  • Report:  #69039

Complaint Review: Ocwen Federal Bank FSB - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- miami, Florida,

Ocwen Federal Bank FSB
Ingenuity Drive Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My dear folks:

Here, I've been observing how our faith in the system has eroded so much. The government will need to work very hard to restore our trust in the legal system, and of course, many of us will never trust Corporate America, never again.

The letter writing campaign to J-D about our case, "Kweku Hanson v. Ocwen Federal Bank FSB", and to the presiding judge C, has not shown too many followers. I am convinced that we are a big number (as victims), and as such, we would do whatever it's in our power to bring Ocwen to Justice.

So, since we have been trusting only our efforts due to the negligence institutions and to the "blind" attitude of the legal system, we are to do what Ocwen does. We are TO BUY, not a soul as they do, but an entire page, in one of the most important national and international newspaper. I am not sure about this detail: Will it be The New York Times? Will it be The Washington Post? Will it be any other paper of similar importance? We will know in advance, because Mr. Kweku will let us now on time. After we finally publish that page, the entire world will know what the Mortage "Servicers" are doing to us. They will know of our misery.

Mr. Hanson is collecting our donations for that purpose. We know, we can trust him. I, the woman that looks at the East every morning to double check the proper appearance of the sun on the same side of the sky, trust Mr. Kweku Hanson. He is in custody of our donations, and sooner than later, the entire country will take notice of Ocwen's crimes.

After publishing this page, the TV networks will run after Mr. Hanson (us): ABC, CNN, FOX, etc. etc., all of them will show an strong interest in our case, and the paper expose will be smaller as compared to the TV expose we will be able to get.

This new approach is not: writing and begging to nonresponsive gov. entities, hiring expensive lawyers that will not comply, trying to call the attention from ignorant and busy TV shows producers, expecting Justice from nonsensitive Judges, begging help from political people.

This is the simplest aproach. We will simply PAY WITH MONEY (the means our corrupted society understands)the OCWEN'S CRIMES PUBLIC EXPOSURE.

We can send, $5, ...$1 if only that we have. Most of us expend a lot of money on Certified Mail on monthly basis. We can use that money or a portion of it, at least, to pay the expensive publicity that might bring the attention we so badly need. Any amount can help since we are too many.

We got to understand that trying to call the gov. attention is stupid. As of now, we know the government KNOWS. We know that OTS, FBI, Attorney Generals, etc. KNOW. They simply don't take action because other obscure motives, or because they are compromised, or because.....they DON'T CARE. But WE CARE, and the ordinary people of USA and the rest of the world WILL KNOW AND CARE when they see it on the paper.

So, let's send our donations to:

Kweku Hanson

487 Main Street, No.Two

Hartford, CT 06103-3007


Miami, Florida

9 Updates & Rebuttals


Respnse To Robin

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, October 19, 2003



Such outrage! And still none of you get it.

