  • Report:  #253973

Complaint Review: Quantum Leap Performance Marketing - Biscayne Florida

Reported By:
- Sacramento, California,

Quantum Leap Performance Marketing
3550 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 602 Biscayne, 33137 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a transcript of the Better Business Bureau complaint we filed earlier this year. I just wish I had found this website before our money was wasted, too. Hopefully, someone else will benefit from our loss (besides the company that ripped us off).

Mrs. Ellis,

I am absolutely disgusted at the reply you received from the owner of QLPM regarding this dispute. I tried to keep this low key and brief, but it looks like I'll have to share the extended version.

In my complaint, I never refuted whether or not services were rendered, meaning "their system shows 100 transfers delivered." I simply stated that we had an issue with the quality of the leads, the actual product, and the company's service. I made no mention of how lucrative the venture was for us, or what our return on the investment was for that matter. Why do you supposed Mr. Young, in his response, would suggest that it was so poor that the campaign didn't pay for itself many times over? Probably because he is well aware of how poorly his company performed.

The original salesperson in our lead campaign, Brent Rogers, claimed that these "press 1 transfers" were "double verified", meaning that a person would have to press the number one when prompted, then press it a second time when prompted again. This is to ensure that they are truly interested in speaking with a live person regarding the service mentioned in the recorded message played during the outbound call. All, and I do mean all of the calls made by their dialer system are digitally recorded for tracking purposes. The recorded calls are available to subscribers of their service.

Of the 100 "press 1 transfers" we paid to receive, 65 of the calls lasted under 45 seconds. These were not short conversations. There was no one on the phone. Of those 65 calls, 51 of them lasted under 30 seconds. We were actually charged for calls lasting as short as 4,5 and 6 seconds (seriously--four seconds of dead air at $12 a pop). The absurdity of this should be obvious by now. No one who listens to a recorded message, presses the #1, then presses it again decides to get off the phone in 5 seconds.

There are instances of children answering the phone, non-English speakers, even a high pitched whistle; very plainly not "double verified" interested lead candidates. These calls are bogus. When you replay the recordings, you hear us repeatedly

saying "hello....hello?" with no one on the other end. This was more than half of the 100 transfers we paid for.

We fully expected not to turn 100 transferred calls into 100 loans. What we did expect was to pay for 100 transferred calls and to actually get 100 transferred calls. It seems reasonable that there would be a person on the phone if that person listens to the pre-recorded message then presses 1 twice to speak with someone (which we found out is unneccesary as the call will automatically connect by default without pressing any keys).

If I said I'd sell you a pack of 100 lottery tickets, you wouldn't expect all of them would be winners. But how would you feel if when you opened the package, only 16 of them had stuff to scratch off and the other 84 were just blank paper? How are the 84 bogus tickets your fault as a consumer. I can't make the case any more plain than that.

Believe me when I say that this was not our first course of action. We brought up our issues with this company in the first week of doing business. As I stated in my complaint, getting a call back was exceedingly difficult; by that I mean it didn't happen. I can appreciate them being busy, but there comes a point when not calling back or returning our calls gets to be unreasonable.

Our goal was to create successful opportunities and create repeat business as well as referral business for QLPM. Our original salesperson, Brent Rogers made mention in our last conversation of replacing "about 30" of the questionable transfers. Then he had to get off the phone, promising a call back in 30 minutes that never came. Of course, we haven't heard from him since. Even after the filing of this complaint, there has been NO ATTEMPT by anyone from QLPM to reach us and resolve this issue.

Mr. Young's challenge of my experience and sales ability is an insult that goes far beyond me to the other 11 members of my office staff with decades of cumulative experience in the mortgage industry. No reputable business generates, as Mr. Young put it, "over 500 happy clients nationwide" performing at a 16% execution rate delivering their product (can you imagine Ford Motor Company billing the Highway Patrol for 100 new cars and only sending 16, then telling them that they're bad police officers on top of that?).

According to Mr. Young's response, "our pricing for use of service is not based on actual mortgage consultations, but press "1" transfers via message broadcasting." Any reasonable person would be safe to assume that the press"1" transfers would be to someone. So no, services were not rendered contractually.

Quantum Leap Performance Marketing is in a totally indefensable position here. In my complaint, I made no issue of how many satisfied customers they had, or made any attack on Mr. Young's character or ablity to successfully operate a business (both of which I question, but neither of which I mentioned). I stated indisputable facts:

1). Their online tracking system wasn't funtioning properly for the first couple of weeks

2).There was blatant misrepresentation of the lead quality. They are not double verified press "1" transfers. In the few recorded calls there are, people disclosed that they didn't press any buttons and got connected to us anyway

3).They would not return our calls

We are seeking a refund of the proposed amount because we have been unable to talk to them about doing anything else. However this issue is escalated, we would like to escalate it. I'm sure that in the end, we all want the same thing, continued success for each of our businesses.

If the people at QLPM have some other suggestion on how to resolve this issue, maybe they'll share it with you. I doubt it, though, as there was no alternative mentioned in Mr. Young's response. Please advise.


Sacramento, California


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