  • Report:  #108405

Complaint Review: One Web Direct Bill - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Page, West Virginia,

One Web Direct Bill
P.o Box 612608 Dallas, 75261 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was billed for making a long distance call for 6 minutes to the UNTED KINGD for a Pay Per-View website and was charged $30.00 which I did not make and which I have never used anytime!!! Also goes on to say

1. The item(s) billed on this invoice are for access to a proprietary internet website.

2. One Web Direct Bill, Inc. bills for a variety of web sites which include sports information, games, music, chat and others.

3. The cost for accessing the proprietary website is a total of $6.99 per minute, where $5.00 per minute is an entertainment fee billed directly to you by One Web Direct Bill,Inc. and the remaining $1.99 per minute is billed to your local phone bill for international long distance.

4. Legitimate balances must be paid by the due date given. Past due balances will be forwarded to a licensed collection agency, and you will be charged a late fee as well as any collection agency and attorney fees incurred.

5.If you feel that a billing error has been made, please view the back of your invoice for dispute instructions and a summary of your billing rights.

Its a complete scam something needs to be done because no one should have to pay for something they never been on or used!!! And they better not even think of messing with my credit or I will have an attorney and Im gonna call the Better Business Bureau on them!!!


Page, West Virginia

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Keeping Web-One off your browser.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 05, 2004

My previous response delete part of my answer. When the black pop-up appears, hit the Control,Delete, and Alt keys at the same time -- quickly. Then click the Processess tab. Delete the new invader, which in this case was 12482. Before you go on the internet, look at the Processes in that box. Look for new things popping up immediately after seeing the strange Black Box appear. After deleting from the process, get off the Internet, go to START - SEARCH (all drives) and the name of the invader (12482 in my case). Delete all versions. Make sure your search includes Hidden Files. If you're local settings directory is hidden, you may need to unhide it in order to find the files. Then... go to Microfoft.com & download Service Pack 2. Email me at [email protected] if you've been scammed. I want to collect the names of victims. I don't want your personal info... just a way to contact you & details about your problem). I'd like to take this to the legislature and also collect a large amount of 'victims' that can be taken to court against this company. If I need more info later, I'll let you know. Thanks


Recognizing the Mal Dialer

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 04, 2004

Regardless of Web One's FAQs, the dialer program is downloaded onto your site without permission or knowledge. Probably coming from an innocent looking website or email (downloaded without your knowledge). 1) Norton AntiVirus will find the dialer, but cannot delete it. This version came as 12482.exe. I had to search my drives for all versions of "12482" and manually delete them. Even after deletion, the files reappear. 2)After deleting the files, look for a 'black' dos screen to pop up for only a second. This is your clue that the program is being reinstalled. Immediately hit & look under Processes. Delete the '12482'. If you don't deletem it immediately, it will slow down your computer to almost nothing - not to mention the fake billing. 3)Don't pay. Do report to the Attorney General of your state AND to the Consumer Protection Division of your state (usually under the state Department of Commerce). Have your phone company put a block on international calls. 4) Worried about credit. First, they probably don't have your social security number. If they do report, the credit bureau would be able to track down the scammers. I would say any threats from Web Wone are unbiases and just meant to scare. If you are reported, you can still provide your reports to the Attorney General & Consumer Protection as paperwork about the fraud.


I try Calling But it is busy

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, October 04, 2004

I never meant to download any of this software. I never meant to download anything at all. I don't download things period. There was some sort of pop up and I was trying to quickly close out of it. Right after I hit it, then I thought "oops, what I hit wasn't to close it out, I think it was to download something". But then there was no window that popped up and said that I was downloading something. I was hoping there would be a window so I could cancel out of it and stop the download. There wasn't any window, so I thought that I had not downloaded anything. That was about the time when I started having problems with my computer and this "XXX" thing started popping up. Any time it popped up, all I did was try to close out of it. I am glad that they have the same tracking software as 911 because it should show that I was never clicking around on the "XXX" site after it popped up. All I ever wanted to do is close out of it. I just want to be left alone. I don't want, nor did I ever want any premium viewing service. I certainly never used the service. There may have been a pop up (that I was trying to close) that called some number. All I ever tried to do is close that pop up....This is unfair...................... Now when I call and email them they don't respond. The number to call is busy and they don't respond to my emails.


Auto Dialers Being Busted?