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, October 18, 2003

I apologize for the unnecessarily harsh scolding in my first rebuttal, but am glad to see that at least some of you are paying attention. There seems to be a great interest in who I am. Does it matter in the long run? I am an advocate for ANY victim, not just of Ocwen, but any of these mortgage service scammers. Look around this board; I have bashed them all about equally as they have come up. Fairbanks, HomEq.doesnt matter to me. This entire industry is filthy with corruption from top to bottom! I do make it a point to say over and over that I am not a victim of Ocwen. I do that specifically so that Ocwen, et al will not keep filing motions for more time in Hartford in order to scour their databases for me. I repeat, I am not there or at FB, or any of the other scamsters! Nowhere, in any of my posts, have I said: Gee, here I sit in my Ivory Tower. I have never been a victim of anything or anyone. I just do not happen to be a victim of Ocwen, so that automatically makes me suspect ofwhat? Perhaps I see an eerily familiar scenario playing out that is similar to something I have seen in the past. If this case continues to play out as it is, one way or another it WILL die. I wish someone had hit me in the head with a brick when I had a real chance to change some things. They did not and it is over now, so I have missed my chance. I do not want to see Ocwen victims miss their chance. Like you, I would have been outraged that someone dare employ harsh words. After all, I was a victim. Poor me. And that is the very attitude that caused me to miss my chance. While you so busy being outraged by my scolding, each and every one of you has missed the more subtle messages in that post. Your lead plaintiff is being stonewalled in Hartford. That is obvious from public record. This is costing Mr. Hanson heaven knows what every day. How long do you think he will be able to bear it? Ocwen is counting on not very much longer. The option is there for any lead plaintiff to simply drop the action, especially since there has been nothing real accomplished in this suit past its filing. No class action certification, no discovery on the part of Ocwen.just lots of motions for more and more time form Ocwen and cronies. Which all seem to be rubberstamped as approved. Meanwhile, I am looking at a fourteen-page printout of ongoing foreclosure actions by Ocwen. There are twenty-eight names on each page. Three hundred and ninety-two foreclosures. Doesnt sound too bad for a national average, huh? Hate to tell you guys, that is only ONE STATE and these are dated three or four weeks ago. I am sure more have been filed since. So, while Ocwen stonewalls in Hartford, seemingly with the courts blessing, Ocwen is not at a standstill. It is moving against its victims all the while. So, Joanne and Kathy, how long will it be before Ocwen comes for you and your home? And to Mr. Fraud Hammer; I gave no bad advice nor was I a potty mouth. I am trying to motivate some frightened and/or complacent victims into being more proactive. A letter written to the Honorable Robert N. Chatigny asking him to look into this case will prompt him to do that. He is the Chief Judge in the Hartford courthouse. One letter asking for this action may bring about a casual perusal, fifty or a hundred letters will cause him to really look at this case. He will then forward your correspondence to Judge Droney, the presiding judge in this matter. I have tried for a number of weeks (at least eight weeks) to get Judge Droneys asset report. A la Ocwen, all these requests mysteriously evaporate as soon as they reach the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in Washington, DC. I have sent requests both by fax and US mail. I am beginning to feel stonewalled myself, as it is law that these reports be given out as requested as long as the per page fee is paid. It is every Monday mornings doings to fax yet another request form. Either the employees in that office are highly incompetent, or something else is going on. Draw your own conclusion. I posted an exhortation on another board encouraging victims of that mortgage-servicing scam to become more proactive in their own defense. This is a cut and copy of that post: Yes, the Israelites did indeed escape the bondage in Egypt under the leadership of Moses. Keep in mind that God did not require Moses to carry each person to safety on his very own back! Victims have to become more self-advocating and proactive in this fight. it is patently unfair of them to wait for any one person to do it for them! There is deadlock in the courtroom and the dam must be removed. Write some letters and make noise...Help yourselves! Make some judges lives a little less comfortable. There is one in particular who does not care how uncomfortable YOUR lives are and will be happy to warm his bench until all of you are in the street. Call it a "revolution via mail" and get to work! Those particular folks did not rise up in outrage, but my Yahoo account was mysteriously terminated two days later. My login to PACER has mysteriously quit working in the past month. (thats okay; for the Ocwen moles reading this, I have ways around that as well). It is not necessary that you believe I advocate for Ocwen victims; Ocwen knows it. Ocwen evidently finds my message to be dangerous, as I have had strange things happening with increasing regularity lately. Ocwen shudders in fear that I might actually get some of you angry enough and motivated enough to do what I am asking. Write letters; force another judge to look closely at this case. Talk to any and every one you can get to listen. Write a letter to the editor in your hometown paper. The name Ocwen is going to have to be forced into the press and the public eye at every opportunity. If it takes making all of you angry at me, it is a small enough price to pay on my part. For the love of God, do what you can to save this case and save yourselves! Complacency will see you out of your homes and into the street. I do not know how to make it any plainer!

