  • Report:  #470517

Complaint Review: Redline Recovery Services - Georgia, Texas & New York

Reported By:
- York, Pennsylvania,

Redline Recovery Services
Multiple Locations Georgia, Texas &, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I went to ComputerTraining.com in the end of 2006. SallieMae gave me half of the loan and ComputerTraining.com loaned me the balance -- each of them offering me about $13,000.

I have paid both of them, reguarly, every single month, as much as I could possibly write checks for and not have them bounce. It is currently July 2009.

I FINALLY got SallieMae caught up so that I am ahead by $20. My payment to them is $168/month for however many months that works out to -- bottom line, the end of my life probably.

I was sending a payment of $125.00 each month (one month it was only $100) to ComputerTraining.com's accounts receivable PO box location that they sent me when my first payment was due (upon graduating in May 2007).

In March 2009 I received my check back from ComputerTraining -- the exact check I had sent them, not a refund, just my check and a slip of paper with 4 checkboxes with reasons why they might be returning the payment. The highlighted (checked box) area described that this company no longer accepted payments for this account.

OK -- I didn't have a phone number, so I waited. I had already sent my next month's payment in, so I couldn't stop it -- and in about 2 weeks I received another check. And again 2-3 weeks later I received another check. I can't remember if I got a 4th check back or if it was just three. (I have those records in my bank account since I pay everything electronically.)

I waited. I waited. I waited. No new address and account number to send my ComputerTraining.com payments to. I could've tried to reach them. I didn't because I was learning to breathe financially and the longer I was able to not pay them, the better.

I checked my credit reports on July 2nd to see how badly Sallie Mae had ruined my credit (they sent nasty letters all the time telling me how they were going to report me to the 3 bureaus if I didn't pay what I owed -- they figured me LATE every month because I was behind... LATE, yeah, right. My payments were always there, just short of what they wanted.).

While checking out my credit reports I saw that ComputerTraining.com listed my account as "transferred" -- never late, never missed, great credit report.

Transferred? Hmm? Well, I had been thinking that we no longer accept payments on this account actually meant that ComputerTraining.com had moved their RECEIVABLES account to a different collector, not that they no longer accepted payments on MY specific account!!!!!!! Now I knew. But I still didn't have any way to find out who / what / how.

Jump to Tuesday, July 8, 2009. I am now answering the phone again because I got myself caught up with Sallie Mae back in the beginning of June! Woo-h*o! I answer the phone and it is some woman, didn't tell me her name, said this was a pre-litigation phone call, an attempt to collect a debt for Arrow Financial. WHO? I don't have an account with them. I told her this information, and she was semi-apologetic, came up with the fact that Arrow bought my debt from ComputerTraining.com and now I owe them $13,623.57 immediately. WHAT? Ma'am Arrow bought your debt and you now owe it to them. When can we receive this money or we will take you to court. Arrow has hired us to recover this debt from you. WHAT? They never called me or told me where to send any money to how can they hire you to collect a non-payment debt when I never received any money from them? She put me on hold and another B*TCH came to the phone.

This woman exemplifies the word b***h when discussing a nasty-tempered woman (not a female dog). Ms. Allen is all she would say about her name. She kept yelling at me that Arrow didn't have to advise me that they bought my loan (although she kept calling it my debt). She kept yelling at me that ComputerTraining.com didn't have to advise me that they were going to sell my loan. She yelled at me that they (Redline) were now calling me, and they had been trying to get in touch with me since June 20th I intererupted her here, uh, NO, NO, you have not. I have only one phone number, and you have not called it. Are you still at xxxxxx, in xxxxx, PA? Yes. Well you should have received something from me, I sent it on July 1, 2009. No, it is 12:30 now, my mail is delivered at around 1PM and no, I have not received anything from your company (rec'd Saturday the 11th of July).

She was screaming over me when I kept asking her why this is happening like this. I was more than willing to make my payments (as I showed, by MAKING MY MONTHLY PAYMENTS) to ComputerTraining.com she actually said Ma'am are we going to be women about this and discuss this or are you going to continue acting like a baby and I'm going to have to hang up on you?


