  • Report:  #67181

Complaint Review: Norm Reeves Honda - Cerritos California

Reported By:
- Huntington Beach, California,

Norm Reeves Honda
18500 Studebaker Rd, Cerritos, CA 90703 Cerritos, 90703 California, U.S.A.
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Norm Reeves Honda/Dave Conant ripped me off worse than any business or individual in history. A few years back I bought a used Toyota for approximately 5200.00 dollars plus I traded in a perfectly good running Toyota that was older in order to make the deal. To make a long story short, within a week, the car I bought at Norm Reeves was barely running. It blew a head gasket and had a string of other problems. The car was supposedly a thoroughly inspected used car. This of course was totally false.

I was in for a even bigger shock when I contacted the dealer and they told me I was stuck with it and it was my problem. Over a two month period they passed me off from one manager to another trying to wear me down, Dave Conant the dealer GM and co-owner, would not even talk to me even after I physically showed up and asked for him. This is the "nice guy" who does the dealership's radio commercials about how great their customer service is. I finally made it crystal clear to the sales manager that I would come down with signs and picket the dealer all weekend.They gave me a partial refund of about $4100.00.

In the end I was out a good running trade in, $900.00 in repair costs for the car that broke after a week, and out 1200.00 of my purchase price. I live forty minutes away and did not have time to keep coming there. I talked to a dealership employee a month or two after this happened and he told me that Dave Conant's strategy wear down the consumer and make them keep the car even if it doesn't run.


Huntington Beach, California

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Tue, May 17, 2005

Just to add to the drama Norm reeves in Bellflower caused me I will never go back to ANY Norm Reeves in my entire existence! I had 10k to buy my first car! I had no reason to finance. I went to bellflower location. I saw a 1996 Chevy Blazer Vortex V6 4dr. It was priced 8,999k! I took it for a test drive which everything was great. It had 70k miles! I bought the car as is for 11k total. It came with a 90 day warrenty.The very next day i was drving on the freeway and it completly died on me! To make a long story short I took the car in 8 TIMES in 1 month. Problems were air, alternator, fuses, windshildwipers, brakes, plus new transmission. It was a lemon and there was nothing I could do about it. Plus I lost my job for taking a 45min drive just to get to Bellflower! I will never shop at Norm Reeves and I hopw everyone out there dues their due dilligence and research before purchasing from Cons. Sincerely,

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