Fraud Hammer X

New Mexico,
Robin, Consumer Advocate? I THINK NOT!!!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Thu, October 16, 2003

I wish I had more than two hands to applaud the hard work and dedication of Kweku on this matter. I have remained silent on this matter out of deference for Kweku and to make sure credit is given where credit is due. Robin, though, you've gone too far with your insulting manner towards these victims! Are you trying to undermine Kweku's hard work? I THINK SO! IT'S FRAUD HAMMERTIME FOR YOU! POW! How dare you call yourself an advocate with your filthy nose stuck so high in the air? IF YOU CAN'T HELP THESE VICTIMS (OR ANY OTHERS, MS. BAD ADVICE), THEN KEEP YOUR POTTY MOUTH SHUT! That's right, Fraud Hammer X is calling you out so the world can see your TRUE colors! I'm calling on all the faithful to send just ONE DOLLAR to the address in the lovely Ms. Marlene's report. ONE DOLLAR! And send ED FIVE while you're at it! Oh yeah, OCWEN: YOU'RE GOING DOWN, SUCKAH!!!!!!


New Jersey,
Robin, just who are you anyway?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Wed, October 15, 2003

When I first started seeing your name come up in regards to all of Ocwen victims, I thought you were on our side. After reading what you had to say today, I can't help but wonder who you really are. Your response sickened me. Why don't you do us true Ocwen victims a favor and go find someone else to insult. I also can't help but wonder, if you are not an Ocwen victim then what exactly is your concern?


Response to Robin

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2003

I do not know how it is you are able to support yourself on that high horse you seem to be riding, but as a victim of Ocwen, I surely am neither asking nor accepting of your consumer advocacy in this matter. I am offended at your last posting and will not accept the seemingly hardline stance you have adopted under the apparent guise of trying to motivate my fellow Ocwen victims. You are carrying on this charade under what pretenses? If I ever did believe you were on the side of the victim's, your last post removed all doubt as to your sincerity. Apparently your time would be better spent learning through the science's of sociology and psychology a manner in which to effectively articulate in a non-condemning, postitive communicative fashion the issues that confront us, NOT YOU! Your unmitigated gall in expressing your personal frustrations with us the victims, is naseauting at best!. Inasmuch as I and my household are concerned, I would be actually offended if you sent monies towards a news expose. Work through your own issues and find a life of your own!

Robin - Consumer Advocate

Ocwen has already classified its victims as invertebrates; are you going to prove them right? Are you victims that scared or just plain lazy?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2003

