  • Report:  #56460

Complaint Review: Qualityreplicas.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Henderson, Nevada,

www.qualityreplicas.com Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have a problem with an online vendor and I sincerely would appreciate your help in dealing with it.

I ordered my beautiful wife an Easter present from an internet company called www.qualityreplicas.com. I paid for this order, $440 including shipping by secure check charged to my checking account to protect the "seller". I received the following confirmation letter to my email address on April 17, 2003:

Invoice No.: 1382 Order No.: 5459467 Date: 04/17/2003 SHIP TO: Duke Faglier 1134 Port Sunlight CT Henderson, NV 89074

Since then I have received no order nor any communication after repeated emails on my part to quality replicas. It's become apparent to me by now that I have been ripped off for $440 which I probably will never see again.

I'm asking you to help possibly prevent the same thing from happening to you or any of your friends by flaming this scumbag company all over the Internet. I'll never see my money or my order but with your help, perhaps we can close down this fraudulent company and prevent this from happening to anyone else.

Here is a copy of my last email to this company:

WHERE IS MY F ING ORDER????? We definitely seem to have a problem, here. If I don't hear back from someone very soon and/or receive my order, I am going to flame your website on every bulletin board on the internet. I have treated you fairly and honestly and I expect the same in return. You might f*** me out of $440 but I will cost you considerably more. I have NO mercy and nothing but time on my hands and considerable resources to f*** with you and your SCUMBAG company. TRY ME, MOTHERF***ER!!!


Duke Faglier

Duke Henderson, Nevada

7 Updates & Rebuttals


This new information might be of use

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 27, 2004

I've been surfing the net to see if I could find more public info on qualityreplicas.com It turns out, I found other disscusions, and message boards with more disillusioned customers, just a few. You need at least 30 in order to form a Class Action Lawsuit. Even when researching bbbonline.org, I determined that I actually have more contact and background information than them. Here is one more address which might be of some use: Quality Replicas=www.qualityreplicas.com 3317 Greystone Court Napa, CA, 94558-This sounds like an office-physical address. It could be that they have moved to hide behind Post Master's Boxes, or this is an actual headquarters. At their site, when accessing the shopping cart, I received this message: Error: Sorry, our shopping is temporarily out of service. Note to Administrator: Enter administration area to re-activate service. When I tried to access their email [email protected], I received this message: This website and all its content are copyrighted. They claim to have a sales team. I know this is pretty cryptic, but this still might be of use in Small Claims Court, or in recruiting assitance from your bank. Aliases to watch for: NorCal Replicas, (maybe) Replica Centers, or Norcal Enterprises. Hope this helps.


The contact info is now confirmed

#3Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 24, 2004

You can review this information at USDomainRegistrar.com or internic.com cost free. They have a "Whois" search link, at their home page. The contact information registered for domain: qualityreplicas.com is: Registrant: EDGE Internet Solutions 3377 Solano Ave PMB 105 Napa, CA, 94558 Restristrar: Domain Name: QUALITYREPLICAS.COM (their bold caps not mine) Created on: 20-FEB-02 Expires on: 20-FEB-05 Last updated on: 31-AUG-03 Administrative conact: Stockton, John [email protected] EDGE Internet Solutions 3377 Solano Ave PMB 105 Napa, CA, 94558 US 707-280-2020 Technical Contact: Oringer, Fred [email protected] 3377 Solano Ave PMB 105 Napa, CA, 94558 US 707-280-7070 Domain Servers in lister order-their bold caps: NS1.INCREDIBLEHOSTING.COM NS2.INCREDIBLEHOSTING.COM End of Whois Information This is to be used for information purposes only, and not to generate spam--blah-blah-blah-get that refund. This is NOT a physical address to a specific office. It might be a Post Master's Box. Doesn't matter, because when you mail that letter "signature required", just give them a list of ALL names mentioned. Just specifty Eric Kleist OR John Stockton OR Fred Oringer or variation of the given names. This is one box with multiple listings of ownership, make sure your own Post Master is aware. They are all legally accountable by law, even the tech rep. The Post Master might not cooperate with the multiple name approach. If so, then go with Eric Kleist as he is the Owner of the business. The Post Master in California will put a note in their box, and they will have to go to the front desk to collect the letter. The Post Master will require that they provide a signature, in order to receive the letter. If they refuse to collect the letter, doesn't matter. Provide the Courts with the copy of their refusal, provided by the CA Post Master. The Post Master's word/document is valid evidence in Court. You can display your original, and leave a copy if necessary. The Courts might want to see the original. No one else is entitled to viewing the original documents, EXCEPT FOR the Courts, and law enforcement. That's the same address they've had all along. Your State of Nevada Secretary or Attorney General might also have more authority in retrieving contact info or making them provide a signature. It wouldn't hurt to see what these State authorities might be willing to do. Remember this expires in a year. Get back to us on how this turns out.


