  • Report:  #68353

Complaint Review: Ram International - Ram/Big Horn Brewery - Schaumburg Illinois

Reported By:
- Hanover Park, Illinois,

Ram International - Ram/Big Horn Brewery
1901 McConnor Parkway Schaumburg, 60173 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I brought my sister to the Ram Restaurant in Schaumburg on 9/12/03. We had a drink at the bar then went to the dining room for dinner.

I had chicken tenders and she had a steak. The chicken tenders were so dry I couldn't eat them. I took them home and the cats, racoons, and opossum wouldn't eat them either.

My sister had a steak requested medium. She got it so bloody it was cold in the middle. She sent it back but it came back almost the same way. She had to bring it home. She still has it in her refrigerator.

During our "wonderful" dining experience, we saw one of the people who sets up the plates with food putting his hands all over the counter and wiping them with a grimy rag. Then we saw him come out into the dining area and put his hands on a counter where customers were sitting. He went back to the food prep area and never cleaned his hands. He also rubbed his hands on his pants.

I have written 3 emails to the Ram website explaining the problem. They haven't found it necessary nor important to contact me.

I wasted $45.00 on this horrible restaurant. What a ripoff.


Hanover Park, Illinois

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