#5Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 04, 2004

I just read on another site how some of these auto dialer scams have been caught...Paul may be a "troll", but a darned good one. I'd suggest reporting this company for theft which is exactly what they are doing. There are too many complaints here and on other sites for this to be just a gag. I think Paul already has a life and Curtis may need to look for other employment.


The victim's perspective: innocent people that do nothing to initiate the fraud.

#6Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 04, 2004

With your half-assed modem dialer con, anyone can readily see that you certainly are no genius. But, even you should be able to understand this simple explanation. There is a reason that most people won't do this kind of thing. You see, your modem bullshit doesn't discriminate in its victims. Like any computer program, it simply downloads whenever the host site is accessed. Let's imagine some of the victims, shall we? How about the elderly woman in a rural community outside of South Bend. She doesn't bother anybody. She's a retired teacher. She lives on a fixed income, her social security and a small pension. Together, they barely cover her living expenses. Her husband passed away over 7 years ago, from cancer. So, she lives alone, with her cat. She has grown children who call often. They recently purchased a cheap computer for her to use. She gets enjoyment from seeing her young grandchildren on it, over the web cam. You see, her family had to move far away to pursue their careers. The only time when they can visit is during the Christmas holiday. So, her phone, and this computer are the only links she has to her family. Living alone, she has few visitors. Many of her friends have passed away. Some are in nursing homes, too sick to get out anymore. She usually spends her days in the garden. When she has extra money, she buys new plants for it. She usually spends quiet evenings alone. Sometimes she listens to the radio. Other times, she simply sits in her chair on her front porch, reflecting about what life has meant to her. You see, it's a funny thing, how your life changes as you age. Money doesn't have the allure it once did. Possessions don't mean much. Old people know they are nearing death. They tend to focus on family relationships. So, imagine for a moment if you will. Here is this elderly woman who has so very little in life. She's not rich. She not famous. She doesn't have a fancy home or an expensive car. But, what little she does have is very precious to her. One day, by accident, your modem dialer ends up on her computer. She barely understands computers. She has no idea what is wrong. All she knows is that her phone bill is more than she is able to pay. What would you suggest she do, let her cat starve? Even that wouldn't pay the bill! In the space of two months, your phone dialer bullshit has turned this person's world upside down. The phone company is threatening her service. Her computer doesn't work anymore. She has no idea what is wrong with it. She mentioned the problem to her son, but being 2000 miles away, he can offer little help. Instead of her garden, billing threats now take up her days. She doesn't have the money to pay. She doesn't know who to turn to. She doesn't want to ask her children for the money. They have huge mortgage payments to make. Besides, old people don't want to be a burden on others. So, she handles it the only way she can, by promising to make small payments to get caught up. She no longer has money for her garden. Besides, this problem left her feeling overwhelmed with despair and a sense of hopelessness. Instead of working outside, she just sits and ponders her fate. The last time her daughter called, she wept as she described the angry man from collection express to her. Her family has attempted to intercede on her behalf. But, as you know, National one is the bullshit that just won't quit. So, as it stands, this is her situation. Her phone is in jeopardy. The bill is overdue. Her computer no longer works. She enjoyed looking at gardening sites on it. She treasured the pictures that her family sent her. Unfortunately, that is all gone. The computer no longer responds. The pictures will all be lost if a reformat is done. This elderly person never bothered anyone. She didn't take anything that didn't belong to her. She had only a few simple joys left in life. Until the modem con took all that away. Now, she dreads the next phone call, knowing it will be a collector with more demands. She no longer calls anyone just to talk, because she can't afford the charges. She is left isolated and alone, her life filled with the turmoil from the bills. And it's not just her. All across America, people are in similar situations. I don't know anybody that has money to pay for dialer bullshit. This kind of fraud causes heartache and stress in everyone's life. Even young, capable victims are plagued with the difficulty of removing the dialer files. For many older victims, this is impossible to do. They simply abandon the machine, until they can pay a tech to fix it. Now, are you beginning to catch on? This is the converse of your situation. Every dollar you steal has to come from somewhere. Many times, it comes from people just like the one I described. Yes, I could do what you do. I would do it much better than you! You're a jackass who can't even make a sensible con that has a chance of working. You fight with people for every dollar that you steal. But, I choose not to cheat others, because I realize the effect it has on many of the victims. Christ, if you are that desperate that you need to commit fraud to make a living, at least have the decency to confine your efforts to big companies. Typically, they can absorb a certain amount of fraud and continue on. Many individuals, on the other hand, cannot. Now, you see why someone should disconnect your line permanently?


