  • Report:  #1122209


Reported By:
Upset Investor - Saskatchewan,

1964 Park Street regina, S4P 3G4 Saskatchewan, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Barb Pacholik of the Leader Post wrote a scathing, one-sided, untrue and fraudulent article on feb 6th 2014 in relation to the Sask FCAA administrative tribunal (not a court trial as she so likes to talk it up but this is an administrative govt tribunal).


I was beyond infuriated, sickened and upset by YET AGAIN her mounds of inaccurate statemetns, lies and outright fraudulent comments. Does this lady ever check on any facts when writing about this Hearing? Has anyone from the Leader Post or Pacholik herslef over the past 5 years even attempted to try and contact the other side for their truths?


To the public I can assure you as an investor in these named companies that what the govt, in particular Sask Justice and the FCAA, along with the media Leader Post and Star Phoenix are feeding and telling you is nowhere close to the truth. I saw that another investor posted that he got paid back $150,000, well I am here to tell you that I also got paid back and my payback was close to $280,000 and I personally know of another investor who got $37,000 paid back, and another investor who got $30,000 paid back and another investor who about $10,000 paid back and another investor who got about $8,000 paid back AND these are ONLY the investors I know that got paid back. I heard there are also others so Pacholiks stupid, fraudulent, false, inaccurate and damaging statements/articles that only $65,000 was paid back to investors is a fraud. Novak perjured on the stand obviosuly and should go to jail and Barb should follow right along behind her for being so ignorant, lazy, incompetent, incapable, negligent and unethical in that Pacholik and the Leader Post could not ever get anything right or truthful when it came to this case. Why do you think Novak got tossed from the FCAA? Why don't you write about that? Oh that's right, that is becuase you and her are drinking buddies we hear.

We are so sick of the one-sided, bias, bullcrap nonsense that is constantly coming out of the Leader Post and affiliated companies. I asked our companies if you, the media, ever even tried to interview them in these past 5 years and found out you had not once even tried. That says it all. And what in the hell was the point of this past article? To throw-up events of years gone by? There was nothing new and it was just all lies, slander, defamation and nonsense. Had you attempted to even try to get at the truth Pacholik, you would have found out that Ed Rodonets and Sandy Novak were exposed for perjury and that their lawyer Sonne Udemgba has probably suborned perjury. Pacholik would have also found out that all thos lies she printed in her Feb 6 article were all disproven at the Hearing and shown to be false.

I, along with some investors, are starting a petition to have Leader Post Pacholik fired along with FCAA Rodonets and FCAA Udemgba. When you cut down our companies and people like this, so viciously, so falsely and so fraudulently you hurt US -the INVESTORS too!! Stop it.

If you add up the investors amounts who came forward on rip-off you are already at over half a million which is a far cry from Novak's perjurous $65,000 and Pacholiks fraudulent repeat of that. This is what is wrong with media today and the government, the liars, the negligent, the incompetent and the ourtright crooks.


Remove that artilce immediately, write a retraction and fire Pacholik. That is what needs to be done to right this wrong. Very upset and frustrated investor.


2 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 10, 2014

Regina Leader Post's Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall should be terminated immediately for their fraudulent and defamatory statements in their February 6th 2014 front page article entitled::..Admits

Had Pacholik or Marshall or anyone associated at their rag of a paper, even attempted to try and get to the truth they would have soon realized that both the FCAA Novak's and Rodonets’s statements Pacholik quoted about "only$65,000 being paid back to the investors" and that the defendants spent '$500k" on gaming were both PRVEN TO BE FALSE, Perjurous and intentionally misleading during the Hearing. So the real question is WHY is the LEADER TRASH printing knowingly false, fraudulent, misleading, defamatory and slanderous statements/comments about the Defendant AP? WE heard that the FCAA government lawyer is behind this and that he apparently called up his PR mouthpiece Pacholik, to run a story with the sole intent to trash the Defendant. We cannot prove this but we were told this by another source. It makes sense because FCAA Sonne Udemgba knows that he and his staff were exposed to this panel and the police for their criminal and corrupt actions and hence that might be why there is a delay in the final decision being handed down.

Several investors came forward on here to confirm their pay-backs and it totals WAY MORE than $65,000 as FCAA Sandy Novak so perjurously stated. In addition, it was proven that no one could confirm if the Defendant gamed and if the card they were reading was even used by the Defendant. The Casino manager himself stated that he could not confirm that this belonged to the Defendant. Worse than this, the dates FCAA Rodonets and Novak say the Defendant was gaming at a Regina Casino, well she was in another country on business for 4 months total and no where near Regina or any casino in Saskatchewan. Maybe this is why Novak is no longer employed at the FCAA -she got caught with her pants pulled down. We saw the evidence, and we know the truth and had the rag of a paper called the Leader Post even attempted to gather the truth these past five years, then they would have known it too. But Pacholik and Marshall are way too busy and have their heads too far up the butts of Udemgba and the FCAA to even care about the truth.