You people are not writing letters or sending complaints? What is wrong with you? Afraid of big, bad Ocwen? Guess what: your inertia is going to get your home taken from you! Are you waiting on Mr. Hanson? Hate to break it to you: Mr. Hanson is lead plaintiff, not your babysitter. Mr. Hanson has already put a lot of time, effort and money into this suit, I am sure. Would you like for him to come to your house and hold your hands as well? The thing that stuns me is how the many of you can spit on this gift you have been given by Mr. Hanson. I am amazed that he has not washed his hands of the whole whiny, cowardly lot of you. Maybe you dont see the gift, so let me explain it in simple terms. By not calling in a huge class-action firm, Mr. Hanson has ensured that any settlement goes to you, the true victims of Ocwen, rather than a humungous law firm. All of you have read, I am sure, of the multi-million dollar settlements granted in some cases, but each plaintiff winds up with just a few dollars. Well, there were just too many plaintiffs in the case is what most people think. That is not necessarily the case. The huge law firms eat the lions share of the settlement. Their fees come right off the top, the victims "get" to share what is left. Mr. Hanson is trying to avoid that for you by bearing the costs himself and staying away from these huge firms. I cringe to think what hoops his counsel jumps through just trying to stay afloat. Perhaps a huge firm would force faster movement through the courts, but we do not know that it would. Ocwen, Moss, and Litton seem to be the Kings of Constipation doing all in their power to prevent any movement. Motions for more time are at the top of their list and they all seem to be being granted. I am really beginning to wonder if their counsel is capable of writing anything else; might be interesting to see. The dam has to break eventually and there are things you can do to help it along. Marlene is correct; alternative routes to justice have to be sought. This is one of the saddest realizations I have come to in the course of being a bystander/watcher in this ordeal of mortgage servicers: the legal system as it is today and the laws we have in place today are not going to help any of you in the near future. In fact, if this particular case is any indication of the state of our judicial system, an immediate overhaul is needed. If our forefathers were as inactive as Ocwen victims, America would still be an English colony! Change comes about when great numbers of people rise up and tell the world of their oppression and the abuse they have been subjected to. Change does not come about by cowering in your home hoping that the evil passes you by. This evil will take the very home you cower in! Armed revolution is not necessary these days, but a great outcry is. Make yourselves heard. Is your home worth thirty-seven cents to you? Write a letter to the presiding judge, Christopher F. Droney. Ask him about the delay and see if he answers you. See if he CAN answer you. I wrote a letter to the Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, 450 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103-9998 asking some questions about this case. I received a very courteous response from His Honor. I could share it with you, but will not. Earn your own responses. The mainstream national press needs to hear this story. If it does not, you will become just another silent Ocwen victim living in the street. No one will know why and consequently, no one will care. Everyone will believe Ocwens claims that you are all good-for-nothing-deadbeats, just another shiftless person who would not make his payments. It is up to you to dispute those allegations in a way that gets heard by many. The press would be interested to know that a majority of Federal agencies turn a blind eye to this corruption and seem to actively discourage complaints. They might want to know what is taking so long in Hartford, as do most of the rest of us. No telling what the press might find if it really begins digging around. Send a buck or two for this ad. Keep posting on this site. These are small steps, but important ones. They are YOUR first steps toward independence from the tyranny practiced by Ocwen and others like it. This insanity has to stop somewhere; how about right here and right now? We could just let it go and then you can watch while your children and grandchildren get put out of their homes later on. And they will if this mortgage servicing system is not forced to change. I am tired of watching you sit back waiting for others to do it for you. No one is obligated to carry you or fight your battles for you. Wake up, Ocwen victims. You are playing right into Ocwens hands. These are your homes, your lives. Start taking responsibility for the course your life takes. I am sure that you will be happy to share in the monetary outcome of this suitwhy are you not willing to share a little of the advance work it takes to get there? I think I will send a little bit to further this cause myself. Since I am not a victim, I will not see a direct benefit from it. But as someone who likes to work with words from time to time, I am really interested in seeing the content. A lot of words can fit on a whole page of a newspaper, a lot can be revealed. The idea appeals to me. This is positive action. This is a proactive step. And I am sure that every single word of it will be very interesting to a great many people!

Robin - Consumer Advocate

Ocwen has already classified its victims as invertebrates; are you going to prove them right? Are you victims that scared or just plain lazy?

