  • Report:  #982343

Complaint Review: New Directions For Young Adults - Deerfield Beach Florida

Reported By:
James - New York, New York, United States of America

New Directions For Young Adults
3275 Hillsboro Blvd. Deerfield Beach, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Be very wary of this program.  It is not at all as advertised.  They seem to spend more time on advertising then helping the actual kids.  Dr.  Rubin is a consistent liar to parents and seems to be more interested in money than your child's safety.  He puts kids with Autism and other mental handicaps in significant danger, by putting them with drug addicts and gambles, by not being selective and specializing in what they treat.  This leads to many of the lower functioning kids to be abused verbally and peer pressured into crime, I saw multiple shop lifting first hand that led to an arrest of a student there who was doing it on behalf of another person.
Dr. Rubin realized on the unfortunate mental disabilities these kids are given to lie and manipulate them because they do not understand social cues, and when they are being lied too.  In the new directions building the phone number that is required to be posted in all mental health facilities in Florida, is hid behind a do, and also has the number partially worn off, so that no one will see it.  If they do take the time to look close enough and this hidden mental health abuse number they would be seen by staff and I'm sure degraded.
Confidentially is a major issue at this program.  Considering it is mental health, you can hear and are told by the stay about everyones business and also there personal information.  I was in there building and literally heard a whole therapy session in the room next door.  They do not have the facilities to support this program.  My information was revealed to other patients as well, leading to significant damage, when i would express issued with another patient that patient was told, and some of the patients don't like "snitches" so you are effectively then treated poorly by people you could be in group therapy with because they do not want to do the right thing. When I raised concerns about certain participants in the program abusing people without the mental capacity to deal with it they told me, they were going to kick those individuals out, and then go on to tell me there whole story and mental diagnosis in some cases unsolicited.
The programs services, are not at all as advertised.  They significantly exaggerate the extent of services to which they are able to provide.  For example, I was told I would have regular meetings with a therapist.  This did not happen.  They were frequently cancelled due to the unorganized nature of the program.
  Dr. Rubin will run up your bill significantly if you do not watch him closely.  He will add service charges that would never performed.  He is a scam-artist at heart.  I was told by a family member of his that worked there he was a "hustler" by nature.  I was also made aware Dr. Rubin spends most nights at the casino until very late and never gets to into his office until ten the next morning.  This led to some of my appointments that I was later charged for.  Along with running this program he also is a professional poker player.   He made his money to start this program through playing poker.  
Warning, do not bring anything valuable or a cell phone or computer that other patients know about.  Some kids there are not allowed to have cell phones or computers in their apartments as a restriction.  Which means they are constantly trying to come to your apartment and sit on your computer all day, and or using your cell as if it were there own.  While I was attending this program one of the participants in the program actually stole another participants car, multiple students repeatedly broke the drug policies and pressured those with lower mental capacity to do so as well. Dr. Rubin also employs multiple family members including his girlfriend on his staff.  This is a definent conflict of interest as she does not have a psychology degree and is significantly younger, it is an uneasy situation, as they make obviously sexual references while at work. 
Another major problem with this program is there abuse of internet review systems. Look in the filtered reviews on Yelp.  I wrote a perfectly legitimate review that was negative.  I was contacted immediately by another ex-client of the program, thanking me for my review and saying her review had been censored some days after she posted it also.  Then two days later my review was also sensored.  They then add obviously fake reviews to the filtered section to improve there star rating.  They seem to be more computer savvy than in psychology.
I know personally, from being in contact with other people who were ripped off that law suits are beginning to be pursued.  Save yourself some time and money and avoid a florida get rich scam from a poker player.  Most of all do not risk your child's life by putting them in an unsupervised setting with people who are con-artist, when your child is most vulnerable. 

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Deerfield Beach,
Don't believe the Gripe

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 20, 2016

In light of a few fraudulent reviews I've recently read concerning Dr. Rubin and New Directions for Young Adults, inc, I find myself compelled to speak out on behalf of the program and its founder. Dr. Rubin and I have been friends for over twenty years; starting out as co-workers in the investment banking field in the early ninetes.

When I say this person could not be more wrong to infer that "he's only concerned with making money," it's not because I'm trying to cover for a colleague (which, let's face it, is natural to do), but because Dr. Rubin's professional history is a testament to his objective. Which is to help others.

