  • Report:  #1164190

Complaint Review: Rainu Dhaliwal - Internet

Reported By:
Petflow - New Fairfield, Connecticut,

Rainu Dhaliwal
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Met this girl online about a year ago, after a few months of talking we planned on getting together when I had a trip out to Seattle.  Two weeks before the trip she then called me and begged me to help her out, she was short $1,300 and needed to move into her new place so she could start her new job and was short the money.   After all the tears I agreed to lend her the money which I sent her. The week that we were suppoed to meet she called to say that her friends had planned a surprise birthday party for her and she could not come meet me although I had also sent her a non-refundable ticket. So I was not only out the money, but the ticket and the extra days I had to stay in a hotel, not to mention the plans I made for her Bday to make it special.  In all, I was out about $2,500.  It's not so much of the money I care about, $2,500 is not a big deal to me. It's the fact that there are people out there that do this kinda thing and take advantage of others that have only good intentions.  It's apperent that she scammed me, funny that her friends that could not help her out were now all that importnat and not the guy that just gave her a helping hand.  I never heard from her again.  Beware, I have seen her on a fwe dating sites, you have all been warned. 

12 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Rainu Mai / Fleurs de Mai Permanent Cosmetics

#2Author of original report

Fri, January 19, 2018

Well overdue here for an update!  So it's been some time since I did an update here, since then Rainu has gotten married (congrats) and has a baby on the way, Aww the joy, however, she said here that she was going to pay me back after scamming me and never did as you can see in her reply on here.  Prior to this post I did contact her and wished her well asking if I was ever going to be paid, I figured with a new life and new name a new business she would at least want to pay off her debts so this does not haunt her moving forward.

Clearly, I was mistaken. Apparently, she thought I was just going to go away.. no no no. If she was in the US I would have just taken her to court or called the FBI as this was an online scam however I'm not so I have to resort to this. I want people to know that I gave her every opportunity to clear this up prior to me updating this as well as the rest of the things I intend to update and post in. She did offer me less than half the money she owes me which is unacceptable. 

I will post our conversation at a later date.   For now, I just wanted to update this and let people know that she never followed through and took all this as a joke never planning on paying me back and lying to people on here that she had any good intentions.  I'm sure I'm one of many that she most likely scammed in the past, I'm just the only one that came forward.  


#3Author of original report

Fri, October 16, 2015


Just thought enough time has gone by to update this in a positive way, but clearly this is not the case. Since the last post I still have not received one dime, which clearly shows that Rainu last post was all about her attempt to do damage control and this was clearly a scam from the start.  Anyone else that had good intentions would have sent any payment they could, as little as $20 a month to show good intentions I then could have updated this is a positive way because then I would have felt she was sincere.   It's been almost two years now, what does that tell you.   I just hope no one else has fallen for this con.  I feel that I have done right by exposing her. If it helps just one other person then at least I am satisfied.  I read somewhere there are lots of cons from girls like this, they prey on men over the age of 40 feeling they are easy targets because they are more established and have cash.

Learn from my mistakes men! 



British Columbia,
A choice.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, January 08, 2015

That is just about enough of this nonsense. It's fairly evident that the previous comment is from the original author based solely off the lack of grammar, similar tone of conversation and continued air of threat. But that is neither here nor there.

I apologize that you feel hard done by and I've had every such intention to cover exactly half of expenses for travel and such because I would never ever want anyone to feel that way, especially if I could help it. I had my reasons for cancelling and I didn't feel comfortable in it based off intuition as well as just knowing myself and judging by your reaction, it would appear those feelings were justified. You've been violently angry, threatened me in multiple ways that I won't mention here but I still held no resentment towards you other than those feelings to rectify the situation any way I could and prevent further hurt. I've made several attempts to contact you directly via email, telephone, as well as private messages so as to advise you that I'm aware of how you feel and my intentions to remedy the situation in your eyes. And now you leave me no choice but to say so here. 

As you are well aware, I was laid off from my chosen career path in the past and as any respectable, hard-working and independent individual, I've been working dilengently to rebuild on a new path. And as anyone who has known loss would know, such things do not happen overnight; but I am on the cusp of doing just that.  I have been barely getting by for the past year and everything earned was simply going to the basic hierarchy of needs and so extraneous expenses could not be reasonably incurred as I tried to explain to you on several occassions.

With that being said, I am tired of your blatant defamation of my character so I'm giving you a choice because even though at the very core I am a peaceful person, if you continue to choose to harrass me, you will leave me no choice but to pursue legal action for continuously attempting to destroy my reputation and for the emotional repurcussions and backlash caused by your doing so. It's not a joke. Just to mention one such example, I come from a very strict and proper family and posting a picture of me on vacation in a bikini and then linking all such things to my account that is used for my livelihood and including my direct contact information (telephone number) was completely out of line in so many ways and has caused a lot of pain as well as backlash from family. There are consequences to these actions. Yes it will take me time to do so, but if pushed, I will ensure that I take you to court over this and I'm sure that is something that neither of us want. Otherwise when I am able, as I've said, in the next 6 months or so, I will pay exactly half of expenses incurred so you feel right by the situation. I have absolutely no issue with doing so as I have mentioned time and again. 

I apologize as well on my friends behalfs as they were out of line in the way they attacked you when defending me. I can't control that but clearly these are not words that have come from me. You may not have noticed so I'll mention here that I have yet to reveal your name as unlike you, I do respect your privacy, and your reputation and would not want anything or anyone to affect such that may be tied to your character and your livelihood. I can't control anyone but myself, this is the person that I choose to be.

Regardless of what you may choose, I wish you nothing but peace, and especially love in life. Everyone deserves just that. 


HHHmmm, I guess that did it..