If the FCAA Hearing Panel of Gordon Hamilton, J. Paul Robinson or Pete Carton try to sweep the FCAA governments criminal actions under the rug, then they are playing Russian roulette with their own livelihoods, careers and reputations. The criminal acts committed by FCAA Sonne Udemgba, FCAA Ed Rodonets and former FCAA employee Sandy Novak are serious, severe and should warrant a full dismissal, if the Defendants had an impartial panel. As an investor and speaking directly to the Defendants these past few weeks, they are sure they will get an unjust and bias ruling handed down , however many, such as myself, are lined up to support them in appeal and many other regulatory bodies are also waiting in the wings to swoop down on the FCAA if this decision is bias and not fair.

Hamilton should put a stop to Udemgb'a PR parade of defamation and slander against the Defendants via their PR tool, the Leader Post. There should not be any more fraudulent and defamatory newspaper articles like we all saw on February 6th 2014. Udemgba and Pacholik are doing this, we believe, in an attempt to sway the panel for an unfavorable decision. Why else would the Leader Post write a front page, coloured picture article on February 6th when nothing new has happened or occurred in about a month? And that article had nothing new to report- Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall - just took parts of statements made years ago, twisted them, and then made sure they were presented in a false light manner against the Defendant while not telling the public anything new. In addition, the statements they wrote about have already been proven false, and since the Leader Post does not check facts this is defamation, fraud and slander at its best.

Leader Post and FCAA you are playing with my future as this myriad of fraud and hate you push out to the public affects all of the investors and we are innocent. Either play fair and report objectively or shut the F*#k up! But no more of this. This stops now!!

Anyone who wants to cut and copy this and repost it under their own name, has my permission. I think we need to start a petition to stop this nonsense already for it hurts us all.

Expose FCAA Corruption


#3Consumer Comment

Sun, February 09, 2014

Regina Leader Post's Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall should be terminated immediately for their fraudulent and defamatory statements in their Feburary 6th 2014 front page article entitled::..Admits.." in regards to CLOSED FCAA government tribunal proceeding, not some court trial as they want to mislead the public about.

Had Pacholik or Marshall or anyone assoicated at their rag of a paper, even attempted to try and get to the truth they would have soon realized that both the FCAA Novak's and Rodonet's statements Pacholik quoted about "only$65,000 being paid back to the investors" and that the defendants spent '$500k" on gaming were both PRVEN TO BE FALSE, Perjurous and intentionally misleading during teh Hearing. So the real question is WHY is the LEADER TRASH printing knowingly false, fraudulent, misleading, defamatory and slanderous statements/comments about the Defendant AP? WE heard that the FCAA government lawyer is behind this and that he apparently called up his PR mouthpiece Pacholik, to run a story with the sole intent to trash the Defendant. We cannot prove this but we were told this by another source. It makes sense because FCAA Sonne Udemgba knows that he and his staff were exposed to this panel and the police for their criminal and corrupt actions and hence that might be why there is a delay in the final decision being handed down.

Several investors came forward on here to confirm their pay-backs and it totals WAY MORE than $65,000 as FCAA Sandy Novak so perjurously stated. In addition, it was proven that no one could confirm if the Defendant gamed and if the card they were reading was even used by the Defendant. The Casino manager himself stated that he could not confirm that this belonged to the Defendant. Worse than this, the dates FCAA Rodonets and Novak say the Defendant was gaming at a Regina Casino, well she was in another country on business for 4 months total and no where near Regina or any casino in Saskatchewan. Mayeb this is why Novak is no longer employed at the FCAA -she got caught with her pants pulled down.We saw the evidence, and we know the turth and had the rag of a paper called the Leader Post even attempted to gathe the truth these past five years, then they would have known it too. But Pacholikd and Marshall are way too busy and have their heads too far up the butts of Udemgba and the FCAA to even care about the truth.

If the FCAA Hearing Panel of Gordon Hamilton, J. Paul Robinson or Pete Carton try to sweep the FCAA governments criminal actions under the rug, then they are playing russian roulette with their own livlihoods, careers and reputations. The criminal acts committed by FCAA Sonne Udemgba, FCAA Ed Rodonets and former FCAA employee Sandy Novak are serious, severe and should warrant a full dismissal, if the Defendants had an impartial panel. As an investor and speaking directly to the Defendants these past few weeks, they are sure they will get an unjust and bias ruling handed down , however many, such as myself, are lined up to support them in appeal and many other regulatory bodies are also waiting in the wings to swoop down on the FCAA if this decision is bias and not fair.

Hamilton should put a stop to Udemgb'a PR parade of defamation and slander against the Defednats via their PR tool, the Leader Post. There shold not be any more fraudulent and defamatory newspaper articles like we all saw on February 6th 2014. Udemgba and Pacholik are doing this, we believe, in an attempt to sway the panel for an unfavoruable decision. WHy else would the Leader Post write a front page, coloured picture article on Febuary 6th when nothing new has happened or occured in about a month? And that article had nothing new to report- Barb Pacholik and Marlon Marshall - just took parts of statements made years ago, twistd them, and then made sure they were presented in a false light manner against the Defendant while not telling the public anything new. In addition, the statements they wrote about have already been proven false, and since the Leader Post does not check facts this is defamation, fraud and slander at its best.

Leader Post and FCAA you are playing with my future as this tyriad of fraud and hate you push out to the public affects all of the invetors and we are innocent. Either play fair and report objectively or shut the F*** up! But no more of this. This stops now!!


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