this abhorrent business- longer than you and far more successful- but it's never too late to make amends and try to give something back- I now have the security and time to host a website enlightening people on the nature of this industry, it's history, and financial rape of young victims just like you...go ahead and continue to defend what you know to be an indefensible way of life...and for all the folks you steal from and bother all day...remember karma is alive and well...quit telling people your a charity-if you want handouts...hit the offramp, at least people there can roll up their windows to escape your weak spiel r.e. the poor black child...weakness.Getabunch!


Never had a problem.

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, October 29, 2006

I agree with Latanya. For over 13 years i have been buying magazines from this company and my magazines have always come when they said . It has gotten to the point that I don't even keep the reciept anymore because i am comfident that i will recieve these magazines. I am a strong Christian, and i have always believed that what you cast out always comes back to you. so i beleive in giving to good causes and what they do with the money is between them and God, as long as i do what's right in his eyes. I will always respect any one who has the guts to leave their home to, and what they are use to, to start over and do something positvie with their life. YOU SHOULD TO. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Never had a problem.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, October 29, 2006

I agree with Latanya. For over 13 years i have been buying magazines from this company and my magazines have always come when they said . It has gotten to the point that I don't even keep the reciept anymore because i am comfident that i will recieve these magazines. I am a strong Christian, and i have always believed that what you cast out always comes back to you. so i beleive in giving to good causes and what they do with the money is between them and God, as long as i do what's right in his eyes. I will always respect any one who has the guts to leave their home to, and what they are use to, to start over and do something positvie with their life. YOU SHOULD TO. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Never had a problem.

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, October 29, 2006

I agree with Latanya. For over 13 years i have been buying magazines from this company and my magazines have always come when they said . It has gotten to the point that I don't even keep the reciept anymore because i am comfident that i will recieve these magazines. I am a strong Christian, and i have always believed that what you cast out always comes back to you. so i beleive in giving to good causes and what they do with the money is between them and God, as long as i do what's right in his eyes. I will always respect any one who has the guts to leave their home to, and what they are use to, to start over and do something positvie with their life. YOU SHOULD TO. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Never had a problem.

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 29, 2006

I agree with Latanya. For over 13 years i have been buying magazines from this company and my magazines have always come when they said . It has gotten to the point that I don't even keep the reciept anymore because i am comfident that i will recieve these magazines. I am a strong Christian, and i have always believed that what you cast out always comes back to you. so i beleive in giving to good causes and what they do with the money is between them and God, as long as i do what's right in his eyes. I will always respect any one who has the guts to leave their home to, and what they are use to, to start over and do something positvie with their life. YOU SHOULD TO. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!

La Tanya

in response to Stephanie or whatever.

#11UPDATE Employee

Sun, October 29, 2006

Stephanie, you really should be ashamed of yourself!!!! A fish wouldn't get caught if it kept it's mouth closed. at the end of your message you put GETABUNCH, only someone who has sold magazines before would know to say that to another mag. sales person. so stop wasting your time trying to make my company look bad because yours obviously is the reason why companies like mine have a bad name. And for all of those people who feel that what i said was wrong, could't possibly understand how it feels to be blame for something that they didn't do. my company has years and years of support from your same neighbors who buy every year becaus they always get what they pay for. So it's not fair for someone to slander a companies name because they didn't read their recipt properly. i appologize to the people i affended who might have never suppoted a company like mine, which is why your on this website looking for the worse in something so good. And to all the people who have supported us in the past, i hope that you will continue to support more hard working young adults in the future.


By the way...

#12Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 27, 2006

Barbara, aside from the ridiculous response from Latoya or whatever, you should know that by buying from this magcrew you are not benefitting ANY legit charity other than their mgrs pockets. As consumers become more aware of the risks involved doing any business these days door-to-door, the lies and deception perpetuated by the salespeople become more and more imaginative. Try to always give to a charity directly and never buy mags from your porch and to Latoya or whatever get off Americas porches. We owe you nothing and get a real job. Getabunch.


Any City,
North Carolina,
Thanks so much for posting Ms. Le Tanya!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, October 26, 2006

Thanks to you hon, I will be sure to slam the door in the face of any salesperson from your company, if one happens to unfortunately find themselves on my doorstep. The OP did buy a magazine in support of your "cause" (hahahah!) so how dare you judge her! Yeah, God forbid someone actually expect to receive something they pay for!!!! Le Tanya, does your employer know that you are speaking here on behalf of their organization? If I were the manager or owner, I would be furious if someone came here and spoke nastily to a customer. There are thousands and thousands of companies who find themselves being writen up about here. Some deserve it, some don't. The thing that I look for when I see an employee respond is whether or not they post something intelligent, helpful and well-mannered. You could have/should have posted something that was polite and helpful. Instead of becoming defensive, you could have represented your company in a positive light. Barbara, I hope that you receive your magazine. If you browse this website, you will discover there are a gzillion traveling magazine companies sending young people to strangers' doorsteps, selling maganzines in the name of some cause, such as raising money for poverty, trying to win a trip, etc.

La Tanya

Read the fine print

#14Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 26, 2006

Ms.Barbara, usually when people support this company, it's not because they actually want the magazine, but because they actually care about someone besides there self. Your simple little $48.00 didn't even allow the agent enough commision to buy dinner from Mc Donalds. The dumb part about is that , your receipt says (Please Allow 90 to 120 days for delivery). Now either you can't read or can't subtract becuase your magazines are not suppose to arrive for at least another week or so .So hopefully, the next time some one comes to your door you will sincerely give from your heart and not just for bragging rights. P.S. also next time read your receipt clearly be fore you waste your time and more importantly the sales persons time.

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