#5General Comment

Thu, January 08, 2015

 I have a question, what dating site was she on? This is a typical scam that I'm sure goes on often. By the replies that people made in her defense it sounds it may have been just her trying to do damage control, the fact that you have all that evidence that you could post seemed to shut people up. I see no one has now come to her aid in fear you would put it all out there to see. People should be careful of what they do these days, it takes but one post to really ruin someones life.

But I understand you being upset and it seems you waited many months for her to contact you before you posted here. I'm sure after 8 months she thought you had forgot about it. If I were her I'd just confess I was going though hard times and pay you back, at least she could put this behind her and move forward. I had a boyfriend once that had false evidence on this site about him, he was able to get it taken down because it was just all a lie, but the evidence you say you have is overwhelming. Good luck...


New Fairfield,
Where did you get your information?

#6Author of original report

Wed, November 26, 2014

 Who said it was a few weeks we spoke? I posted it was a few months. Who are you to judge me on my actions anyway? When you feel there is a genuine connection you have with someone why would you not help some in need? Unlike you I have done more than my share with charities, but I knew they were charities not someone looking to scam me. People like this have no morals and need to be exposed. So you can post all the facts about her that you think you know on what a good person she is and how she has so much integrity, she knows that I know the truth and that I have all the evidence to prove my report here.


New Fairfield,
Thank's for your concerns, let's address them.

#7Author of original report

Wed, November 26, 2014

It's nice to know she has so many close friends out there, let me be frank here shall I?  I have the check, the airline tickets , the skype messages and a skype video of her crying to me that she needs the money.  (I'm not fool and was smart enough to protect myself when someone asked me for a loan)"  So before you go and tell me "I have been warned" Let me say to you that YOU don't know your friend all that well.  And if your are such a good friend and want to help her out then pay off her debt for her and I will post that it's been paid off. Sounds rather fair to me, I'm giving you that choice, let's see what you do. I'm far from scorn that the relationship went sour and if she would have lived up to her agrement and just paid me the money it could have saved her this embarrasment. But I feel now as I might have been taken advantage of and she might have done this to others, that was the reason for my report. Maybe it was just me.. but the signs say different. I could have made it much worse and posted the skype video and copies of everything else. Maybe the email she then sent me from Linkin before she took down her profile.  hhhmmm yea.. something to think about.  I was being nice not to go that far maybe being nice just dos not work for me. 



#8Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2014

I wasn't going to be biased in this rebuttal, but I imagine bias is what this entire report is based on. I think what we have here is simple: a man feels rejected by a beautiful girl and needs to regain some pride by slandering a good name. Bias.

I've known Rainu for years. She does everything herself and doesn't often accept help when it's offered; it would be even more rare that she ask for it. I find it extremely hard to believe she would ask a stranger from a different country, especially considering there hasn't been a time she was struggling to pay her rent.

This site is full of reports based, much like yours, on a single instance from one individual's perspective, and they're usually just hot-headed, in-the-moment opinions that hold no weight against the accused. Next time you're rejected, (and judging by your story, there will, indeed be a next time), try to calm down and think introspectively before blaming everything on someone else and ruining a reputation.

Or the next reputation ruined could be yours.

"You have been warned."





#9Consumer Suggestion

Sun, November 16, 2014

I find this a bit misleading. If I didnt know any better, I would say the writer was a little boy who could not buy his way into a womans heart and decided to take his indignant anger out on this poor woman. I have met Rainu and know her to be honorable and unwiling to accept so much as a dime of someone elses money. I find it very hard to believe that what you say is accurate much less credible.

I realize i am biased so let us take your side of this story to be true(which is in question)....what on earth are you doing sending a stranger money over the internet after just 2 weeks of talking???? do you not realize that this is the type of material comedians die for? You can not go dishing out cash any time a girl cries or a Nigerian statesman asks for a favor or you will not make it very far in life. Next time, keep your "money" and your slanderous, pre-pubescent angst out on internet porn instead of trying to tarnish someones reputation. What you say of others speaks more about you than of them.


British Columbia,
Concerned about accuracy of post

#10General Comment

Thu, September 25, 2014

I have been a friend of Rainu's for some time and am very concerned by this accuracy of this posting. I came across this site as I was googling some friends and myself as I do periodically out of curiosity to see what is posted online. It was pretty surprising to see this.

In my experience Rainu is a good person that has always been genuine, thoughtful and never one to demonstrate any inclination to deceive or lie. So my suggestion to any one that comes across this posting is to encourage you not to let this colour your opinion. 




Horrible for people to be taken advantage of

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, August 12, 2014

We all have stories and hardships in our lives, it's tough to sometimes get ahead.  I'm not making any excuses for what her actions are becuase I don't know her that way.  It's does sound like she scammed you from the friends story, I mean who does that anyway? Last thing I would want to do is party with friends that didn't help me out and here came along a Prince Charming that believed in me.  How do girls mess this stuff up?  I can't find a guy to pay for a meal!   Look at the bright side, you could have dated her and found out she cleaned out your bank account. lol   



#12Consumer Comment

Thu, July 24, 2014

Feel for you man, it's a horrible when you go out of your way for people and they take advantage.  Look at the bright side, you get to sleep good at night kowing you have a good heart and she has to look in the mirror everyday knowing shes nothing but the lowest form of humanity that has to take advantage of others. She's a cockroach.  People wonder why the world is such a shitty place, it's people like this. Karma is a b****. I had a friend that I once lent money to with fear I would never get it back, she sent me $25 bucks a month for 5 years.  At least she made an effort and had mornals. 



#13Consumer Comment

Wed, July 23, 2014

 Do you know where she was calling from? Sounds like a typical Nigerian scam

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