  • Report:  #67420

Complaint Review: Retro Shoe Store - Vancouver District of Columbia

Reported By:
- League City, Texas,

Retro Shoe Store
2416 Main Street, Ste. 205, Vancouver, V5T 3E2 District of Columbia, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I ordered $170 Jordon shoes for my son on 6/9/03 and paid $25 for 5 day express mail service. My son gave me the cash he had been working for all summer and I charged the order to my debit card. The charges went through immediately, but no shoes.

A representative did call to explain that customers were having problems with the soles and that a reorder was going to be sent from Japan. I asked about the "express" service and the rep said that I still had to pay because it was "express" service from their warehouse and that they would arrive at the warehouse in about six weeks. No use arguing...they already had my money.

Well, three months after the order was placed I received the package shipped from JAPAN. However, the size 13 shoes must have shrunk down to size 10 via this so called express mail. No, they just sent the wrong size.

I've tried to contact retro shoe store via their 800 number many times with no success...the phone has been disconnected!


League City, Texas

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