  • Report:  #336737

Complaint Review: R & D Construction - Lake Elsinore California

Reported By:
- la palma, California,

R & D Construction
Cheney St. Lake Elsinore, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My father the dead beat has neglected me my whole life. He stopped paying child support and gave up the rights to me at the age of 5. For the next 13 years i had no contact whatsoever from him. At the age of 18 i decided to contact him and get to know my other side of the family. Over the next few years i found his character to be full of deception and lies. Withstanding many lies and broken promises i finally lost contact with him at 22, when he stopped calling again. Finally at a leap of good faith, i decided to give it one more shot. At the age of 25 i decided to call him again. We patched things up and i was offered a job through his company R & D construction. I was brought upon as a carpenter apprentice and was convinced to move out for the 1st time, close to work. I moved out with my girl friend and just got the apartment a week and a half ago. With business fledging little by little and patience shortening one minute at a time, my father did what he knows best how to do, and got rid of me. With great anger and intimidation he cursed at me claiming i dont take the initiative and know how to read blue prints. Considering Ive never done construction in my life, i tried the best i could, to make everyone happy and help on job sites. After being called every name under the sun, i retaliated by calling him what i know best, a Dead Beat. He then squared up to me and got in my face to tell me he was gonna knock me out, and to get the !@$# out of his office. I complied willingly fearing he would follow through with his physical threat on his son. If this is how Roy Ryan treats his own family, imagine how he conducts his business. Lies, Cheats, Steals whenver he can, and that's the truth about R & D Construction.

The betrayed

la palma, California


2 Updates & Rebuttals


studio city,
United States of America
Grow Up, Get Peace, Move On

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, October 24, 2011

Your report about Roy Ryan is singularly the most disgusting display of immaturity, lack of perspective, selfishness, and spite that I have ever read on this site. Considering the nature of this site, that does say a lot, right there. This is a business site. What you have done just now is defamed his character - his personal integrity. Bringing in personal dirty laundry of any kind -- and calling him a "dead beat dad" and trying to tie it to the quality of the business is not lawful. It is libel. You are lucky that you have not yet been sued. That is the truth. You need to know the limits of the law before you mix business with your personal life and then proceed to bad-mouth your business experience with personal accusations.

This post is not about getting ripped off by the company. It is not even about being ripped off by Roy Ryan as a boss. He has every right to demand that you know how to read blueprints properly if you want to keep the job. You are in CONSTRUCTION. WAKE UP. When you misread the blueprints, it compromises the structural integrity of the building. Should he have taken that LESS seriously or made some concession for you because you were his son???? It does not matter whether or not you had any prior experience in construction. Excuses. None of that would have mattered when something collapsed during an earthquake because you were new to the industry & you made one, crucial mistake. You only thought about yourself. You endanger lives in that profession by making mistakes like that. How dare you presume that it was not well within his right to fire you? That is a weak excuse for poor work. That is a weak excuse for even wanting the company to suffer in anyway because you were the weak link. That is a weak excuse for wanting to keep the job -- because you had just moved out to an apartment? I cannot even believe you are for real. Seriously.

Here's the truth -- He deserved better. The company deserved better. The customers deserved better. You are sore that you did not get a free ride from your father's company. The fact that he could fire you because your work was inferior actually lends me to want to hire him -- that when push came to shove, HE DID THE RIGHT THING. He did not do the easy thing, considering the fact that you obviously did not take it graciously. You should have thanked him for the opportunity. You should have taken what you learned from the experienced and asked for a referral letter. You should have expressed the desire to keep in touch as son and father. You are the one who severed the bond your attitude. You made the bond conditional to you having a job there, even though you knew you could not do as well as you should have been able to in order to maintain that position without issue.

You sound ungrateful, arrogant, angry, and hurt -- you need to grow up and stop pointing fingers. We get what we give in life. You got what you gave. It would also be different if business was booming and he laid you off during a boom...he didn't, as far as you say. You said that business was not good at the time. Should he have fired someone else more qualified to do the work than you were? What about that person's family? That is what you would have proposed? THAT IS NOT RIGHT. That is ridiculous. In all of the years that the company has been in business, YOURS is the only report that exists on this site. Did you ever think about that? It would be one thing if there were a slew of reports that concur with your understanding of the reality of R&D. Unfortunately, it is obvious that the problem lies within you. There is nothing wrong with R&D Construction. They do solid work. I know they do. I know more than a dozen people who have worked with the company who can vouch for that report should have been directed to a therapist so that he/she could help you move on with your life. Putting it on this site is insulting to those who have posted real complaints about getting ripped off.

I am sorry that you did not have a father that was actively involved in your life. Neither did I. My father never paid a single penny of child support. He left my mother, who did not even speak English at the time, to raise the three of us on her own. Prior to that, he had an alcohol and gambling addiction that wore a hole in her pocket. She divorced him when he had spent everything he possibly could, including all of our savings for college, all of their retirement savings, and even left with money he got from pawning her wedding ring. I reached out to him a dozen times in my life and he did not even try. Ever. Today, I am a self-made success. The difference between you and me is that I never expected a hand-out. I never focused on what I did not have. I created my own opportunities. I made my own money. I did not spend a moment grieving over someone who did not know how to be a dad. Life goes on. Make a choice to move on without him.

Anything you think your father owes you in life has nothing to do with business. Get your hand out of his pocket and maybe that would be one step toward being a good son and one step away from being just another person trying to make money off of him. The fact that you can even link he being a good dad to he allowing you to keep your job (while you not doing the job as well as you needed to) shows that you did not deserve to be there. Your true colors showed in your story. Anyone who could write that about his/her dad, no matter what he did (and mine did a lot, but I have never called him names and tried to defame the company he built and all of the employees in it -- you are selfish -- disgustingly selfish), is the kind of person who I think anyone would/should fire. MAN UP!

You helped R&D by posting this pseudo complaint. You helped Roy Ryan by posting this egregious display of ingratitude. I am thankful to Roy Ryan for keeping his business as ethical as possible and for firing his own arrogant son for doing work that was not up to par. He did what he had to do in order to honor the quality of his business and to protect the livelihoods of the people who actually deserved to keep working there. This is a ringing endorsement for the company and of Roy Ryan as far as I am concerned. Thanks for the recommendation.

Smarter Than A 5th Grdr

Lake Elsinore,
Angry person

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, February 18, 2009

None of the comments are true, This person is not my son, I am not his byo father This person time and time again has tryied to damage my reputation and should be jailed for doing so. And to all that have read these lies I can only hope that you are inteligent enough to see that this person is angry and conffused, this person mentions my company obviously in hopes of causeing harm, and again should be jailed for doing so, To the person that wrote the false complaint, I will seek procecution against you if you proceed with any further false statements towards me and or my company, There are laws that govern such things and I will use the full force of the law if needed, Also you have made a statement ( not in this complaint ) to another source that may land you in hot water as well, Makeing false statements are serious and should not be made out of spite

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