You can sue them in Small Claims Court if they refuse to cooperate!!!

#4Consumer Suggestion

Mon, February 23, 2004

There is still a lot you can do. They have to answer to the Law, just like the rest of us. If you are not past your Statutes of Limitations for the State of Nevada, sue them. Sue them for the exact cost of $440, and add ALL of the time spent on your efforts to communicate with them. Print out a copy of this Report, and make copies of ALL payment transactions, receipts, and anything else you might need for evidence. The main headquarters of this business is in the United States Of America, which means they are NOT IMMUNE to State and Federal Laws---just because it's an Internet based business. They can't just do whatever the hell they want because they operate through a computer. Not sure why you called the F.B.I., but you might consider the Federal Trade Commission, because this is their territory. They handle criminal investigations in the area of trade. Here is their toll free number: 1-800-FTC-HELP. Through this number you will be directed to the appropriate department. This can be done while you place a lawsuit against them. Seriousely, the lawsuit procedures should already be in place, while you take action. FTC does not always respond to consumers on an individual basis, but if enough consumers report a violation, they will confront the business in question. Mail Quality Replicas a copy of THIS REPORT, and list all of the other consumer advocate sites you have alerted, and will continue to alert to their alleged corruption. Make it clear there is no more time left, and you want your refund immediately. Mail that letter certified, signature required as yet more proof that you are trying to communicate with them. This will be admissable IN COURT. Now, you need the business owner to serve your papers. The Owner of QualityReplicas.com is: Mr. Eric Kleist of Nor Cal Replicas located in Napa, CA. The address I posted in your previous Report is still applicable, if not, the law should be able to help you on that, in the process of serving your Lawsuit against them. I will continue to locate more addresses, as needed. Access www.replicanews.com for more possible pointers. This website specializes in evaluating the trade industry of replicated products, on the Internet. According to replicanews.com, this site is a: "Long time scam website another ??ReplicaMall.com? website that features low priced items to capture customers. One person had their American Express card used for items purchased on Amazon.com and SHIPPED TO THE OWNER'S (of qualityreplica.com)HOME ADDRESS. Paypal.com had to intervene and refund the customers payment when this web site refused to ship out the items (or handle finding resolution). Eric Kleist of NorCal Replicas is the Owner of QualityReplicas.com located in Nappa, CA". This comes directly from the news site: http://www.replicas.com/websitereview.htm/Printed 2-23-2004 Phone calling them will not help, because this leaves no evidence of your intent to communicate, within the confines of the law, in your pursuit of resolution. In addition, if a secure checking account was used to purchase the product, they should help you as well, if you told them. If they DO NOT assist, then you did not have a secure checking account. Work with the checking account authorities used for this specific purchase. They might have access to more information. If they claim to provide secure accounts, this should be investigated from their end as well. You can do all of this---while you serve them your papers, and sue them for every penny. Be sure to include the cost of the Certified Letter, and any long distance phone calls connected to the matter, AND the time spent trying to get what you deserve. By the way, I'm the same person that submitted the previous Rebuttal, only from Indiana, not Nevada. Don't waste any more time, if you still have a chance to get that refund. At the least, don't let them get away with it. Please get back to us on how this turns out, and don't forget to print this Report out to add to your case file. I'll get back with more contact information as I find it, because they're not making it easy.