As I noted, Dr. Rubin and I met at an investment bank; and while I "followed the money," like the majority of bankers interested in acquiring incomes that far-exceed those of blue-collar workers, (all while keeping their fingernails clean", Mr. Rubin opted to go back to school and get his PHD in clinical psychology.

Now being from a middle-class family, with three older sisters, Dr. Rubin wasn't able to draw on a trust fund to put himself through Grad school. He worked odd jobs (bartending, waiting tables, teaching tennis to senior citizens) to finance his advanced education and keep a roof over his head, while directing his major focus on the grueling curriculum he had to undertake, for what seemed like endless years, in order to get licensed.

Had he been motivated by money, it would have been infinitely easier for him to just ride the cash-cow, gravy-train of Wall Street to the holy grail of opulent net-worth; instead of spending his evenings taking dinner orders after a full day of classes, then going back to his cramped, one-room apartment and studying to the wee-hours of the morning. Yes, he could have done what many "masters of the universes" did: Stayed in the investment industry, gotten rich, and spent his money on over-priced boats and high-end automobiles.

Of course, I embellish (slightly), but only to get my point across. No one leaves the fast-track to riches in order to struggle the way Dr. Rubin did to acquire his PHD, unless they are driven by an ulterior motive. His motive was to help people. So to those acid-tongued reviewers claiming money is his motivation, his history would seem to indicate otherwise.

As for the Program Dr. Rubin created: New Directions for Young Adults; about to complete its tenth year in business, its longevity alone speaks wonders about the purity of its objective. The program is meant to assist young adults acclimate to society. It is not a boarding school, or juvenile correctional institution, where parents send their out-of-control adolescents because they can no longer deal with them.

True, students primarily attend the program at their parent's request, but it is only a request. The students visit the facilities, meet the staff, and ultimately decide to attend the program of their own volition. And although I'm sure there are an abundance of case-studies that support this theory, it doesn't take a psychology degree to concur that persons who voluntarily enter self-help programs tend to do better than those who are forced to.

Now, can New Directions guarantee total satisfaction for everyone who walks through its doors? Absolutely not. Any program that does is lying; and one would do well to avoid it at all costs. But what New Directions does guarantee, is that everyone who enters the program will receive the utmost effort and dedication of its staff (from their licensed clinicians, to their "big-brother" type mentors) to help them leave the program better prepared to face the world than when they entered it. And in a nutshell, isn't that the objective of every program designed to help people?

New Directions

Deerfield Beach ,
Fraudulent Reviews ordered to be removed by the court

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 31, 2015

On May 16th, 2013,  a legal case involving defamation of character and tortious Interference was filed by Dr. Rubin and New Directions for Young Adults, Inc. shortly after if was learned that fake and misleading statements were published about Dr. Rubin and New Directions on various world wide web sites including Yelp, Yellow Pages, Facebook, Wrong Planet, and Rip-off Report.

On September 24th, 2014, the Circuit Court of the seventeenth Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County issued an order granting a motion for temporary injunction stating that the defendants Kathy and Brian Davis were suspected of publishing fake and derogatory statements on the web about Dr. Rubin and New Directions for Young adults, Inc. After reviewing the evidence, the court found that Brian and Kathy Davis created a false impression by falsifying multiple identities and created a phony group of negative reviews about Dr. Rubin and New Directions when in fact, no such group of negative reviews existed. The court also ruled that there was likely irreparable harm that was done as a result. The court further found that posting fake comments by people who do not exist supported a position of tortious interference. The defendants Brian and Kathy Davis were ordered to remove all postings that created the false impression and the court found that their conduct was “inherently unfair.”

In June of 2015, the Davis case was settled out of court and Dr. Rubin and New Directions were paid a sum of $350,000 by the defendants. Kathy Davis issued an admission stating that the aforementioned negative statements were in fact authored by her and she went on to apologizes for any harm which may have been caused as a result of her statements, including those statements posted under fake names.

Read more about this case here:


View/Read real testimonials of New Directions for Young Adults here:


I encourage anyone interested in our program to call us directly at 877 763 5102

New Directions for Young Adults

Deerfield Beach,
Fraudulent Reviews

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 03, 2014

Warning: there have been multiple fraudulent reviews posted online that try to portray New Directions for Young Adults in a negative light. Please see the attached court order which documents this misinformation.