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2003

You people are not writing letters or sending complaints? What is wrong with you? Afraid of big, bad Ocwen? Guess what: your inertia is going to get your home taken from you! Are you waiting on Mr. Hanson? Hate to break it to you: Mr. Hanson is lead plaintiff, not your babysitter. Mr. Hanson has already put a lot of time, effort and money into this suit, I am sure. Would you like for him to come to your house and hold your hands as well? The thing that stuns me is how the many of you can spit on this gift you have been given by Mr. Hanson. I am amazed that he has not washed his hands of the whole whiny, cowardly lot of you. Maybe you dont see the gift, so let me explain it in simple terms. By not calling in a huge class-action firm, Mr. Hanson has ensured that any settlement goes to you, the true victims of Ocwen, rather than a humungous law firm. All of you have read, I am sure, of the multi-million dollar settlements granted in some cases, but each plaintiff winds up with just a few dollars. Well, there were just too many plaintiffs in the case is what most people think. That is not necessarily the case. The huge law firms eat the lions share of the settlement. Their fees come right off the top, the victims "get" to share what is left. Mr. Hanson is trying to avoid that for you by bearing the costs himself and staying away from these huge firms. I cringe to think what hoops his counsel jumps through just trying to stay afloat. Perhaps a huge firm would force faster movement through the courts, but we do not know that it would. Ocwen, Moss, and Litton seem to be the Kings of Constipation doing all in their power to prevent any movement. Motions for more time are at the top of their list and they all seem to be being granted. I am really beginning to wonder if their counsel is capable of writing anything else; might be interesting to see. The dam has to break eventually and there are things you can do to help it along. Marlene is correct; alternative routes to justice have to be sought. This is one of the saddest realizations I have come to in the course of being a bystander/watcher in this ordeal of mortgage servicers: the legal system as it is today and the laws we have in place today are not going to help any of you in the near future. In fact, if this particular case is any indication of the state of our judicial system, an immediate overhaul is needed. If our forefathers were as inactive as Ocwen victims, America would still be an English colony! Change comes about when great numbers of people rise up and tell the world of their oppression and the abuse they have been subjected to. Change does not come about by cowering in your home hoping that the evil passes you by. This evil will take the very home you cower in! Armed revolution is not necessary these days, but a great outcry is. Make yourselves heard. Is your home worth thirty-seven cents to you? Write a letter to the presiding judge, Christopher F. Droney. Ask him about the delay and see if he answers you. See if he CAN answer you. I wrote a letter to the Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, 450 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103-9998 asking some questions about this case. I received a very courteous response from His Honor. I could share it with you, but will not. Earn your own responses. The mainstream national press needs to hear this story. If it does not, you will become just another silent Ocwen victim living in the street. No one will know why and consequently, no one will care. Everyone will believe Ocwens claims that you are all good-for-nothing-deadbeats, just another shiftless person who would not make his payments. It is up to you to dispute those allegations in a way that gets heard by many. The press would be interested to know that a majority of Federal agencies turn a blind eye to this corruption and seem to actively discourage complaints. They might want to know what is taking so long in Hartford, as do most of the rest of us. No telling what the press might find if it really begins digging around. Send a buck or two for this ad. Keep posting on this site. These are small steps, but important ones. They are YOUR first steps toward independence from the tyranny practiced by Ocwen and others like it. This insanity has to stop somewhere; how about right here and right now? We could just let it go and then you can watch while your children and grandchildren get put out of their homes later on. And they will if this mortgage servicing system is not forced to change. I am tired of watching you sit back waiting for others to do it for you. No one is obligated to carry you or fight your battles for you. Wake up, Ocwen victims. You are playing right into Ocwens hands. These are your homes, your lives. Start taking responsibility for the course your life takes. I am sure that you will be happy to share in the monetary outcome of this suitwhy are you not willing to share a little of the advance work it takes to get there? I think I will send a little bit to further this cause myself. Since I am not a victim, I will not see a direct benefit from it. But as someone who likes to work with words from time to time, I am really interested in seeing the content. A lot of words can fit on a whole page of a newspaper, a lot can be revealed. The idea appeals to me. This is positive action. This is a proactive step. And I am sure that every single word of it will be very interesting to a great many people!

Robin - Consumer Advocate

Ocwen has already classified its victims as invertebrates; are you going to prove them right? Are you victims that scared or just plain lazy?

