  • Report:  #387123

Complaint Review: Roger Williamson - Lynnfield Or Wakefield Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Tauton, Massachusetts,

Roger Williamson
Lynnfield Or Wakefield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I believe you. In 2004 I became involved with Roger Williamston. Roger would speak for hours to anyone who would listen to him that his crazy and dangerous wife was abusing his son and in an effort to cover the fact fled the home with the child. Roger is very dramatic and I do believe he is capable of saying or doing anything to get was he needs (he can ever cry on demand).

I felt very sorry for him and wanted him to regain custody of his baby son. Depending on what day it was, he needed money to pay off the IRS for not paying taxes in the past, or his attorney would drop him, if he didn't receive a payment or he was in arrears with his child support and his wife had filed a contempt charge with the courts. I really liked Roger and he told me he loved me.

I asked him why he didn't work, other than the occasional catering job. He said he was too upset to work over the situation with his son. I could understand that. Totally believing we would have a long term relationship and marry, I offered him a good faith loan, or my savings of $16,500.00. Soon after I gave him the money, Roger wasn't around as much and wouldn't return my calls.

The thank you for the loan was received in the mail from the US Bankruptcy Courts. Roger was filing for bankruptcy and my life savings of $16,500 was included in the total amount he was reporting. I hired a attorney, but even with my inside knowledge that Roger can't get a bank account and he carries all his money in his pocket, didn't help.

My attorney learned that Roger had filed seven workman comp cases in a ten year period. No one gets hurt that much. I even contacted the crazy wife in an effort to gain support that he always had money on his person. She turned out to be a very nice person a took time to hear me out. While she stated she understood my situation, she ask that she not be included in my circumstances as it would not be in her best interest since she had petitioned the courts to remove the baby son from MA.

I learned about a year ago she was given permission to remove the child out of MA. This was the best situation for the child, as I don't see Roger as a role model. I can't speak about Roger's other children because they lived with their mother, but if they are with him now, I'm not surprised what other's have stated about the other children. My mistake cost me dearly. I hope this post prevents others other women from making the same mistake.

Anyone who might doubt my story, the complete information may be obtained at the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Massachusetts, Petition Date: 12/06/2004, Case No. 04-19839. Look it up!


Tauton, Massachusetts


22 Updates & Rebuttals


Is he really in jail?

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, April 23, 2016

 I just want to know if this ba*d is really in jail? I had to remove myself from the situation after many years of trying to fight for our money back. Mentally this case took over our lives. I had filled the first report on ripped off report with my case from 2007. I just really hope this guy is in jail and if he's not I hope (((REDACTED))) He has done too many sickening things to people.

Jimmy Smith

United States of America
RE: Any Update on Roger's

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 22, 2016

Any update on Roger's case?  I was on the Adam Sandler movie when he scammed us.  I beleive eneded up making $2,700.00 off the producer just to go away... 

Just wondering....


Dark Defender

United States of America
I Guess I Wasn't Roger After All

#4General Comment

Sun, December 13, 2015

 Well I guess this story is finally nearing it's end. Hard to believe I first read these reports back in 2008. I knew then that this would end badly for Roger and he deserves everything he's got coming to him. I knew he was a little off when we were kids but not to the extent he ended up becoming. What he did to all these people really pissed me off especially the My3Sons report. I really didn't want to believe he was capable of doing something like that but he was so now he sit's in jail awaiting a trial we all know how it will end. How could he really believe he would be found innocent?

I'l tell you why, it's because Roger has ALWAYS found a way to get out of every jam he's ever been in but not this time. It looks to me like a very legnthy prison sentence and that he does deserve. One last thing, earlier this year I belong to a group on Facebook called Remember in Revere. It's a remembrance group for all the people that have died in the city Roger and I grew up in. He put it out there on this group that he died of a massive heart attack. A lot of our friends were very upset about it not knowing the things he had done but with a little digging on my part I found out he lied. He knew the police were after him so he tried to fake his death. That's Roger.