On September 26, 2014 the Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in Broward County issued an order granting an injunction due to multiple fraudulent reviews being written online about New Directions for Young Adults, Inc. These reviews were posted fraudulently on multiple websites. Please click here to review. (PDF link here).

Findings of fact include:

The court found that the are defendants created false impressions of a group of negative reviews about New Directions when in fact no such group of negative reviewers existed.

The Court found that the defendants falsified multiple identities in writing their reviews about New Directions.

New Directions continues to provide state-of-the-art clinical interventions for young adults in transition. Please feel free to call New Directions for a list of reliable authentic references. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Deerfield Beach,

#5UPDATE Employee

Tue, May 13, 2014

 I have worked for New Directions for Young Adults for 5 years and I can say without equivocation that I know of no other program that cares about its clients more than New Directions. We strive everyday to make sure that our clients succeed in their transition to independent living. Our culture of caring for the clients we service and making sure they succeed comes from our Executive Director Dr. Andrew Rubin. He started New Directions out of a need to help young adults that have had difficulty transitioning into independent living. His passion for helping others has created a program that has helped countless young adults live health independent lives.

Kent Grelling

Pleasant Hill,
Ripoff report wont pull review

#6UPDATE Employee

Sun, May 11, 2014

I am a clinical psychologist, a longtime colleague of Dr Andrew Rubin, and I have seen first-hand the positive impact this program has had in the lives of many young adults. Dr Rubin also has numerous parents, educational consultants and colleagues who have seen the effectiveness of his program and are responsible for its continued success, in spite of the clear negative impact this false Ripoff Report review has had on his program. In fact, I feel strongly enough about the impact of this program that I have joined with Dr Rubin to develop and direct a second New Directions site.

This single review has likely cost this program dozens of referrals, despite the fact that the original poster of this report has admitted in a lawsuit that this review and other allegations he posted on the internet under various names are entirely untrue. Dr Rubin has legal documents attesting to this, but Ripoff Report will not remove this review. However, they say they will lower its appearance in search engines, if Dr. Rubin pays them thousands of dollars to "arbitrate" the dispute, or pays them on an ongoing basis to become part of their "corporate advocacy program". In fact, this is Ripoff Report's business model - they solicit negative reviews and then extort the target companies for money. Why doesn't Dr Rubin sue them directly? Because, for understandable reasons, consumer advocacy organizations are shielded against lawsuits for the allegations they print. Ripoff Report hides behind these laws and uses them to blackmail companies.

If you do not believe this, I urge you to google "Ripoff Report Forbes" to see the article Forbes magazine wrote about Ripoff Report and their business model. And if you are interested in the New Directions program, I urge you to call their offices and ask for referrals to one of the parents thankful for the work they do. You will be glad you took the time to check them out thoroughly.

New Directions

Deerfield Beach ,
False Allegations and Reports

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 15, 2013

There have been numerous false accusations, communications, allegations and representations of a defamatory and disparaging manner concerning New Directions for Young Adults, Inc. and Dr. Rubin. New Directions regularly provides references to all our prospective clients. Please feel free to contact us for information at (954) 571 5102.


United States of America
New Directions

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, January 02, 2013

New Directions and its employees always strive to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction possible. We handle any grievances with the utmost seriousness, to ensure that our program continues to provide the best services possible for our students and their families. 

Because we are a program that helps young adults transition to independence, we sometimes face resistance from our clients who experience discontent. The goal of our program is to teach young adults how to live a healthy, happy independent life. For students who struggle with independence, facing reality during this process can be frustrating. Just as a student may act out in class or refuse to do work when facing a challenge, our students often struggle, especially in the beginning stages.  Transitioning to adulthood can be difficult and some students can get overwhelmed during the learning process but we always try to achieve the highest level of care possible.   

That being said, this negative report posted by James comes as a surprise to us. We all work so hard each and every day to help our students, and we work to make everyone's experience as positive as possible. This also surprises us because we are a relatively small program and we have only had a few students named James. None of our students named James were from New York City, and more importantly, we could not imagine any of them writing this. They were both very happy with our program and their time here. 

This review posted by "James" contains multiple misleading statement and many false claims. 

We understand that "James" may want to keep his anonymity but New Directions appreciate it if he would contact us through our website NDFYA.com. This way we can personally assist him and understand why he would post a review like this.

We sincerely hope that this negative and erroneous report will be removed by the poster. 

Thank you, 
New Directions for Young Adults

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