  • Report:  #306352

Complaint Review: PARS CARS - RIVERDALE Georgia

Reported By:
- JONESBORRO, Georgia,

Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Day one- went to check out some cars, being that my Fiance wanted a car so bad and my credit is not so good and she does not have any credit inspired us to stay inspite of the rudeness, loudness, un-organization

and ghetto-ness which was overlooked being that we were handling buisness.

Going forward we test drove the 2002 Taurus, olive green beutiful to look upon but never to imagine that it was a car from hell. As we are test driving the car, it jerks. my fiance and I ask what is that, and would this be fixed before we brought the car? The salesperson, who too much blame can not go on as she was new, I suppose and she did not know anything. She said they would get a work order to write up everthing that was wrong with the car. we agreed, as there will always be a small problem the car is used. You know?? We get back to the dealership talk to the manager, he agrees to have the car picked up the next morning and taken to the service center we said o.k. giving them a down payment of $400.00 to hold the car.

While signing the contract we were rudely rushed by a guy telling us about his problems with his boyfreind and the boyfreind babymother, we could not even talk about the contract. Oh God and dont let us ask questions he was telling us to just sign cause he needed to go home and cuss his so and so boyfreind out. We asked him about the work order which they did not even want to give us, and he knew nothing about it he also said they would drop the car off and it would be ready when we got back on Friday to pick the car up.

Friday we go to pick the car up nothing is ready, we have to wait three hours, not even considering the fact that we were there four hours Thursday.

Upon giving us our paperwork we asked where is the work order? That took an additional 45 mins just to get that.

The major problem besides the jerking was that Saturday when we took the car for a night out on the town, the car stalled in drive for about two minutes after stalling in drive jumping and then proceeding to drive. just imagine if this happend on the interstate and someone was in front of us we could hit the person and god forbid if someone was in the rear we could have been killed.

We hurridly took the car to their (SHOP, where they have certified mechanics) huh, he said the car needed a tune up. we picked the car up it had the same problem the jerking, we pull to a red light and the car stalls for about two minutes in drive, you would have thought it was in neutral, after stalling it jumped back into gear. we took the car back to the shop, that same night. The mechaninc took it for a drive he was like the car is o.k. of course you would say that you work for PARS CARS one of those certified mechanics. We were bound to believe him thinking nothing could be done.

After getting the car back we drove for a couple of days coming to find out that the now the engine mount had broke hmmmmm it was not broke before we had taken it to the shop and a belt was loose which made the car make a funny noise. Trying to ignore all the problems for a couple of days making excuses for the car like well it is used, and it does not have a warranty, and so on until Sunday afternoon.

My fiance, my adopted son, my sister and I were riding to the store after church around 3:00. To get to the store we had to cross the train tracks, the car got stuck on the tracks for one minute, I put the car in nuetral, reverse, drive one the car was stuck in neutral, this is one of the scariest times of my life. The car finally jumped in drive and when I say jumped I mean literly if someone was in front of us we could have killed them.

Immediatly my fiance and I decided we would take the car back. We took the car back Monday FEB 04th, after calling to confirm that we would be stopping by. When we arrived the manger that helped us act like he was just so busy, finally after peaking thru the window and waitiing for about thirty minutes he came out like we never talked earlier that day. He came out side asked me what was wrong and then asked us to hold on. He sent another mangaer who took the car for a drive agreeing that something was seriously wrong and they would get it to the shop once again.

My thing if your mechanincs did not fix the first time what makes you think they would fix correct this time. So we turned the car back in told them we did not want the down payment back just dont put it on our credit and where could we get a letter stating this. We drive to their finance company, and we talk with a manger who calls over to the dealership (upon threating to sue them) and asked would we be willing to try another car. We said yes if it is dependable. She said that PARS CARS would call this afternoon they had to check their inventory. Today is Tuesday 2/5/08 1418hrs and still no call. I called them earlier and they kept me on hold for about an hour. I finally hung up.

The advice I have for anybody is never ever do buisness at PARS CARS THEY SUCK.





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