#5General Comment

Sat, November 21, 2015

 Happy to report thanks to me the law has co aught up with this scum. He has been in jai since Oct 52015? And has been charged with over 23 felonies and will be going away for a long time

Report Attachments

Krystal Kenville

Roger is currently in jail!

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, October 05, 2015

Roger is currently in jail in Rhode Island waiting to be brought back to Massachusetts.  The authorities are looking for more peopla who have had dealings with Roger as they are building a nice case against him.  Please feel free to cotact me and I will get you the contact info.

Until then please enjoy some light reading:



To Many to count

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, July 25, 2009

The charges are building as time goes by, More people are coming forward so Roger is digging his own plot. The Assistant D.A's info April 08 2009 At 120 broadway in Chelsea, Ma 02150 At 8:30am Room#203 D.A. MaryRose Anthes 617-884-2200 I want all his victums to CAll the DA so your case to will be heard, The state has taken over and no matter what he pays or doesn't pay Jail time looks like a brighter future for Roger!


What Are the Charges?

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, March 22, 2009

Thanks for the info Maria ;) Exactly what chages has the DA filed against the Defendant? This has been a long time coming, good luck my sister!


The Assistant D.A's info

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 13, 2009

April 08 2009 At 120 broadway in Chelsea, Ma 02150 At 8:30am Room#203 D.A. MaryRose Anthes 617-884-2200


Would Love to Have D.A.'s Name

#10Author of original report

Fri, December 12, 2008

Please provide me with the name of the DA and what courthouse she works out of. I have some things I'd love to send her. It's already in the system, but it never hurts to pull the papers from the bottom and put them on top. A little extra never hurts.


Roger's court time still awaiting

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, December 09, 2008

Hi everyone I'm still waiting from the D.A. She is working very hard and I have given her as much info I have on Roger, As soon I here from her the D.A. I will keep everyone updated.. from what she told me that He did show up for court that day and now let's just wait and see.. Maria0825


So what happened?

#12Author of original report

Thu, December 04, 2008

Maria from Chelsea said on 11/24/08 Roger will be facing the D.A. in Boston court house. Then Maria posted, today he was suppose to show up to court in Boston, I'll find out from the D.A. if he even showed up and the next court date. So does he have a room at the county hotel? My guess since this website is not rockin, is that Roger didn't show for a hearing, or if he did he probably gave a better water show than the fountain at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. I feel for all of you, especially myself since I'm the biggest loser here for $16,500. I had the best lawyer I know doing everything legally possible to help me get some of my money back. I could care less about his childrens behavior or if they drink. Roger is their hero? Great, he's has accomplished to raise two boys who have learned that it's alright to sit around on their asses all day and do nothing. If Roger did a really good job raising them, they too will know how to talk women out of their money, then move on to the next victim. When the friends and women are no longer around, they can hold a fundraiser at a local church for money. If its good enough for their hero, its good enough for them.


Lies Lies Lies

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, November 30, 2008

I call "Rand" is Roger on the sly, trying to bait. No true friend of his would put kids names out there. I do believe the first wife is less than bright and blindly follows along with his wants. Why would any sane woman leave her kids with him? His second wife was allowed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to take thier son out of state and sever ties with him. Why would a judge do that? You can read it all in his Essex County Family Court file. PUBLIC RECORD ROGER


BEWARE!!!! Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

#14Author of original report

Thu, November 27, 2008

QUOTE: "I know him all too well. Anyone wanting to contact me can at (((ROR redacted))). I may be able to help in finding him if he isn't in jail yet. Wolf in sheep clothing here girls. Don't thank Ran so soon. Here is a man that professes to be a long life friend to Roger Williamson, yet he is willing to help find his friend so that he may be arrested? I smell a rat. There's nothing in Ran's letter that I didn't already know about Roger. Be very careful who you share information with on this website. I would hate for a negative email you thought you were sharing with old friend Ran to show up in a court of law should you get that far. QUOTE: "I do believe all the reports but he was a good friend of mine so maybe there's another way around this instead. Look forward to hearing from you." In case you didn't get it when you read this sentence, Ran just asked you to negotiate. Why should Ran, who lives in Florida, care? I would bet $16,500 (wait I loaned that money to Roger Williamson and he wrote me off in his bankruptcy) that Ran of Florida is Roger Williamson of Massachusetts. He's fishing for information to see if anyone has real damaging evidence against him. He lied to all of us in person, is there any doubt that he wouldn't lie in a posted email? I would also say that four out of ten people who have posted on this website is actually Roger Williamson. Keep me updated. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Roger Williamson - Canosa Catering attention all victums

