  • Report:  #1196341

Complaint Review: Payday Loans of America - Nationwide

Reported By:

Payday Loans of America
Nationwide, USA
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On 12-17-14 I recieved a call from a Florida Phone Number, I answered it and this Indian Guy who I could barely understand (RED FLAG #1). He told me that I had been approved for a 5000.00 loan. (RED FLAG #2 - because I didnt apply for a loan and was not looking for one!) Then he asked me for my bank account and routing # which of course that wasnt going to happen and was RED FLAG # 3. Now knowing this was a sure scam I stayed on the phone and listened to the scam details. This moron wanted me to go to home depot and put 500.00 on a green dot card to secure the loan and then call him with the green dot card numbers! REALLY? It was 2pm and he wanted me to drop what I was doing to rush to home depot and do that, I told him I wouldnt be able too until around 5:30 and he said he would call back I said fine. I then got off the phone and called the Missouri Attorney Generals office to report the scam, they said this was a common scam going around operated from outside the US and that the floFlorida phone number was a spoofed number.

At exactly 4:30 the guy called me when he wasnt supposed to call til 5:30 (scammers for foreign countries obviously dont understand how US time zones work so I didnt bother to answer, I thought I would let him think he was chasing a easy 500.00 he wanted to scam from me for about a day. At around 2:30 PM today on 12-17-14 this moron calls me again, I answered he said he needed to transfer me to another guy and while I was listening to their corney on hold music I hung up, minuets later he called back kinda pissed lol why you hang up on me, I said I didnt must be that "long distance phone connection" lol. He said I needed to go to home depot and get that card loaded, I said actually no I dont, because after winning 8 thousand dollars at the casino last night I wouldnt be wanting a loan, the guy was stunned because I shut his a** down, he paused for a few and then said sir you can still get the 5000.00 loan and then you would have 13,000, I said I wasnt needing a loan in the first place and now that I have won 8K I will be having a great Christamas and for him to have a good day. See scammers if you catch on to their scam are really actually fun to play with.

Back in 2008 I was a target of a rental scam, I had rental property on craiglist for rent, I would get replies from over seas (London usually) And they would tell me they were sponsoring a student to study in the US and that they were going to send me a check that was thousands over the amout of renting first and last month, and then I was to deposit the check in my bank and send them the difference minus my first and last months rent charges. They way the scam worked is you would depoist the check then pull money out of your own account before the check was processed and found to be a fradulent check that was worthless, and wire them YOUR money through western union. I knew this too was a scam so I played along and let them spend the cost and time to overnight the bad check to me then I would pin them on my bullitin board as kind of a trophy for not be dumb enough to get dupped by these brazen theives. Good luck out there and if something sounds to good to be true it usually is!! and never ever give out your bank account numbers over the phone or internet not ever!!!



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