  • Report:  #253319

Complaint Review: Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc. - Ada Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Johnson City, Tennessee,

Pre-Paid Legal Services Inc.
One Pre-Paid Way Ada, 74820 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Victims of Pre-Paid Legal, do not dispel! Hold tight! I've been fighting Pre-Paid Legal since 1998 to include a complaint with every agency in Tennessee! I have original documentation from Pre-Paid Legal & no they do not "go to court with you or for you." Tennessee Board of Professional Responsibility states Pre-Paid Legal are not Tennessee attorneys! Pre-Paid Legal did not pay taxes or was licensed in the state of Tennessee from 1980 through February 1998. (Johnson City Press article dated Sunday, 3/1/98! Article Johnson City Press Sunday, June 18, 2000 "insurance gives shield against legal worries." Pre-Paid Legal Services gives new meaning to the word fraud & is succeeding! I've experienced each one of your complaints & I can add to the list! The times I had a court date due to my auto accident, Pre-Paid Legal has their first time to appear! One court date I was the only person to appear! I made a motion that the case be awarded to me by default jugdement to no avail! Another time we had a court date & I was not even on the docket! My court date of June 19, 2003 I was alone but ready! No Pre-Paid Legal attorney never, ever appeared for any court date! The defense attorney hand delivered 5 limines. I could not talk about anything concerning my case! I lost my case.

Opening & closing statements, collective exhibits, indisputable evidence, enlarged data for anyone in the courtroom to examine. The only motion that should have been filed was me practicing law without a license! The attorney that should have been there for me admitted in writing that he should have represented me 12/05 during the course of a active State Attorney General Office investigation. Where I'm I now....beyond an impasse! I've contacted the agencies overnight & certified mail for a determination of status with a reply requested in 10 working days! I'm not only fighting for me, I'm fighting for all of us! Consider yourself a winner people! We are survivors, not statistics! My files are irrefutable! Dated, labeled, & in chronological order! Hades will freeze over before I succumb to such belligerent white collar crime involving our Justice System! Last but not least, the lady of anyone needing the toll free number of Pre-PaidLegal Services, Ada, Oklohoma....1-800-654-7757. The perennial saga continues....stay tunred!


Johnson City, Tennessee


10 Updates & Rebuttals


So you know more than the IRS?

#2UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 21, 2010

If this company didn't report their taxes. How do you come to find out this information but not the IRS? Also this company is more of a preventative law system. Unmeritious situations these attorneys don't have to go to court for as it's defined in the agreement.


PPL Requires no quotas. What are you talking about? You must have sucked as an associate.

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 26, 2009

What in the world are you talking about? I just love to see smarty britches people on here who know so much less than they think they do. Obviously you weren't a good associate and didn't climb like the good ones do. I have seen residual income and have a high retention rate. I do know others who aren't any good who have the exact complaints you do. Basically, I will say to anyone who isn't making residual income and who thinks something about making some stupid quota each month, which isn't true, that you must have really sucked as an associate. Truthfully, if you sucked at selling PPL that bad, I for one am glad you don't represent us any longer. It would shame me to associate with you. As for the woman in Johnson City, I have been a court reporter in TN for more than a decade and I am here to tell you, it's got nothing to do with the PPL attorneys that you lost your case. It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that the attorneys in E. TN just don't care and they all stick together. I had an issue with a builder and ended up losing my house to mold. We'd only been in it two weeks when disaster struck because the builder did something wrong. He never even attempted to stand behind it and after calling 32 attorneys who owed me favors over the years, even they wouldn't help me out. There is no way I would have lost that case. You know what? PPL attorneys stepped in and they're the only ones who even tried to help us. You probably deserve everything you got and if you suck at selling, maybe you should work at McDonalds or a Funeral Home. Nope, even at a Funeral Home you have to be smarter than you are.


Ft. Washington,
Good service, bad opportunity!

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 19, 2007

It's an OK company with a good service but the opportunity is terrible for network marketing. True residual income doesn't exist at PPL, they only pay you advanced commissions. You pretty much have to be a salesperson starting over every month to get your quota at the higher levels. You're constantly battling chargebacks and a debit balance that will never go away. It's more like a job than a business opportunity. Wouldn't recommend this company for anyone looking for long term success. Whistler


