  • Report:  #1125546

Complaint Review: Powerhouse Cars International - Dayton Ohio

Reported By:
Howard - Port Orange, Florida,

Powerhouse Cars International
433 Lewiston Road Dayton, 45429 Ohio, USA
(937) 825-8905
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In December of 2013 I enquired about a vehicle that was listed at the Website powerhousecarsint.com and after two months of negotiation and assurance from the supposed "Business Owner" I can now unfortunately attest to this being the most crooked outfit I have dealt with since buying my first car in 1959...yes...1959.

Here are the quick facts (for those how do not want to read the details).

  1. This is not a dealership
  2. It is not a business 
  3. There is no business checking account or other banking relationship
  4. There is no Ohio dealers license
  5. There is no Ohio business license or TAX ID (a full report is in transit to the Ohio Department of Revenue
  6. Mr. Harting made mutiple statements that are totally untrue
  7. Mr. Harting is unresponsive to all requests for discussion, will not take a phone call
  8. Mr. Harting is unresponsive to requested mediation
  9. Damages amount to over $6,000.00
  10. Even his voice mail greeting is not factual:  There is no "WE" in Powerhouse Cars International

Do not let his website fool you.

The transaction in question involved a car on Consignment to Mr. Harting and represented by Mr. Harting with a glowing discripton and somewhat shoddy photography on the website that was uncovered in a google search for a particular type of hotrod.   

The first indicaiton that this was going to go badly was the mileage on the car.    On the website the car was represented as having 2202 miles on the odometer.   When it arrived it had 5503.

In that I have been buying, selling and trading cars with other collectors over the years I thought Mr. Harting was a "car guy" and one who could be trusted.    On numberous occasions I asked him the following questions:

  1. How current are the photographs?
  2. Are their any scratches, swirl marks or paint chips
  3. How is the undercarriage
  4. What does the car need
  5. How does it run out
  6. Are their any known issues
  7. How are the tires?
  8. Does anything leak
  9. Have you personally inspected the car and will you do so before an agreement is reached?

So my findings:

  1. Not possible to tell how old the photo shoot was but it was 3,000 miles ago and in hot rodding that is years
  2. Not only are their scratches but their are cracks in the fiberglass body gel coat
  3. The under carriage is an oil slick requiring two full days of tedious detailing
  4. The car needs:
    1. Three Stromberg Carburators rebuilt
    2. Was told it was low on brake fluid; it would not stop and the Master was defective and needing replacement.
    3. The progressive shift linkage replaced - the only operational carb is the center carb
    4. Their is no way to apply necessary pressure to the transmission TV Cable
    5. Oil is leaking from both the front and rear main seals
    6. Oil is leaking from the Oil Filter Fittings
    7. The engine compartment was an oil slick
    8. There is no VIN number anywhere on the vehicle
  5. It does not run out.    The car does not shift from third into overdrive, the front and rear carbs are dumping gas and cannot be controled and the steering box is loose.
  6. Obviously these issues were known
  7. And the tires:  Date code on the rear tires is 2002 and on the front tires 2003.   The tires have tread but are hard as rocks.    (Would you let your wife ride in a car with 11 and 12 year old tires?
  8. If it has bodily fluid it leaks
  9. I was told he went out to the owners home and check the car out completely...is that possible

I traded a pristine 1940 Ford that was totally perfect and professionally inspected and documented.    I gave the owner CASH on delivery for delivery fees, mileage, the broker fee to Powerhouse cars and for the cash difference.

So there you have it and with the power of social media I will do everything in my Power to insure none of my brothers and sisters in the car hobby are riped off.   Maybe he needs to change the name to PowerHOSING Cars?

Again, beware.   This guy is a sham.

12 Updates & Rebuttals

Tom Harting /Power house cars

Clients remarks about Power House cars

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 10, 2014

Tom Harting is one of the best in the business. I bought a 37 Ford Steet from him and Power House Cars. The car was great, every thing that Tom had promised and told was nothing but the truth. He exclianed the entire process to us and deal was flawless. I would highly recomend Tom and his company Power House Cars to any one that is consideration buying or selling the car of their dreams. we trusted him and couldn't be happier!

Report Attachments

Howard Tarnoff

Port Orange,
Please Tom, admit you are not honest

#3Author of original report

Wed, September 03, 2014

I will upload all receipts for the work that had to be done.

I will upload the photo Tom posted of the odometer with 2200 miles and the picture of the odometer that read 5600 miles on arrival.

I will upload photos of the engine tear down and rebuild.

I could not test drive the car as it had no breaks...told by delivery guy low on fluid and had to replace master.

