  • Report:  #2049

Complaint Review: Quantex Computers - New Jersey, New York, Nationwide

Reported By:
- Tempe, Arizona,

Quantex Computers
New Jersey, New York, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
By far, the worst mistake I have ever made in my entire life is having bought a computer from Quantex. My experience with them was so bad I don't think there are words in the English language which could fully convey my feelings towards this lowly, sleazy, despicable, lying, detestable, utterly worthless and fraudulent company.

First of all, they don't sell computers - what they sell is junk, pure and simple. Any computer you buy from them is going to have more problems with it than you can ever possibly imagine. If you buy a system from Quantex you will learn to hate with unbridled passion and with every cell in your body; the machine, the company, and the people who work there (unless you're able to return it first -- good luck!).

Secondly, their ads say their systems come with On-Site Tech Support. I'll tell you right now this is a blatant lie. Bottom line, it doesn't exist, so don't expect it.

Their Tech Support people are a joke. It takes forever to get through to them, and when/if you do, the Tech Support people are hostile, rude, and ignorant. Their standard line for anything they can't figure out is: "You have a virus". Can't get your computer to turn on? You've got a virus. Grinding sound coming from your floppy drive? You've got a virus. Hard drive making clunking sounds? You've got a virus. Smoke coming out of your computer? You've got a virus. Their standard solution: "You've got to format your hard drive".

In addition, in my 35 years of life on this planet, I have >NEVER< dealt with people as rude and arrogant as those at Quantex. I don't know if it's just because they're in New Jersey, or maybe they send their employees to a special "Hostility Camp" where they're drilled in techniques of hostile, pugnacious, obnoxious, indignant, arrogant and demeaning Customer Service along with how to lie and commit fraud.

Don't allow yourself to be suckered in by their ads in the PC mags. There is a REASON their prices are lower than other computer companies - it's because the components they use to make their systems are JUNK parts. When I bought my computer from them, what I received was a pile of JUNK. The old addage of "you get what you pay for" holds true when it comes to Quantex. But you get more than just a pile of junk when you buy a system from Quantex... you get untold hours upon hours upon hours of frustration, complications, aggravation, exasperation, endless problems, data & file loss, crashing hard drives, Blue Screens of Death, spontaneous reboots, redoing lost work, etc., etc., etc.

If you happen to read any reviews of their systems in the PC mags, please keep one very important thing in mind: If it weren't for the corporate advertisers, these magazines wouldn't exist. They are their bread & butter. If it weren't for the corporate advertisers, the people who write the reviews wouldn't have jobs. So think about it... if the editors of the PC mags wrote what they REALLY know to be true about Quantex systems, they would lose a major advertiser, ergo, they would lose the income they get from Quantex for running their advertisements. Therefore, you can only expect that the PC mags won't print the whole truth when it comes to Quantex. Believe me, I've talked to various departments at all the big PC mags - and everyone knows that Quantex sells junk computers, has horrible customer service, lies in their ads, doesn't actually have On-Site service, treats their customers like crap, uses untrained Tech Support people, scams their customers, etc., etc. BUT, the PC mags can't come right out and say this because they would lose a good advertiser if they did.

For any of you unfortunate people who already happen to own a Quantex Hellbox, you might want to take a look at the Terms of Sale that came with your system (should be on the back of your invoice). Look at the section where it says that the jurisdiction for any disputes arising out of the sale will be handled in the State of New York. There's a reason for that. Afterall, Quantex is located in New Jersey - why would they want to have to travel to another state in case they get sued by a customer? The reason they want any court cases to be heard in New York state is because the laws are more favorable to them there. And by accepting the computer, you also accepted that part of the agreement. So if you want to sue them, you've got to go to new York to do it.

Folks, this is a BAD company. Whatever you do DO NOT buy a system from them. Believe me you'd be much happier in the long run if you were to just take your money and BURN IT INSTEAD. I AM NOT NOT NOT exaggerating when I say this! This company is not in business to sell computers - they're in business to rip people off. PLEASE DO YOURSELF A BIG FAVOR and buy a system from another company. If you don't believe me, check with their local Better Business Bureau in Somerset County, New Jersey. Ask them for their file on Quantex Microsystems and see how many complaints they tell you they've received on them over the years. The U.S. Postal Service Fraud Division also has a file on them too. The money that you think you'll save up front instead of going with a better name like Dell or Gateway will be absolutely meaningless once you start having problems with your Quantex and trying to get them to fix it (and just hope in the meantime that it doesn't catch on fire and burn your house down).

As I said earlier, buying a system from Quantex was the WORST MISTAKE I'VE EVER MADE IN MY LIFE. It was also THE WORST EXPERIENCE in MY ENTIRE LIFE. The amount of time and money I wasted in trying to get my Quantex system to work is incalculable. I wouldn't wish a Quantex system on my worst enemy!

If you've also had a bad experience with Quantex, I'd like to hear from you. I would like to get the experiences of other people who bought from Quantex and create a website to warn other people about buying Quantex junk. Please email me at [email protected].


Preston Ward

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