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2003

You people are not writing letters or sending complaints? What is wrong with you? Afraid of big, bad Ocwen? Guess what: your inertia is going to get your home taken from you! Are you waiting on Mr. Hanson? Hate to break it to you: Mr. Hanson is lead plaintiff, not your babysitter. Mr. Hanson has already put a lot of time, effort and money into this suit, I am sure. Would you like for him to come to your house and hold your hands as well? The thing that stuns me is how the many of you can spit on this gift you have been given by Mr. Hanson. I am amazed that he has not washed his hands of the whole whiny, cowardly lot of you. Maybe you dont see the gift, so let me explain it in simple terms. By not calling in a huge class-action firm, Mr. Hanson has ensured that any settlement goes to you, the true victims of Ocwen, rather than a humungous law firm. All of you have read, I am sure, of the multi-million dollar settlements granted in some cases, but each plaintiff winds up with just a few dollars. Well, there were just too many plaintiffs in the case is what most people think. That is not necessarily the case. The huge law firms eat the lions share of the settlement. Their fees come right off the top, the victims "get" to share what is left. Mr. Hanson is trying to avoid that for you by bearing the costs himself and staying away from these huge firms. I cringe to think what hoops his counsel jumps through just trying to stay afloat. Perhaps a huge firm would force faster movement through the courts, but we do not know that it would. Ocwen, Moss, and Litton seem to be the Kings of Constipation doing all in their power to prevent any movement. Motions for more time are at the top of their list and they all seem to be being granted. I am really beginning to wonder if their counsel is capable of writing anything else; might be interesting to see. The dam has to break eventually and there are things you can do to help it along. Marlene is correct; alternative routes to justice have to be sought. This is one of the saddest realizations I have come to in the course of being a bystander/watcher in this ordeal of mortgage servicers: the legal system as it is today and the laws we have in place today are not going to help any of you in the near future. In fact, if this particular case is any indication of the state of our judicial system, an immediate overhaul is needed. If our forefathers were as inactive as Ocwen victims, America would still be an English colony! Change comes about when great numbers of people rise up and tell the world of their oppression and the abuse they have been subjected to. Change does not come about by cowering in your home hoping that the evil passes you by. This evil will take the very home you cower in! Armed revolution is not necessary these days, but a great outcry is. Make yourselves heard. Is your home worth thirty-seven cents to you? Write a letter to the presiding judge, Christopher F. Droney. Ask him about the delay and see if he answers you. See if he CAN answer you. I wrote a letter to the Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, 450 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103-9998 asking some questions about this case. I received a very courteous response from His Honor. I could share it with you, but will not. Earn your own responses. The mainstream national press needs to hear this story. If it does not, you will become just another silent Ocwen victim living in the street. No one will know why and consequently, no one will care. Everyone will believe Ocwens claims that you are all good-for-nothing-deadbeats, just another shiftless person who would not make his payments. It is up to you to dispute those allegations in a way that gets heard by many. The press would be interested to know that a majority of Federal agencies turn a blind eye to this corruption and seem to actively discourage complaints. They might want to know what is taking so long in Hartford, as do most of the rest of us. No telling what the press might find if it really begins digging around. Send a buck or two for this ad. Keep posting on this site. These are small steps, but important ones. They are YOUR first steps toward independence from the tyranny practiced by Ocwen and others like it. This insanity has to stop somewhere; how about right here and right now? We could just let it go and then you can watch while your children and grandchildren get put out of their homes later on. And they will if this mortgage servicing system is not forced to change. I am tired of watching you sit back waiting for others to do it for you. No one is obligated to carry you or fight your battles for you. Wake up, Ocwen victims. You are playing right into Ocwens hands. These are your homes, your lives. Start taking responsibility for the course your life takes. I am sure that you will be happy to share in the monetary outcome of this suitwhy are you not willing to share a little of the advance work it takes to get there? I think I will send a little bit to further this cause myself. Since I am not a victim, I will not see a direct benefit from it. But as someone who likes to work with words from time to time, I am really interested in seeing the content. A lot of words can fit on a whole page of a newspaper, a lot can be revealed. The idea appeals to me. This is positive action. This is a proactive step. And I am sure that every single word of it will be very interesting to a great many people!

Robin - Consumer Advocate

Ocwen has already classified its victims as invertebrates; are you going to prove them right? Are you victims that scared or just plain lazy?

