  • Report:  #68349

Complaint Review: Restaurant - webloyalty - Norwalk Connecticut

Reported By:
- oakland, California,

Restaurant - webloyalty
101 Merritt 7, 5th Floor Norwalk, 06851 Connecticut, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I had a good experience with restaurant.com but they are affliated with www.webloyality.com (aka webloyality). I did purchase two dining certificates and had very positive experience but after I purchased the certificates a pop-up box came up and offered $10 off on my next purchase.

The following month a charge for $7 was on my banking statement from webloyality.com. I had clicked into a box offering a $10 certificate on my next restaurant.com purchase. This is where my $7 charge came from.

I would watch what you do on the restaurant.com site. I was pleased with my restaurant certificate but not their affiliation with such a scam organization. I cancelled my card because of this charge. Yes I should have read the fine print but I should not have to be put in this kind of a situation.


oakland, California

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