  • Report:  #67824

Complaint Review: Palmetto Marketing - Coral Springs Florida

Reported By:
- Ojai, California,

Palmetto Marketing
7522 Wiles Rd., Suite 112 Coral Springs, 33067 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The same young man who appeared on my doorstep last year rang my doorbell on May 5, 2003. I remembered him. He did not remember me. Very engaging, fast talker, told the same story of the competition with others and gave me a sticker to present to anyone following him that would verify I had already purchased from him. Trying again to win a trip to Cancun.

I bought two mags last year. No problem. Bought two mags this year. One subscription has begun, but no sign of the other. No way to contact the company other than by mail. No phone, no email address available. I will write the company direct but expect no answer after reading the "ripoff" letters on this site.

If I receive any acknowledgement from PMI I will notify this site.


Ojai, California

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