New Hampshire,
I have said all I have to say

#7UPDATE Employee

Mon, October 04, 2004

I have said all I have to say, and I will say no more. If you folks have any evidence, please do the following: 1. Call our customer service # 2. State that you wish to send a dialer application for investigation that you feel is out of compliance. 3. The rep on the phone will give you further instructions. If you guys wish to listen to "Paul" who issued a death threat and endorsed other illegal activities, such as hacking, feel free to do so. I've done everything I could to ask for evidence, and thanks to this thread there's a record of it. The bottom line is that "Paul" is a troll with absolutely no life since he seems to find plenty of time to post his threats and garbage on every thread related to One Web.


Hurry up and get your fake bill from National one telecom because they're going like hotcakes!

#8Consumer Suggestion

Sun, October 03, 2004

Here's how the fraud works. While you search the internet, unknown to you, a program comes over the connection into your computer. The program hijacks your modem, replacing the normal dialer. First, it mutes the speaker, so you can't hear when it dials out. Next, the program dials out over the phone line, typically to 44-207-335-84(00), a number located in the United Kingdom. However, no actual dialing needs to occur for the fraud to take place. For example, broadband cable users may not even have a phone line attached to dial out on. Yet, they still receive fraudulent bills. In addition, some users turn their computers off when they are finished. Yet, the bill they receive claims the call was made when the user knew the computer was turned off. So, once the program comes over the internet into your system, it sends your phone information to the fake billing network. Therefore, no actual calls need to be made in order for you to be billed. You can have broadband or satellite internet, yet you will still be billed for a dialed call. Your computer can be turned off, and you will still be billed! When you complain to your local phone company, they do not understand the nature of the problem. In addition, they are obligated by law to pay the fraudulent company. This is known as third party billing. Neither you, nor the phone company can stop this because, remember, no actual calls need to be made. Therefore, a block on a certain number will not help. Typically, the local phone company is obligated to act as a collection agent for this fraudulent company. They have no choice but to insist on payment. In addition, the fraudulent company itself will attempt to call you, insisting on payment. They have set up a fake collection company, collection express. They claim they will damage your credit. If you do pay for this, you can be assured that the exact same thing will happen next month, and every month thereafter. The individuals behind this all use fake names and post office boxes. Many of the toll free numbers used are made-up or never answered. They hide, because there is the very real possibility that an irate victim will simply come over and kill everyone involved in the scam in a crazy rage caused by the frustration. They are counting on you to pay the phone bill. They are counting on the majority of people to give in and send payment. Collectively, this fraud takes in several million every month in fake charges. It's a nationwide problem, effecting people at random. That's why, despite the risk of certain death or injury, the fraud continues. Big money! Many federal agencies are aware of this situation. However, they are stymied by the dead ends and shell companies set up by the scammers. In fact, one of the individuals is bold enough to actually come here, pretending to "help" people his company has defrauded. He is strictly acting as damage control, keeping a lid on the situation so that no complaints are filed. He, and his fake company, are counting on you to pay quietly, without raising a fuss to anyone. I suggest you do just the opposite! Fax, file, or call a complaint to: 1.fbi-federal bureau of investigation 2-fcc-federal communications commission 3-ftc-federal trade commission 4-puc-public utilities commission 5-national fraud hotline 6-attorney general in your state Feel free to use pages from this site as needed. In addition, I recommend you call your city newspaper and make them aware of the problem. This fraud relies on people being unaware and uninformed. When everyone fights instead of pays, the money will stop coming in to the fraud. Currently, the fraud is using various names: 1-national one telecom 2-one web direct bill 3-collection express 4-usbi or esbi 5-tellsys 6-one call com 7-candid publishing 8-Intercosmos Media Group or directNIC 9-Money Management International All of these names are in some way connected to this fraud. Many are involved in setting it up. Some help with the fake billing. Other names are the actual fraud companies themselves. Unless you want these frauds to slowly bleed you dry, and eventually cause your telephone to be turned off, I suggest you scream loud and long to anyone and everyone who will listen! Remember, they are counting on your fear and ignorance in this situation. Instead, show them they're wrong. Dead wrong! Good luck with this!

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