  • Report:  #1014535

Complaint Review: Payment system corporation and global leasing company - Los Angeles California

Reported By:
anh - San Francisco, California, United States of America

Payment system corporation and global leasing company
633 West Fifth St. STE 6770 Los Angeles, 90071 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
 the gist of the story

It was on 12/4/12, that a sale,  representative, Paul Coy, from Payment System Corporation came into shop from a phone appointment to show how he can save money for my shop on credit/debit processing.  He said he will give us .39 cent  per transaction and credit is a flat 1% rate.  and also, we would have to lease their machine for $99 a month,  of which I quickly reject and then Paul Coy called his up-line, James and James lowered the price to $59 a month.  With this
offer, I thought that it would be better for my shop but I told Paul Coy that I already have contract with Micamp Merchant and it is still going for another 3 years or so.  Paul Coy again called his up-line James and gave me the phone to talk direct to James.  James said that he agreed to pay for all of my cancellation fee and that I would just have to fax him the final statement once I get it from Micamp Merchant.  And also that they would provide my shop with an internet able terminal which would be faster because at the time, my terminal with Micamp Merchant was using Magic Jack phone line so the connection is very bad at times.  I asked James how long is his company contract and he said 5 years and quickly I said I do not want to do it and that I only want no contract.  Paul Coy and James talked and they agreed to waiver Payment System cancellation fee If I want to cancel with them down the line and that Paul Coy will start the paper work for it.

  At this point, I was still not convinced because I had problem with the contract when I switched from Wells Fargo to Micamp merchant so I told Paul Coy that i was not sure and that I would have to think about it and get back to him.  Paul Coy insist that I can just sign some paper work for him to just check with his company to see if I would qualify for that rate.  I said ok and I started signing paper work, but I told Paul Coy that do not process the paper works yet because I wasn't sure.  I finished signing the contract and Paul Coy said that he was new and that there are parts he didn't understand so he will take it back to his company to finish up filling it out.  He left without giving me a copy of the contract to which I didn't think much of it because I already told him not to process it yet.  Also at the time I didn't have a check on me or do i have my shop tax ID Paul Coy said he would come back the follow day to pick up a void check and also the shop tax ID. 

so the next day, Paul Coy came and I gave him the void check and also the shop tax ID.  Paul Coy said that he would also come back to help me install the machine also once it arrived.  I think it was a day or two later, I got a called from Payment System for a voice confirmation of the lease and rate agreement.  I was a little surprised because I did not give Paul Coy the "go" to process the paperwork but then I was thinking to myself that I do need an internet terminal and that the rate they give me was also good and that they promised to pay for my cancellation fee and also waiver their own cancellation fee and so I agree to the lease and rate contract over the phone.

Maybe it was a week later that I received their machine and I plugged it in and everything was working nicely.  Then I decided to call Payment system customer service to ask where I need to fax the final statement to get the reimbursement for canceling with my Micamp Merchant (at the time and still now i have not cancel),  Becaue Paul Coy never show up to help me with the terminal installation so I coudlnt ask him directly for the information. 

I called and to my shock that there was nothing about reimbursement for canceling with my Micamp merchant but there is a $299 waiver fee for Payment Sytem cancellation.  However, I found out that to cancel with, I would have to pay $1600+ and that there is a non-cancellable lease for the terminal for 5 years (after tax $71 dollars a month) which mean I would have to pay roughly $6000.00 if i want to complete get out of this contract.  I was so shocked.  At this point I was
furious and asked to speak to a manager but one was not available.  It took me many tries after several days, before I could get in touch with a Supervisor.  To my amazement, the Supervisor, Maritza M. confirmed that what the customer service said was true about the nonexistent of the reimbursement and the huge amount of their cancellation fee.  I asked to talk directly to Paul Coy or James his up-line but she responded saying that they have no direct contact with them from the sale department and they are only independent sale rep.  I request to acquire their phone number so I can get in touch with them but Maritza M. said that they don't' have it and that they only stay in touch through email.  She said that she can only tell me what is on the contract so I asked her to send me a copy of the contract of which I never had one.  I asked her to email James to get in touch with me. 

I waited several days and no phone call from James so I called back and told Maritza  that he has not called me so she sent him another email and I waited several more days and then called back.  I was so mad saying something like this:  So your sale rep gave me a business with a phone # directly to your company but here I cannot reach them nor do you guys have their phone # nor will you provide me with any  mean to get touch with them directly; what kind of nonsense logic is this?"  Maritza sent James another email and finally within that day he called me asking what is going on?

  I calmly told James the situation and asked him what is going on.  He responded that there was only a late-ness in submitting/process the paper works and that he will take care of everything and that I can just fax him the final statement when I get it from Micamp merchant.  He said that he will get everything taken care of by next week so I waited for about 5 or 6 days and called back to customer service the following week and them if everything is good.  He gave me the fax number and also his personal phone number. They said something like this: yes everything is good.  So i said that mean all my cancellation fee with Micamp merchant and with Payment system is waiver right?  customer service said no.  he/she said that James reported back after talking me saying he resolved everything and everything is clear with me.  I was so mad and couldn't believe what was going on.  Customer service said that there is nothing they can do because they can only base everything on written contract. 
At this point, James the up-line disappear no matter how many times I called him.  Looking over my contract carefully, I think that there are one signature and maybe several initiates are not mine.  Someone suggested that contact BBB and so I did and maybe  a week later this person Rodrigo R. Retention Specialist
Phone: 888.835.5306 Ext.13230
Fax: 888-835-5308
called me regarding a complaint from BBB.  and so I told him the whole situation thinking that he would act on my behalf.  For the next one month even during my honeymoon in Hawaii,I stay in touch with Rodrigo and our conversation were also me asking on the progress and him telling me that it is under investigation.  After a month or so after I came back from my honeymoon, I called Rodrigo and he said that it is still under investigation and that he would an answer for me the following week.  So the next Tuesday I called him and no respond....more calling the next few days.  Then he finally responded saying that according to the company legal department, because I agree to the phone/audio confirmation of the contract, it take precedence over any fraudulent contractual signature or initiates.  He said that my options are 1.  continue processing with Payment System and he will try to get me $500 dollars in reimbursement if I cancel with Micamp Merchant (I need about $4000.00 to cancel with micamp) and 2. if I do not uphold the contract, he will forward me to the legal department and they will put me on some sort of credit list.  I also asked Rodrigo if he had gotten in touch the sale rep Paul Coy and his up-line about the whole matter and he replied that he couldnt get to them after 1 month of effort and so he had no choice but to forward my situation to the legal the department of his company.

 So now i am stuck paying 2 companies.  if anyone know how to resolve, please help.  

thank you for reading,

anh nguyen

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