  • Report:  #1345385

Complaint Review: Norweigan Dawn - Nationwide

Reported By:
Karen Rufty - Salisbury, North Carolina, USA

Norweigan Dawn
Nationwide, USA
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Complaint Description:

Salmonella Poisoning I got and was running a high fever,Dehydrated,Low Potassium,Severe Diarrhea Was made to stay in State Room We left New Orleans on 11/27/16 and returned back on 12/04/2016 I went directly to my doctor and they did test and it came back Salmonella Poisoning. I thought I was going to die it was horrable, I paid extra to get home I was so sick not sure i would make it back . Thank God my sister was there 

Your Desired Resolution:

THIS IS THE LETTER I HAVE SUBMITTED TO THEM AFTER BEING TOLD THEY WOULD DO NOTHING BUT GIVE ME $150 CREDIT. I paid for free drinks upgrades and could not use any of it by there doctors orders under NO circumstance was I allowed out. Here is the report that shows I had Salmonella Poisoning I honestly can not believe you actually sent me a letter saying you would give me a onboard credit for $150.00 when you ordered me to not leave my state room for the duration of my cruise. I was not allowed to get off the ship for the last 2 ports and the SEVERE pain I went through I could not eat I could not even hold my head up to watch TV I lost 12lbs and was actually bleeding through my rectum because of all the Diarrhea and was so weak I could not even get up to make it to the bathroom and had to wear diapers. The doctor told me I could have all the room service I wanted since he would not allow me out of the room but I was so sick I could not eat. My fever was extremely high the first time I went to Medical and the second day it was even higher and i was severely dehydrated that my Potassium was so low they had to give me IVS of Potassium and anti-biotic's also to help the Dehydration they popped my vein trying to get the needle in I can send you pics of all the bruises that were on both arms. I have never incurred so much pain in my life the cramps were so bad i had to lay on the bed in a fetal position because of all the pain. I honestly can say I have tried to work with you to make this right without having to involve others because I am a Christian and believe in doing the right thing. Offering me that was the biggest insult I think I have ever received. I have sent you this report to prove the test results that I got back from my doctor as soon as i got home. The State also has called me and has done a report on this and said if I needed a copy they would furnish it to me. There were others also in Medical including a crew member so I am sure I was not the only one that got this. I am all about doing the right thing but it goes both ways so it does not seem you are willing to give back what you have taken from me my vacation and my sister's since she could not leave me because I was in such bad shape crying in the bed which all of this was recorded including your staff being notified Thursday Morning what was going on and being told the Nurse would come and check on me since I was unable to get up and then NEVER hearing anything from anyone until Friday Morning when I was in such bad shape they sent a well chair and a diaper so I could make it to Medical. I am going to wait 24 hours to see if you will make this right since you say you never got the report but then I will pursue it with an attorney who I have already made contact with and is waiting on me to give him the go ahead. I will do whatever needs to be done to make this right because you can not do this to people and respond the way you have and I can prove all of this because I had a witness with me 24 hours a day and I NEVER ate or drank anything that was off of your ship. I will also take a lie detector test to prove my honesty because I would never lie about something so dramatic. I will also send this letter to the Corporation and anyone else that needs to know because this is SO Wrong to treat people this way. Karen Rufty 12/20/2016 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: [email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected] Sent: 12/15/2016 2:54:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Subj: Salmonila Poisoning Here is the documentation proving I had Food Poisoning from the Norweigian Ship I did NOT eat or drink anything other then on the ship and will be happy to take a lie detector test and i also have a witness that was wit h me the entire time. There was also many that were there I fee had the same thing including a crew member. Sincerely, Karen Rufty 

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