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, November 25, 2008

I am asking for help from all of Roger Williamson's Victims.. 11/24/08 Roger will be facing the D.A. in Boston court house. after that there will be a court date issued to show up for.. I need names and address from all his Victims, to give it to the D.A. at Boston District Court. For all who are not affaird of coming forward please send an email to me Mimi4me at yahoo dot com with your info so I or the D.A. can contact you.. Thank you I want justic against this scum! Roger stop using fake names to cover your lies and stop acting like you didn't do anything wrong. You stole, Lied, scamed, and hurt women all over the US whats wrong with you? Why must you pretend to be a lawyer, a Caterer, a boyfriend, friend and a Father? My spelling shouldn't matter you stole and lied and ruined my wedding your a scam artist and thats that..


thank you Rand for coming forward

#16Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

I just want to say thanks to Roger's old friend Rand for coming forward . I'm sure he knows what Roger is all about. To bad for me I fell for his lies and allowed him into my life and near my family. My daughter never liked him. She thought he was perverted and was always looking at her all creepy. To bad I trusted him and all he did was lie and steal.. The jerk actually took stuff out of my garage. I know it was him! Rand, did he treat his wives really badly? What's wrong with his first wife? Why would she allow her kids around this mental case and criminal? Check out Reed's myspace page. Its really classy. NOT! Sleazy is more like it! Why are his 2 older kids living with this lying con artist? Do you know her name? I'd like to talk to her. I'm also wondering what his second wife's name is. These women according to him are no good. He told me, and apparently other women that both his x wives are the villans and good for nothing. The first one went against him and sided with her family or some BS story and he also said she was stupid , has no common sense and couldn't control her kids, especially Reed because he has a behavioral problem. the second one was some southern woman he said lured him with provocative pictures on the web then when they were together she beat him up with frying pans and was a drink and a drugger and as he quotes " she's a very sick girl" and an unfit mother who abuses and neglects her son Patrick. Oh, and her parents abuse him too. I hope that isn't true, but according to Roger she's a piece of trash and he's the good father and such an upstanding citizen and EVERYONE LOVES HIM! Please! I feel so sorry for people who have to deal with him, especially his messed up kids! Thank god I don't. I got away from him, but I do want my stuff back!

Miss Understood

New Hampshire,
WOW .. it just get's worse and worse..

#17Consumer Comment

Sun, November 23, 2008

I am sickened over all of this. First of all, To think Roger Williamson borrowed over sixteen thousand dollars from an x girlfriend and never payed her back is disgusting. Then he actually has the nerve to write back to her on here blaming her and making more lame excuses for his behavior ! he just managed to make even more of an a*s of himself , is just rediculous and so incredibly pathetic. I definetly question this man's mental capability. This is the behavior of a sociopath, a mentally deranged person, a very sick, twisted individual . I am ashamed to say I ever liked him , was friends with him and dated him. Roger, are you reading this? do us all a favor Roger and drop dead!


West Palm Beach,
I've Known Roger For Over 40 Years

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

This is for anyone out there that needs information about Roger Williamson. I grew up with Roger in Revere,Massachusetts so I know him very well. Maybe all too well. I havn't spoken to Roger in several years and just happened to try googling his name to see if there was any way to contact him. The first thing that caught my eye was the report about a Canosa Catering in Lynnfield, Mass. After reading the report it was very obvious it was about him. I know he has 3 sons Reed, Nicholas and Patrick. I would imagine Reed and Nick are a little younger than my son and daughter. As far as his marriages go last I talked to him was right after he had Patrick. It seems he met Patrick's Mother online. She was from I think North Carolina or somewhere down that way. From what he told me he was still living in Revere at the time. I know he also had some kind of Pizza Restaurant at a nightclub in Saugus because all he ever talked about was that and how he wanted me to come up there and work with him. I know him all too well. Anyone wanting to contact me can at [email protected]. I may be able to help in finding him if he isn't in jail yet. I do believe all the reports but he was a good friend of mine somaybe there's another way around this instead.Look foreward to hearing from you.


