  • Report:  #906661

Complaint Review: Palm Beach Kennel Club - West Palm Beach Florida

Reported By:
Degenerate - West Palm Beach, Florida, United States of America

Palm Beach Kennel Club
1111 North Congress Ave. West Palm Beach, 33409 Florida, United States of America
(561) 683-2222
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Report Attachments
    This past time that I visited the poker room will definitely be the LAST time I will ever set foot in that God-forsaken place ever again. Poker dealers do NOT use the standard rules of poker, nor do they have any poker etiquette!  I should've known something wasn't right from the moment I sat down at the table. I went to play $5-$10 no limit Texas Hold 'Em, and I bought in fore a mere $300. However, everyone at the table had well over $3,000 in chips. I'm an idiot for even sitting down at this table. 

    As I'm watching to see how everyone is playing, I soon come to realize that the Haitian guy sitting to my right keeps speaking in Creole. He's talking out loud at the table, so loud that 5 tables down could hear his ugly language. On top of it, his breath was the worst breath I've ever smelled in my life. It smelled like he collected fresh piles of dog crap, threw them all in a blender, and chugged it down. It was so bad, I couldn't concentrate on playing. I then decided to ask him nicely to go brush his teeth. The man got so upset, he started lashing out at me and cursing at me in Creole. He even put a curse on me! I decided to try to just ignore him for the remainder of the night, although I had to ask to wear a mask because I could not stand to smell his breath any longer.

    As the night progressed, I had barely played any hands. The ones I did play, I won very little. I noticed after tipping the dealer after every win, he never even said "thank you". I also noticed that the Haitian guy with the bad breath had played EVERY hand since I sat down... and lost! HE would re-buy back in for $500 bucks every time. This guy had to be at leadt $6,000 in the hole. He was calling "all-in" with absolutely nothing, I didn't understand it. 

    Finally, I was the big blind and I was holding pocket Kings. The entire table called the initial $10 blind, so when it came back around to me, naturally, I raised to $75. The entire table folded except, of course, the Haitian guy who calls every hand no matter what. The flop comes out... J, 8, 3, all different suits. The Haitian guy checks the flop, and shows what he has to the guy next to him (something you're not supposed to do, however the dealer allows it). Holding my pocket Kings, I feel there's a 90% chance I have the best hand, so I go all-in with $245 to at least protect my initial raise. Without hesitation, the Haitian guy calls me immediately. Now, when two people go all-in, proper etiquette is to turn both hands face up, and then run out the remainder of the board, however, at Palm Beach Kennel Club, I guess rules are thrown out the window. So I turned my cards face up, revealing my pocket Kings, and he kept his face down. 

    After asking the dealer "doesn't he have to turn his cards up?", the dealer responded with "he can do whatever he wants." So, the dealer then turned over the turn card, revealing a 2 of diamonds. All of a sudden the Haitian guy stands up, crosses his fingers, and starts praying in Creole so loud the entire poker room could hear him. He's still keeping his cards face-down on the table. At this point, I have no clue what he possibly could have. I was thinking maybe pocket Queens, or pocket 10's perhaps. 

    Finally, the dealer turns over the river card, revealing a 7 of spades. "YES!!!!", the Haitian screams! He immediately turns over his cards, revealing he's holding 7,3 off-suit. "Gimme my sh*t!", he orders for the dealer to toss the chips over to him, as the dealer starts shoving all of the $500 plus dollars over towards his direction. The Haitian guy starts running around the table celebrating the whole time as if he was Kirk Gibson rounding the bases in the 1988 World Series! All of a sudden, everyone in the entire poker room, including the dealer, stood to their feet celebrating and cheering him on, giving him a standing ovation!

I couldn't believe it! Totally inappropriate! After he "rounded the bases" and received his standing ovation from his fanclub cheering him on, he got right in my face and said "In your face!", with his breath wreaking right through my mask. It was the most disgusting behavior I've ever seen out of a poker player. Here was a man who just burned through well over $6,000 in cash in a matter of an hour, yet he is now celebrating over a $500 pot win as if he had just won the World Series. What a complete joke!

    "Is this really necessary? Can we move on?", I said to the dealer, who was still standing giving the Haitian guy a continuous round of applause, however now crying with tears of joy. I couldn't take this place any longer. I stood up to leave, and immediately after the dealer yells "Oh, where's the SORE LOSER going?!" He then grabbed the megaphone that was under his desk and used it to scream "Hey everyone! The sore loser can't take a loss!" I don't know who it was, but someone started playing R.E.M.'s song "Everybody Hurts Sometimes" as I started to leave.

