  • Report:  #66682

Complaint Review: Rhima Investments - Fort Worth Texas

Reported By:
- Midvale, Utah,

Rhima Investments
2801 NorthEast 28th Street Fort Worth, 76111 Texas, U.S.A.
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I bought a 1999 Acura Integra from Rhima Investments on Ebay (Their Ebay ID is tx4wd)

According to the description, Rhima Investments described the car as *mint condition*

I called the person who sold the car to me (Mark) and repeatedly asked what was wrong with the car. (Which cost me around $100 in cell phone charges)

Mark said that it was in mint condition. The ONLY reason he wouldn't call it mint condition is because it had a body kit and legally cars with body kits cannot be considered mint because they have been "altered." However, his OPINION of the car was that it WAS in perfect condition.

After paying the $750 to have it shipped to me, my brother (who is an experienced car salesman) and I inspected the car and found the following things wrong:

**The car looks as if it had been rear-ended

**The rear body kit was completely disaligned

**The right taillight was cracked as well as burned out

**The rear left door will not shut all the way causing the "door open" light to stay lit

**There are many severe scratches on the drivers side door

**The spoiler is not securely attached and is about to fall off

**It has an awful paint job

1. There are many faded spots, even places that haven't been painted at all

2. The underneath of the spoiler has ugly, dried paint drips

***Hail damage all over car, ESPECIALLY on the hood

**Permanent water spots that won't wash off

**Rust (which is NOT normal "wear and tear" considering it is only a 1999)

**CV joints in critical condition

**CD player/stereo did not include Anti-Theft code (which costs $60 to reset at an Acura Dealership)

****Different Mileage than was stated in the sale as well as on the car title

After looking over the car, I tried to contact Mark, unsuccessfully for about 3 weeks. Finally, I contacted him and tried to explain very calmly all the flaws which I was not told about. He patronized me and then hung up on me. I called him right back and he told me I could return the car IF I again paid the $750 for shipping.

I did not want to do that as I would be losing $1500 for HIS mistakes.

About 4 days later, I again contacted him about returning the car and he told me it was too late and I could not do anything about it anymore.

He refused to even reimburse me for all the costs I would incur fixing the damages to the car.

Rhima Investments LIED and DECEIVED me. They are a RIPOFF and a FRAUD.


Midvale, Utah

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