False advertising?

#19Consumer Comment

Sat, November 22, 2008

Check this out, Mr Williamson STILL has a personal add out there with the name BESTCHEF on the internet. He claims to have a car, so he must be driving illeagally and oh, this is a good one, he claims to have an athletic build ( short and portly is more like it!)and on his first date with the woman/victim, he's open to taking the "red eye to Las Vegas" Are you kidding me? This slimeball claims to be pratically homeless last winter and had 2 CHURCHES in his area putting on fundraisers for him and his two older offspring ,because they were soooo needy and destitute? His ailing aunt supposedly called a local furniture store and BEGGED them to donate furniture to this poser .. If you google his name you'll see the article from last yr in the Wakefield local paper about poor Rogers sad story.. Oh it makes me want to vomit. This is just so nauseating! Poor, poor, Roger! Yet, he's on these dating sites claiming to be a high roller who takes trips too Las Vegas on first dates, because he's got it like that? He's not paying his child support, is ripping off people left and right, and has NO BUISNESS continuing to lie to more single women and misrepresenting himself.. He shoud get his act together and own up to the debts he has, the people he's ripped off, and most of all take care of his youngest child by paying that child support! Go get a job Roger, like the rest of us! You are lazy, a total DRAMA QUEEN ,pathetic and you ALWAYS PLAY THE POOR, POOR PATHETIC VICTIM! Some day, all of the evil you do WILL catch up on you!


Pathetic, Deadbeat!

#20Author of original report

Fri, November 21, 2008

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how Roger Williamson can turn a story around making HIM the poor victim? You re no victim. I left no key facts out of my post, you took money from me that you said you would pay back and did not keep your promise. I'm not going to waste my time pulling up your divorce documents, you're a lair and sickofscams hit the nail on the head. You hypocrite! Looking up records is one thing, but making calls is much easier. Poor Roger lost his son he states he so dearly loves. So there's no confusion of just how much you love the child I would like to tell everyone. Roger Williamson's drivers licenses are suspended because he owes $10K or more in child support. To screw over a friend, play love them and leave them with women and breaking contracts with clients is one thing but to screw over your own children. That's a whole new level of low. So if you see Roger driving around, call the police so they can pick him up. You're pathetic and deserve everything you have coming, Deadbeat!


Gomez/Roger please STOP LYING!

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, November 18, 2008

Gomez Roger Williamson, I went to the court house and looked up your file. Absolutely HORRENDOUS! Frankly, I am not surprized, but VERY saddened that you have put your x wives, and 3 sons through so much unneeded drama and greif. Your oldest Reed who's over 18 is not the upstanding decent person as you claim . He's actually quite the underaged drinker... Nick isn't as bad as him but also very troubled.. Their "hero" daddy, has taught them how to lie and cheat, beg, not work to survive, without going to local churches crying poverty, and illness for a hand out and free furniture , and mistreat women so badly! ( I SHOULD KNOW!) As for the 9 yr old , He is better off not having a father like you around him! Thank the lord above he isn't influenced by you on a daily basis. Maybe he will have a chance in life. Maybe your other kids can get away from you too before you poison them any more than you already have..


Absolute Fantasy !!

