  • Report:  #47508

Complaint Review: SAMI CHALFOUH - NORTH HOLLYWOOD California

Reported By:
- NORTH HOLLYWOOD, California,

5641 COLFAX AVE #342 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, 91601 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
the purpose of putting my accounts with express consolidation was the promises they made, and my will to pay back my debts in a combined bill. to show creditors even thow I am in a bad financial situation I am not someone who will ignore his responsabilities and to organize my expenditure while rebuilding my credit slowely but surely.

when I started with express consolidation, they told me that i will not receive anymore phone calls from creditors. and if i received such a call I should tell them that I am with express consolidation and inform expressco. of this call to solve the matter.

American express is one of my creditors, not only express consolidation didn't close the deal with them but they were also unable to prevent my account from going to collection agency. the collectors called me and keep calling me. I informed expressco. by phone and by mail. they sent me a statment that indicates they are making payments to the collection agency , risk management,yet the collectors are telling me to pay the full balance because they claim not to have seen a dime from express consolidation. this account by it self reuined my credit grade. and I have 5 combined accounts with express consolidation.

today I didn't receive my statment and I came here to find their address so I could send my payment.

After reading the consumers complaints I am hesitating to send this money order.

I have never seen my first payment on any statment. some other cards didn't dropp the APR and they are still charging me finance charges, late fees and overdraft limits which were supposed to stop the minute I started paying express consolidation.

I am not trying to put this company in trouble but I am paying for a service and for a promise that isn't being fullfilled.

I hope my situation will be addressed.



1 Updates & Rebuttals


No More Problems,

#2Author of original report

Sun, September 14, 2008

Hi there, few years back, I filed a report against Express Consolidation. Today I am updating it, to say that although I am thankful there are no more problems with my personal finances. Express Consolidation seems to have disappeared. Needless to say, please be careful before considering any credit consolidation or repair services, throughout the past few years many were found guilty of charging the fees and not doing their jobs. It is better, to manage your own credit, call the banks yourself and write to the credit bureaux. Not using credit cards is the best solution, if you can just keep one or two, just to keep your score high and try only to use what you can pay in full every month. When the time comes to finance a home or a business, your creditors will be happy to work with you. Sami

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