  • Report:  #45446

Complaint Review: Saint Matthew's Churches - Tulsa Oklahoma

Reported By:
- Longview, Texas,

Saint Matthew's Churches
P.O. Box 22065 Tulsa, 74121 Oklahoma, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We started getting mail from "Saint Matthew's Churches" about two years ago. They are trying to scam people out of money by using peoples belief in God against them. They promise riches if you do certain idiotic things such as holding a fake $1000 bill (seed money) against your heart and keeping it in your billfold. They only promise a release of those riches so long as you send them money. That dollar amount is usually a specific amount.

We get a letter from them almost every day. We have tried sending them back in hopes to end it, but that has done nothing.

I am very aggravated and almost feel harrassed by it. What bothers me is to think of people who will fall for this nonsense and send money.

I wish I knew how to put an end to it. I don't believe the "Saint Matthew's Churches" that they go by really exists. They are NOT a church. They are con artist.


Longview, Texas

2 Updates & Rebuttals


They put me in debt what can i do

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 12, 2004

i have been rip -off by former owner Of The Store They put me in debt what can i do to get my money back? i can affort the Att0rney. Need your help.


Talk to your postal workers

#3Consumer Suggestion

Fri, February 14, 2003

Explain this to your Postmaster; could be mail fraud. See if you can get these letters returned with "Recipient has Moved" stamp (better yet, "Recipient Deceased"). Maybe you can get this investigated.

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