#22Consumer Comment

Sat, November 08, 2008

Public Record - *ALL* family court case files are PUBLIC RECORD. All you need to do is trapse on up to Essex County Family Court and pull Rogers' latest divorce and custody case file. I suggest you bring a large Thermos of coffee, as it will take you a long time to read the things he's done to his ex wife, and his youngest son. Including, but not limited to, stalking, harrassment, filing false DSS claims, child abduction, child abuse, child neglect, sending police to her home on false pretenses, threats to kill, threats to harm, the list goes on and on. That DSS investigated claims against the mother, so many times, and ** ALL ** because of the false reports of ROGER WILLIAMSON. That the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ** ALLOWED ** the ex wife to leave the state with the child (almost unheard of, by the way) is proof that it is not the wife that's crazy, boozing, and drug addicted. That Roger abducted his son on his one court allowed visit, and used DSS, and a multitude of Doctors and local Emergency Rooms in attempt to create some kind of abuse or neglect claim against the mother... is fact and it's all there in the case file... PUBLIC RECORD ROGER His older kids?? Not quite as bad as the father, but not far behind. Roger Williamson is no victim he's a scam artist - he's one of those parents that doesn't work on purpose - self impoverishment it's called, ** JUST ** to not support his own child. He won't get a bank account, because the state will take any money that hits it, to cover the mounting sum of child support he dodges. Now, what kind of human being deliberately takes the food OUT of his own childs mouth?



#23UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 04, 2008

I am breaking my promise of "not to read or respond" to this trash..... Kelly, I am sorry you feel the way you do about me. I am sorry for what happened between us. BUT... you, like most of the people posting on here, are leaving out many key facts. You are making it seem like I met you and then one week later you loaned me money. You and I had known each other for about 8 years before we ever dated, we were friends. You would call me with your stories of adultry to ask my opinion. I never lied to you BUT you are doing a great job telling "half" truth. We saw each other almost everyday, you staying at my home or me at yours or meeting in the middle. BUT it was you that broke it off after a silly arguement with your sister about your surprise birthday party. BUT up until that arguement we saw each other almost everyday. I never spoke ill of my ex but you can say whatever you want on here. The facts speak for themselves.... Fact #1....DSS has investigated abuse complaints against my youngest son's mom 8 times in 3 years (from 03-06) all filed by his school, a doctor & her neighbors all on WHAT THEY SAW! Fact #2....DSS, the Guardian ad litum, courts probation dept all testified against her having custody and leaving the state. Fact #3....his 3 babysitters, several neighbors and 2 school teachers all testified against her as well. Fact #4....A Child Advocate from DSS wrote a letter to the trial judge about what my son talks about with her and its all a horrible nightmare of physical and emotional abuse by his mom Fact #5....My ex was arrested by Lynnfield police on June 17th, 2003 on a psyciatric warrant. she threatened to KILL MY SON, ME AND HERSELF so she was locked up for 10 days Fact #6....My ex came to my home on August 22, 2004 at 1:35am with a 12" Chefs knife and she admitted this in court, she also admitted to smoking pot and drinking while she was home alone with our baby son THESE ARE FACTS in THE COURT transcripts... are all these people lying for me? My son has been gone since Feb 2006 and he has only seen his family here 2 times and both times he was picked up by me he had injuries. When I got him home to Boston DSS tried to help but because he was living down south and out of state there was not much they could do. There is a current court order for my son to be home every Christmas, spring break and for 4 weeks every summer, she is in contempt of this order. In Fact, she is in contempt of 17 of the 20 parts of the order. My ex knows I do not have the money to fight this in court so she is withholding visitation until a court forces her. While in Massachusetts she was in court answering to the Judge every other week because she was not complying with the order so everyone felt if she would not obey the order while here she would NEVER obey it out of state. You're kind of like "Anita Hill", she never said anything until Judge Thomas was up for the Supreme Court. You never said anything until everyone started throwing darts at me on this trash site. Anyone reading this should visit blogteamusa.com and see just what they think of this site. My older children are GREAT kids, they live with me and are doing well. If I did what most men do (not care or fight for my children) I would not be in a financial mess BUT I would not change anything because me fighting to keep my children is showing them all that you never give up in what you believe. You can trash me all you want just like the other 12 people on here. if you were the only 12 people in my life then I would worry but I know a great deal of people (family, friends, neighbors & former clients) who like me. I really don't care what you think of me BUT everyone reading this needs to know there is an innocent 9 yr old child living in fear with his mom and grandparents.

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