  • Report:  #68750

Complaint Review: Reunite Tonight - Nationwide

Reported By:
- 07201, New Jersey,

Reunite Tonight
www.reunitetonight.com Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I used the services to locate a missing relative. Reunite Tonight claims that you will get your report within 24 hours. So I had entered the name address and age and my results came back within 2 hours.

I did have doubts but I paid Reunite Tonight for services rendered. Well I was skeptical when I couldn't find a phone number to talk to a live person. I immediately called my credit card company to find out that the charges did go through. But no report was ever mailed to my email address.

When I get my bill I am going to dispute the charges hoping I can get my money back. So I have been swindled along with other people by this so called company.

R. L.

New Jersey

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