  • Report:  #66631

Complaint Review: Replica Fashions - Quebec

Reported By:
- Franklin, Wisconsin,

Replica Fashions
Quebec, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On August 21, 2003 I ordered a replica purse from Replica Fashions they said it would be shipped out within 24-48 hours of payment. My debit card was immmediately withdrawn from.

I have yet to receive the product. I have e-mailed them at leat 6 times and have never been responded to. Then I looked them up on this site and see that this has happened to other people.

This company is a scam, they are making money on innocent consumers. They never send out the product. Hopefully, they will be removed from the internet soon!


Franklin, Wisconsin

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