Tom, go away before I get nasty and you hear from a Lawyer.

Report Attachments

Tom Harting /Power house cars

Power House cars / Tom Harting

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, September 02, 2014

Please log onto my web site at www.powerhousecarsint.com and hit the testomonial tab for the Happy and satisfied clients of Power House Cars.

Tom Harting /Power house cars


#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, August 22, 2014

This is the beautiful car that Howard is trying to mock. The car took 4 years to build and cost over $90,000 to build. Howard I think you need need new glasses!!! Invite you people to look the car over, I have more pictures if you care to see them.

Report Attachments

Tom Harting /Power house cars


#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 20, 2014

After reading your unture statements and any  thing else that you could make up to make About me any my company,  I think you are the person that is a SHAME, Howard if  what you say is the truth way did you accept the 33 vicky? You even test drove the car and was very happy with it !! Shame on you Howard for posting such unture statements !!!!

Tom Harting /Power house cars

RIP OFF REPORT HAS RIPPED ME OFF!!! *Comment from Ripoff Report:  in order to set the record straight, Ripoff Report has filed a Rebuttal, to this Rebuttal.  Please look for that information to get both sides of the story”

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, August 17, 2014

If you are reading this post on the rip off site it allows me to bad mouth and malign there own site!! Another thing is you can do is SEND THEM MONEY !!! and they will fix any rip off report about you. This site should not be able to be avaiable for any comments about any body.


 EDITOR’S NOTE:  Ripoff Report strongly believes in the First Amendment, even when it is about us.  We understand that people who have complaints written about them are upset and want to place blame somewhere, especially if they feel the content of the Reports are false.  We also understand that individuals want to blame our website rather than where it belongs – on the person who wrote the Reports in the first place.  Using the same method that we provide free of charge to all of our users, we would like to “set the record straight” as to the comments posted about our website through this Rebuttal. 

 Every user of our website has the opportunity to tell their side of the story, for free, just as we will do here.  We certainly encourage users to “set the record straight” and tell their side of the story by using the free methods available to them before they consider other paid Ripoff Report programs (such as our VIP Arbitration Program or the Corporate Advocacy Program) or alterative avenues (such as filing a lawsuit against the Author of the report) that cost money.  After all, we have no way of knowing if the Report author is telling the truth or perhaps the person/company who writes the Rebuttals to the Report is telling the truth - - or maybe the truth lies somewhere in between the two stories.  This is why we allow Reports, Comments, Rebuttals and Updates, for free, by anyone (including the person/company posted about) who has information to share about the situation.  This includes the ability to upload documents that support the position that is being advanced.  By doing so, all sides of the story are able to be heard so other users of the site can make an educated decision about the situation for themselves.  It’s also important to note that all of our users who sign up for an account with the website must check a box indicating that the information they report on will be the truth and that the Report will become a permanent record.

  It is clear that the author of the above Rebuttal is upset about the content that the original Report Author wrote about them and seemingly wants to blame Ripoff Report for providing a forum where people can come and openly comment about their experiences.   It is clear that both parties to the original complaint are at an impasse over the transaction.

 It’s absurd to propose that Ripoff Report, which is an open and interactive website, should not be available for people to make comments “about anybody.”  With that kind of rationale, one could kiss the internet goodbye.  Do you think that Facebook or Twitter or any other mainstream interactive websites, including news blogs, would exist if you told the users that no one could post any comments about anyone, or anything?  Of course not!  To require such action would be to stifle the freedom of speech and the free exchange of information and ideas.  Ripoff Report is “for consumers, by consumers” and, in fact, our Terms of Service say, at paragraph 3, “Opinions, advice, statements, offers or other information or content made available through ROR are those of their respective authors and not of [Ripoff Report] and should not necessarily be relied upon.  Such authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of such content.  [Ripoff Report] does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information on ROR and neither adopts nor endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made.”  Ripoff Report does not hold out that any information posted by users of the website is accurate or necessarily reliable.  We encourage people to conduct thorough research, through more than one forum/medium, before making final decisions about an particular individual or business.  After all, no business can please 100% of their customers 100% of the time.  Sometimes there are miscommunications.  Sometimes a business’s staff member is having a bad day.  Sometimes the customer is having a bad day.  Warranted or not…all businesses get complaints.  We believe it’s how businesses take care of the complaints that separates good businesses from the rest.

