  • Report:  #47373

Complaint Review: Ramada Plaza Resorts O.F.V. - Pampano Beach Florida

Reported By:
- DeLand, Florida,

Ramada Plaza Resorts O.F.V.
555 SW 12th Ave., Suite 106 Pampano Beach, 33069 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am the holder of an "official certificate" that states the holder has been identified and confirmed to receive 3 days / 2 nights complimentary hotel accomocations at the Ramada Plaza Resorts O.F.V. for up to four adults under stated terms and conditions.

I was well within the stated terms and conditions of the agreement.

When I attempted to make a reservation I was told that nothing is free. If I wished to make a reservation I would get a 55% discount. Having visited your site prior to talking with this bunch, I promised the guy to whom I was speaking to post a rip-off report myself.


DeLand, Florida

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