#5Author of original report

Sun, February 22, 2004

To Whom It May Concern: I still have heard nothing from an Internet company called: Qualityreplicas.com, although I reported them over a year ago, committing a felony by taking my $440 (documented) and never sending my order nor responding to any of the email communication sent by me to try and resolve the problem with them. Could you please advise me of the current status of the report I filed with you and also of any further possible action I can take to recover my money. This is not a civil dispute, this is clearly a criminal act. This company stole my money. It been over a year now and nothing has been done about it. I've filed reports with my local police department, the FBI and several Internet bulletin boards but all to no avail. How do I get some justice in this case without going to jail, myself, by going to their business office and taking the law into my own hands. I promise you, I'm a law abiding citizen, but I'm very angry and I just can't believe nothing has been done on my behalf and this company is still in business, busily ripping off other innocent, hard working citizens like myself. I don't mean to vent on you, I just need some help. Thank you for your time and any advice you might give me. If you have any info, please post it below. Please someone get back to me. Sincerely,


DUDE.. be more civil in your communication

#6Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 20, 2003

you have to be more civil in your communication, with ANY place of business. What you are doing is self-destructive. You have to understand Public Harrassement is illegal in every State of the Union. You wrote a terrorizing letter, and threatened to destroy the web site, and the told the world wide web. Rip-off.com and Badbusinessbureau.com are in every search engine out there. In addition, if something goes wrong, with Qualityreplica.com, they could blame you, even if you really did nothing. Now, moving on, I want to help you. I am just a volunteer. I am not a member of law enforcement, nor am I a media representative. Just a common citizen, like yourself. Qualityreplica.com is not showing up in major search engines. The message I recieved through Internet Explorer reads: "The page you are looking for has been removed, or had its name chanaged or is temporarily unavailable." This was NOT Error 404, which might indicate there's a problem, with my browser settings. It doesn't look good. The registrant for Qualityreplicas.com is EDGE Internet Solutions. IP Address: Network: CIHUST7. Some possible mail drops: EDGE Internet Solutions, 3377 Solano Avenue PMB 105, Napa, CA, 94558, US. Here is another address: Qualityreplicas.com, 1325 Imola Ave PMB 428, Napa, CA, 94558, and 3317 Greystone Court, Napa, CA, 94558. These sound like post office boxes, abbreviated. According to www.goldengatebbb.org Qualityreplica.com has an unsatisfactory report due unanswered complaints. They have some form of communication, with this company, of which we do not. You might be able to email them, and get that info, IN a polite and civil manner. If you scream and hollar, they might be afraid of you, like I AM. This firm has only been open for 36 months, and they already have 24 complaints. You should fill out a form at that site to make it 25, just for the record. It helps volunteers like myself get more information for you. This does not mean, you curse and use fowl language. Another name they go by is NorCal Replicas, you might try that avenue, in your research. THIS IS KEY: The administrative contact for Qualityreplicas.com is: John Stockton, email: [email protected], another address its: 3377 Solano Avenue PMB 105, Napa, CA, 94558. PHONE: 707-280-2020. This is all according to Whois Information. I also suggest you visit www.consumer.gov, they have a new section called www.econsumer.gov (not sure, but the link is there). This web site is run by the Federal Trade Commission. Watch your manners, and get well acquinted with them, so that if you stand accussed of terrorism in any form, you will have their reference. Hope you get your refund.:)


Still nothing!!!

#7Author of original report

Thu, June 19, 2003

As of June 19th, I am no longer able to pull up the website for Qualityreplicas.com. I guess these scumbags have folded up their tents and crawled back under their rocks to hide for a while and then emerge with a new website and start ripping off innocent consumers, again.


Still nothing!!!

#8Author of original report

Thu, June 19, 2003

I've not received my order from Quality Replicas.com nor have I had any returned email from them despite consistant emails from me requesting they honor their committments. Also, all the phone numbers listed on their web site do not work. I've called at all hours of the day and night and get nothing but a busy signal. I need help with these con artists!!!!

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