  • Report:  #874224

Complaint Review: QResolve - Internet Select State/Province

Reported By:
Emm - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America

Internet, Select State/Province, United States of America
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Rarely, have I had the extreme displeasure of such inept customer service and professioanlism. Frankly, my issue is less that QResolve's "Solution EngineerS" could not resolve my PC's audio issue; and more with the exceptionally poor quality of QResolve's lack of resolve to fix my PC while doing no harm. IMMEDIATELY, after my last session with QResolve, I found my PC infected with GuardMail and mail.ru, owing to the sites used by the "Solution EngineerS" in downloading various programs onto my system. However, immediately prior to QResolve, my PC had been expertly checked for malware, viruses, and spyware--there were ZERO instances of any such issues PRIOR to QResolve. My PC's ONLY issue before QResolve was an audio problem: I could not get my sound card to record input, and  my mic picked up no sound.

Additionally, neither of the 2 supervisors with whom I spoke had the professional commitment or integrity to follow-through on their "promises" to return a phone call to me within their specified time frame, regarding my request for a refund. My computerized caller i.d. records confirm that I received no phone calls from QResolve subsequent to requesting a refund. Nor did I receive any emails from QResolve relative to my requested refund. Sadly, after 9 days, I had received neither the promised calls nor the guaranteed refund. All of this is unacceptable and professionally inept. Ultimately, I had to involve my bank in order to get an immediate refund for unsatisfactory service and results.  In short, my outstanding bank refunded me immediately so that I will not be inconvenienced further while they attend to QResolve.

Another EXTREMELY disturbing incident occurred when the Sales person who set up my "membership payment" prompted me to enter my PayPal account information on-screen while he remained remotely connected to my PC (and could still view my monitor). He could not understand "why" this would be problematic for me (!) Similarly, I was never instructed or informed by QResolve that the any of the  remote connections would remain active unless "I" ended the sessions. This is NOT standard protocol for professional remote assistance. Luckily, I was observant of the fact that I was still connected although the "Solution Engineers" indicated that a session was finished.

While downloading and installing various programs onto my PC, I watched as one "Solution Engineer" left the default settings for CCleaner that emptied my Recycle Bin. However, he did not inform me that he would be doing so, nor did he confirm that this would be "okay" with me. In another instance, the same "Solution Engineer" attempted to download a Trojan program onto my system, but my antivirus would not allow this. Lastly, QResolve left 5-6 programs on my PC that QResolve verified did NOT solve my audio issue ultimately; but QResolve left me to clean the programs off (after discovering the offending Mail Guard issue).

In the final analysis, I am left pondering whether QResolve is indeed reputable or just a scam. My confusion in this area is wholly justifiable given my sole experience with this company. Also, I am left pondering whether perhaps "QResolve" stands for "'questionable resolve' to honor stated excellent and satisfactory service or a 100% money back guaranteed within 48 hours".


filed complaint with ftc online on 4-26-12

filed complaint on http://www.ripoffreport.com on 4-26-2012
(netscape + ridiculous!)

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