I was asking a freakin' question. B*TCH.

Then she says are you interested in a settlement? I respond, I'm not sure, I have questions about that. She says, Ms. Xxxx are you for real? My 13 year old daughter can understand what I'm asking here.


I responded I want to know the specifics of a settlement offer before I say yes or no.


Me: Yes, let's discuss it.

Ms. Allen Hold

Mr. Somebody gets on the phone. And, he's actually sympathetic and listens to me for about 2 minutes then, just incase I had misread his lack of words for sympathy (as I did), he says, Don't think I'm ignoring you, I just wanted you to be able to vent out whatever it is you needed to vent out.

OMG. I'm about ready to kill someone right now. And they're doing this all on my cell phone. My minutes. More of my money. They don't care.

This guy (name mumbled and/or I didn't care by this time) asks me if I'm interested in a settlement. I tell him that supposedly the previous woman that was on the phone, Ms. Allen, already told him that I am interested in a settlement because he was their settlement specialist and how come she cold-transferred me. Well, she didn't, he knew all there was to know. b*****d.

Now, he asks me again are you interested in getting this settled so we don't have to go to court? I tell him I work for the State of PA I work for the Supreme Court of PA I am not currently getting paid because the Governor has not passed a budget. I cannot pay anything right now, nor enter into any agreement to pay anything until I know the budget has passed and I will be getting paid again. If a settlement is for $0, well then, YES, I will take that settlement. (no laugh from him, imagine that) Where Mr. B**tard says how are you paying your bills then Ma'am? Jeez, I just told you, I'm not getting paid I'm doing the best I can to pay my bills. I'm not taking on any new payments until I know when I'm going to get paid. He tells me the settlement would be $8300 or some silly amount like that.

Here it is already just after 1PM I work 2nd shift, 3-11, so I have to start getting ready, make-up, hair spray, toothbrush, the kind of things that require two hands, so I need to get this conversation over with so that I am not late to work. I tell him, as I'm brushing my teeth that I have to get ready for work, and I will continue talking to him, but I've got to do this too. He actually says with sarcasm and disbelief in his tone: what courts are open this late? b*****d.

So, Mr. B**tard goes and calls his client they'll take $1300 right now and I can make payments until I get paid again and I can make a bigger payment to make up the difference to the $8300. I tell him I don't have $1300. He tells me I do. Right on one of my credit cards, he's looking right at my credit report he names a department store credit card (Kohl's) and says it's a Chase card I tell him it's a department store card and not a credit card in the way he thinks. He then continues to tell me that it could be. Some of those store credit cards can also be used as a regular mastercard or visa, if the account starts with a 4 or a 5 does it? Does what, I ask? Does the account number start with a 4 or a 5? I tell him that if he's looking right at my account information then he should know because I don't have time to run and get my purse and find my department store card to see if it could be used to pay off this jerk I told him that I already told him I was getting ready for work.

He starts yelling at me (AGAIN) and telling me that OBVIOUSLY I DON'T WANT TO WORK THIS OUT AND I WANT TO GO TO COURT.

I hung up. I have not heard back from this company yet.

I did get the because your account is in default letter that is dated July 1, 2009. This letter tells me I have to pay the full $13,600.00 due. This letter says I am in default with Arrow Financial. How am I in default with someone I never agreed to pay? How am I in default with someone who never told me that they purchased my previous debt and that my monthly payments are now due to them? Is this at all legal? Don't they have to offer me a payment plan? A judge, if they find against me, will set up PAYMENTS. Monthly payments. Realistic payments. I think Arrow would be best suited to just accept my $150 - $175 per month payment WITHOUT interest because I never signed an agreement with them to pay interest and they should just be happy about that. The original loan with ComputerTraining.com was an unsecured loan I guess they took the easy way out they didn't want to wait until I was back on my feet and paying the full $195 they wanted per month I was only paying their interest on the loan for the past 1.5 years so they sold the debt for whatever they could get in cash from Arrow.

I do work for the Supreme Court of PA, these people are in for some trouble now.


York, Pennsylvania


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