 Consumers – if a business reaches out to you to try and resolve a problem, whether it be through postings on our website or other avenues, we encourage you to work with the business and work through the situation with fairness in mind.  Sometimes a resolution just cannot be reached and each party is entitled to his/her opinion about the situation.  We don’t condone businesses trying to take advantage of consumers – that’s why our website was started in the first place.  At the same time, we don’t condone consumers, or other business competitors, trying to take advantage of businesses either.  To all parties:  Keep it calm.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.

  We thank you for taking the time to read this Rebuttal and allowing us to “set the record straight.”


 Ripoff Report Staff


 If the information contained in the Report is false and defamatory, which we are in no position to determine, the Rebuttal Author here is free to consult counsel about seeking legal remedies against the author of the original Report.  However, it should be noted that Ripoff Report will not just hand over author information just because someone says something is false.  In order to seek author information from an anonymous speaker on our website certain legal hoops have to be jumped through.  Information on how a person can obtain author information from Ripoff Report can be found on our website at the following URL:  http://www.ripoffreport.com/ConsumersSayThankYou/FalseReport.aspx

 Consumers – if a business reaches out to you to try and resolve a problem, whether it be through postings on our website or other avenues, we encourage you to work with the business and work through the situation with fairness in mind.  We don’t condone businesses trying to take advantage of consumers – that’s why our website was started in the first place.  At the same time, we don’t condone consumers, or other business competitors, trying to take advantage of businesses either.  To all parties:  Keep it calm.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair.

 We thank you for taking the time to read this Rebuttal and allowing us to “set the record straight.”


Ripoff Report Staff


Tom Harting /Power house cars

Howard You made the trade,what you state is a pack of lies.

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 12, 2014

Howard states that his car was a pristine car, no way the paint was bad and it has runs in it. His car was not what he stated to the buyer Howard is a prime example of some that does not belong in the classic car business. Howard I will stand for the lies you have posted on this site. I feel that the only person you got ripped off was my company!! Shame on you Howard!!!

Tom Harting /Power house cars

Power House Cars

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, August 12, 2014

I find it amazing that this rip off  site is allowed to post all  these lies. Power House cars is a very sucessful classic consignmet businees. We have a long list of very happy clients. This site should contact the company to see if any of these comments  are true.  I should be able to post bad things about this rip off site looks I am the only one getting ripped off!!!

Howard Tarnoff

Port Orange,
I stand by the facts I submitted

#10Author of original report

Mon, August 11, 2014

Tom is not credible.    He talks in terms of his "business".  He has no business banking accounts, the OH department of revenue has no records of Powerhouse Cars International, and he has no dealer license.


Tom Harting /Power house cars

Power House Cars

#11REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 11, 2014

I will not stand idle and let this pack of lies posted here try to discredit my compnay. Tm Harting and or Power House Cars is not guilty of any of the lies from Howard. I should file a rip off report aabout Howard because he tried to discredit  my compnies identity. Please like this just can't go !!!!!! Howard knows my information is nothing but the turth!!!

Tom Harting /Power house cars


#12REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, August 11, 2014

Howard has a case of buyers remorse. He should of never with through with the trade if what he says is ture. I will not allow him to discredit my Company with such lies. He needs to be corrected now.Call me any time for would like to hear the exact story that happened.

Tom Harting /Power house cars

1933 Vicky trade

#13REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 01, 2014

This will set the records straight on this transaction. Howard called my business and wanted to trade his car for a car that my client had for sale. He and the owner of the car here in Dayton ,Ohio made all the arrangements to make this transaction happen. My company and or me had nothing to do with this trade. The owner of the car in Dayton,drove to Howard's home in Florida to deliver his car and pick up the car that he traded for. Howard looked the car over and took it on I test drive. After a lenghtly inspection Howard made the trade and was very happy.  I did not reprsrent any information on the condition of either car. I operate a car consignment business in Kettering,Ohio. I have a proven track record with many happy clients. Please do not let this person try to malign my businees. If Howard did't like the car when it was delivered to him,he should NOT of made the transaction. Power House cars is a very sucessful and respected  business .Pease do not take the comments to be the true. I am availbe to answer any questions concerning this transaction. I was told that Howard did inspect the car and was happy with the trade, if he was unhappy why did he complete the transaction??? I exicute world wide transactions and have very happy  clients. I also had to listen to all the problems that Howard's car had such as , leaking engine, bad paint  and body work and the list goes on. To my knowledge the car was in very good condition. This is a true case of buyers remorse and he is trying to ruin Power House cars. Once again please call me or e mail me If you would like to discuss this matter in debt. Once again if Howard was that unhappy with the car why did he follow through with the tranaction and paid cash to complete !!! Like I said before the car was inspected and driven by Howard. If he didn't like it why didn't he REFUSE IT !!!!

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