  • Report:  #68860

Complaint Review: Qwest - Omaha Nebraska

Reported By:
- Vancouver, Washington,

www.qwest.com Omaha, 68103-2560 Nebraska, U.S.A.
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I have been a qwest customer for about 5 years now. The past 3 years have been a total nightmare.

For the past two years, I have been on the phone with Qwest once a month over my phone bills. I never really had a problem with U.S.West, but as soon as the company became QWEST, it's been pure hell.

I will pay a $200.00 phone bill which should have never been that high in the first place, as it's two week later another bill comes out and it's $500 and something dollars, almost $600 with the last month's bill being shown as a forwarded amount, and when I call them about the bill, the first thing that they want to say is that well you have a past due balance of.. and I will stop them in their tracks and let them know that the bill was paid.

On one instance I had to make the customer service rep go back almost four months worths of bills to show them that they were rebilling me the same charges on a cell phone for 3 months and it had been paid for already.

I have two cell phones, one for me and one for my daughter, they are both $39.99 a month plans, but every month the bill comes out, it's $200 or more dollars.

I call Qwest once a month for bills totalling anywhere from $300 to $400 dollars or more and it is ridiculous and the first thing that they want to say is, pay the bill and you will be credited on the next billing cycle. Well who do they think has $300 or $400 dollars every month to pay them and never get credit for it. NOT!


Vancouver, Washington

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