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, October 15, 2003

You people are not writing letters or sending complaints? What is wrong with you? Afraid of big, bad Ocwen? Guess what: your inertia is going to get your home taken from you! Are you waiting on Mr. Hanson? Hate to break it to you: Mr. Hanson is lead plaintiff, not your babysitter. Mr. Hanson has already put a lot of time, effort and money into this suit, I am sure. Would you like for him to come to your house and hold your hands as well? The thing that stuns me is how the many of you can spit on this gift you have been given by Mr. Hanson. I am amazed that he has not washed his hands of the whole whiny, cowardly lot of you. Maybe you dont see the gift, so let me explain it in simple terms. By not calling in a huge class-action firm, Mr. Hanson has ensured that any settlement goes to you, the true victims of Ocwen, rather than a humungous law firm. All of you have read, I am sure, of the multi-million dollar settlements granted in some cases, but each plaintiff winds up with just a few dollars. Well, there were just too many plaintiffs in the case is what most people think. That is not necessarily the case. The huge law firms eat the lions share of the settlement. Their fees come right off the top, the victims "get" to share what is left. Mr. Hanson is trying to avoid that for you by bearing the costs himself and staying away from these huge firms. I cringe to think what hoops his counsel jumps through just trying to stay afloat. Perhaps a huge firm would force faster movement through the courts, but we do not know that it would. Ocwen, Moss, and Litton seem to be the Kings of Constipation doing all in their power to prevent any movement. Motions for more time are at the top of their list and they all seem to be being granted. I am really beginning to wonder if their counsel is capable of writing anything else; might be interesting to see. The dam has to break eventually and there are things you can do to help it along. Marlene is correct; alternative routes to justice have to be sought. This is one of the saddest realizations I have come to in the course of being a bystander/watcher in this ordeal of mortgage servicers: the legal system as it is today and the laws we have in place today are not going to help any of you in the near future. In fact, if this particular case is any indication of the state of our judicial system, an immediate overhaul is needed. If our forefathers were as inactive as Ocwen victims, America would still be an English colony! Change comes about when great numbers of people rise up and tell the world of their oppression and the abuse they have been subjected to. Change does not come about by cowering in your home hoping that the evil passes you by. This evil will take the very home you cower in! Armed revolution is not necessary these days, but a great outcry is. Make yourselves heard. Is your home worth thirty-seven cents to you? Write a letter to the presiding judge, Christopher F. Droney. Ask him about the delay and see if he answers you. See if he CAN answer you. I wrote a letter to the Honorable Robert N. Chatigny, Chief Judge, 450 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103-9998 asking some questions about this case. I received a very courteous response from His Honor. I could share it with you, but will not. Earn your own responses. The mainstream national press needs to hear this story. If it does not, you will become just another silent Ocwen victim living in the street. No one will know why and consequently, no one will care. Everyone will believe Ocwens claims that you are all good-for-nothing-deadbeats, just another shiftless person who would not make his payments. It is up to you to dispute those allegations in a way that gets heard by many. The press would be interested to know that a majority of Federal agencies turn a blind eye to this corruption and seem to actively discourage complaints. They might want to know what is taking so long in Hartford, as do most of the rest of us. No telling what the press might find if it really begins digging around. Send a buck or two for this ad. Keep posting on this site. These are small steps, but important ones. They are YOUR first steps toward independence from the tyranny practiced by Ocwen and others like it. This insanity has to stop somewhere; how about right here and right now? We could just let it go and then you can watch while your children and grandchildren get put out of their homes later on. And they will if this mortgage servicing system is not forced to change. I am tired of watching you sit back waiting for others to do it for you. No one is obligated to carry you or fight your battles for you. Wake up, Ocwen victims. You are playing right into Ocwens hands. These are your homes, your lives. Start taking responsibility for the course your life takes. I am sure that you will be happy to share in the monetary outcome of this suitwhy are you not willing to share a little of the advance work it takes to get there? I think I will send a little bit to further this cause myself. Since I am not a victim, I will not see a direct benefit from it. But as someone who likes to work with words from time to time, I am really interested in seeing the content. A lot of words can fit on a whole page of a newspaper, a lot can be revealed. The idea appeals to me. This is positive action. This is a proactive step. And I am sure that every single word of it will be very interesting to a great many people!

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