That sent all 400 plus people in the poker room into an uproarous laughter. To make matters worse, as I headed quickly for the exit, everyone began singing the NBA playoffs song when a team is just about to be eliminated from the playoffs... "Na na na NA! Na na na NA! Hey hey hey! GOOD-BYE!", all in perfect unison. They repeated it over and over again, waving their arms above their head in a "Good-bye" motion. "Na na na NA! Na na na NA! Hey hey hey! GOOOOOD-BYYYYE!", they repeated louder each time, as more and more people joined in. I have never been so humiliated in my entire life! 

    To add insult to injury, I finally got out to my car to see that someone had spray-painted in giant block lettering the word "DEGENERATE" in all capital letters across both sides of my car. I made the report to nearby security, and all he did was laugh hysterically. "Well, you ARE a degerate!", he said. I made sure I peeled out in the parking lot as I left, and I vowed to never return! COMPLETE RIPOFF THAT PLACE IS!!!
Report Attachments

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Maroni Tires

The Ghetto,
United States of America

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 24, 2012

Doesn't anyone recognize this person as being the author of the famous Keith Friberg the evil smoothie man stories? Your writing, although entertaining and well written, is too familiar to the smoothie reports. I was expecting Keith Friberg to drop from the ceiling on a vine and lay down a royal flush or something.  In the future, if you're writing gag reports, at least entertain us with a smoothie slugfest or a cross-burning on the lawn in front of the smoothie counter.  This report led to nothing and I felt that I wasted 4 minutes of my life reading it.  However, if this is not the Keith Friberg author and it's a legitimate report, you're pushing it right to the edge of being racist buddy.  Keep it clean.


United States of America
Same old story

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 13, 2012

I HATE the track! If you go there to have a good time its just not gonna happen. Any skill that you have at playing poker is just tossed right out the window because of players who have no clue what they are doing. This story is a prime example. The person holding KK played his cards decent, however he should've pushed all-in pre-flop.  The dumb Haitian guy with bad breath would've never called holding 7-3 off-suit.  That's what's bad about the race track.  Way too many idiots there who will call hundreds of dollars with absolutely nothing.  Haitians are the worst.


West Palm Beach,
United States of America
Haitians playing poker

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2012

I'm glad you brought up Haitians.  I sat at a table one time, and it was 7 Haitians at the table, and me.  They were all speaking Haitian to each other, which was completely unfair.  You're supposed to be allowed to only speak English.  How do I know what they were all telling each other when I don't understand Haitian?  That area there at Congress and Belvedere is a HUGE Haitian community, and unfortunately they flood the PBKC.  They collect their free government money and food stamps and go directly to the track to blow it.  They ought to put a sign outside the entrance that forbids them entering if they refuse to speak English.


Boca Raton,
United States of America
Go to Coconut Creek

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, July 19, 2012

your best bet is to opt for coconut creek casino instead of pbkc.  You won't have to deal with waiting an hour for a table nor will you have to deal with any haitians.  People don't go all in for no reason there.  You'll still lose money, just not as much as the pbkc.  Coconut Creek has just been renovated so it looks nice and has a great bar in there.  Hilarious story by the way i feel that happened to me 1,000 times lol


Town of Palm Beach,
United States of America
Lol great story

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, July 08, 2012

i don't know whether you posted this so people would stop going to the track or to post a hilarious poker story but none-the-less it was fantastic! If you are trying to keep people from going to the poker room though, you and i both know it's not going to happen.  I go there often myself, I'd like to know who wrote this I'd love to meet ya. lololol

Sidney H. Vega

Boca Raton,
United States of America
You're better off writing stories...

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2012

I thoroughly enjoyed your rant against the dog track's poker room.  Good luck trying to get anyone to believe it!  First of all, if you get upset over someone beating you at a hand of poker, here's a suggestion:  Don't play!  I also don't think that you should be going outside at all actually, based on how racist you are and that you're willing to tell someone he needs to brush his teeth right to his face.  Why do you feel the need to keep calling him "the Haitian?"  If he was American, would you be saying "The American"?  The dealer all of a sudden has a megaphone with him?  Where did he get it from?  This story is completely false.  Bottom line is you lost in a game of poker and you're upset about it.  I've been going to the track for years and that has never happened nor WOULD ever happen.  The only reason that people would start cheering and singing songs as you leave is if you're there every day giving hard-working dealers hard times for not dealing out the cards you wanted.  Stick to writing stories, and don't put crap on here that doesn't belong!

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