Let's play ball

#5UPDATE Employee

Thu, August 09, 2007

WANT TO PLAY A GAME? well let me ask you when a soldier gets into the battlefield does he/she go to one place and leave to express himself/herself ? no The soldier keeps going until he/she wins the whole battle before going home by dealing with all areas So yes I am one of those soldiers who expresses himself until he wins the battle he is in And I got a whole army spread around the sector to help out Now lets turn the corner a bit what city are you in? Because theres over 2700 law firms spread out nationwide and canada to deal with peoples issues and AGAIN I will express that you probably didnt read the fine print and/or you just want to bash the company because you didnt get your way If the atty who has more experience than you says they'll send a letter on your behalf thats what the attys options was to use My atty offered the same option but said that it was not a guarantee that the issue would be resolved my guess is that your lawyer said the same thing as there is no guarantee but what they said they would do Now if you didnt like what was being done you could easily tell the corporate office to give you another referral law firm and tell them to send another letter which my guess is that you didnt do its like a computer problem is it software or is it hardware? Is it just that machine or does the same problem happen to other machines? well you don't know until you examine the options Then you deal with the issue and can now get a better idea of what could be the problem If its the atty you get another atty with PPL you get the luxury of not having to pay extravagant fees Where if you go on your own you have to pay up the nose If you get the same result off the letter than it must not be the attys fault but something else People like yourself are quick to point the finger and blame blame blame But youre not willing to take the steps to solve your own issues If you could write a better letter, then why didnt you? Why didnt you offer to the atty what to put onto the letter? I can go on and on with people like you Their a dime a dozen and being in customer service for years I've spoken to some of the most lame a*s people on the planet that got their heads up their asses that don't have a clue as to what their talking about, don't listen and want to act belligerent towards the rep/company when its not their fault the computer industry is filled with people like you ask the reps That's why its a multi billion dollar business Because most people dont take the necessary steps to learn about their computer, about the terminology, about the programs, about the errors, etc So they call on the phone and pay their $50 every time an issue arises and it took a few minutes to fix where if you learned on your own you probably would have been able to solve the issue yourself Same with an atty look at their resume's sometime That shows volumes Shows their work ethic How smart they are and who recognizes them sually someone with recognition is somebody who knows their stuff wouldnt you agree? Theres a dozen stories in a reps memory a day about the people they talk to on the phone about simple issues that they themselves could have taken care of on their own if they took the time to learn BBB Membership: This company is a member This company has been a member of this Better Business Bureau since October 1995. This means it supports the Bureau's services to the public and meets our membership standards. Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record BBB Definition: satisfactory record - A business identified in our report as satisfactory has, based on Bureau files, been in business for at least one year, and has voluntarily provided the Bureau with all information requested about the business and its product or service. If any complaints have been received about the business, their number has not been considered by the BBB to be extreme, given the nature of the company's business and the volume of business transacted. Complaints are also generally typical of what might be expected for this type of business. A business stated to be satisfactory has not been the subject of any recent law enforcement actions concerning its dealings with the public. In addition, the BBB has a clear understanding of the company's business, and the business is not in an industry which has raised significant marketplace concerns. 48 - Company addressed the billing complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB. PERFECT EXAMPLE OF SOMEONE WHO DOESNT FOLLOW THRU 21 - Company addressed the customer service complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB. 37 - Company addressed the refund complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to the BBB. If you have a legit complaint and you dont follow thru - then you are a phony just wanting to stir trouble How do you expect to get your goal accomplished if you don't follow thru? END OF STORY NOW lets talk about identity theft KROLL Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record I'll leave it at that as you know where WE stand as the premier legal referral service for your legal needs at an affordable plan Monday, June 27, 2005 U.S Chamber Reappoints Harland Stonecipher CEO of Pre-Paid Legal Services, to Board of Directors WASHINGTON, D.C. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has reappointed Harland Stonecipher, President and CEO Pre-Paid Legal Services, to a two-year term on its 100-person board of directors. The Chamber congratulates Harland Stonecipher on his reappointment, said Thomas Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. His continued involvement will help advance the Chamber's pro-business policies as well as promote free enterprise. With this kind of power for 35 years I would say we're doing pretty good most of the time, wouldnt you think so public? WAR GAME OVER MISSION ACCOMPLISHED WE WIN NOW WHO WANTS TO JOIN UP WITH A FANTASTIC COMPANY THAT IS WILLING TO FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS ON MULTIPLE LEVELS AND BE ON THEIR WAY TO CANCUN WITH THEIR FAMILY??


Johnson City,
Reply to Dan, San Francisco, California

#6Author of original report

Thu, July 05, 2007

Dan in San Francisco, California - Alright! You, sir, have solved an enduring question that no agency or attorney in Tennessee could answer! THANK YOU! Too, I'm exceedingly happy that you could experience and report such success winning your case! CONGRATULATIONS! In your response, you state Pre-Paid Legal goes to court only when you are being sued, not vice versa. The necessity for an attorney anytime regardless of how trivial or complex can be an ordeal. I have the original solicitation of Pre-Paid Legal that lists some of their main benefits. The very first item....GO TO COURT WITH YOU OR FOR YOU....Pre-Paid Legal's representative solicited my business, not the other way around. Did I ask pertinent questions about the service!?! I left no stone uncovered! September 1997, Pre-Paid Legal's representitive Rachael Estep, quote, "You need an attorney, one will hop a plane and be here for you anytime, anywhere, for anything!" I gave new meaning to being inquisitive with Rep. Estep to include define GO TO COURT WITH YOU OR FOR YOU....pre-existing conditions...."NO PROBLEM!" quote Rep. Estep. I didn't have an attorney, I had a law firm with attorneys who specialized in the filed of law that pertained to my legal needs, anytime, anywhere, for anything....just call the toll free number! As consumers, we've heard "LET THE BUYER BEWARE." There is a fine line between non-disclosure and fraud! I did ask imperative questions about Pre-Paid Legal's services, benefits and discounted rates! Never has Pre-Paid Legal Services been there for me, ever! So, Dan, this is what I'm talking about and the saga continues! Thank you again, sir, for answering a long puzzling question for agencies and the legal profession in Tennessee....what does Pre-Paid Legal Services do!?! Your response simply answers that question and confirms I misconstrued nothing! However, the difference between your and my experience with Pre-Paid Legal....I have no idea. The contrast is exalting!


San Francisco,
what prepaid legal does or does not do

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2007

I am currently a member of prepaid legal, and have to say they have done all that was described to me when I signed up.....As I understand the only time they go to court is when YOU are being sued...Not the other way around...For all other legal stuff, they refer you to a member attorney, for which you get a discounted rate for the lawyers fees...In my case I did go to court with a prepaid legal member attorney, and I did win my case...Not only did I win,but saved thousands of dollars off of what normally would be the fee....So Janet what are you talking about?????????



#8Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2007

did you file with the SEC and ATTY GEN ?



#9Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2007

did you file with the SEC and ATTY GEN ?



#10Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2007

did you file with the SEC and ATTY GEN ?



#11Consumer Comment

Wed, July 04, 2007

did you file with the SEC and ATTY GEN ?

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