  • Report:  #721797

Complaint Review: San Diego Department of Child Support Services - San Diego California

Reported By:
Myst - Herington, Kansas, USA

San Diego Department of Child Support Services
PO BOX 122031 San Diego, 92112-2031 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
SD DCSS filed a court action against me on 12/06/97 in an attempt to collect money to pay for foster care arrears and used my CA. DMV report as evidence of my residence...the original amount being well over $29,000. The only problem is that my CA. DMV record showed that my residence was in Tennessee as of summer 95. SD DCSS intentionally omitted the fact that I no longer lived in CA. in order to win a default judgment without my knowledge, therefore comitting fraud (with malice) and denied me my Constitutional right of Due Process.

I believe it was primarily because I was an easy target since I had been in foster care as a teen. My daughter had spent time in foster care and was molested at age 5 and raped repeatedly at age 6 while in foster care, causing a need for extended foster care in order to protect her younger sibling from her. Adequate psychological care was never given to my child after being sexually abused in SD custody and the orignal problem was exascerbated 1000 fold. A legal action against me to pay for the foster care had very little chance of success due to the abuse that happened in foster care.

I made dozens of attempts to find out what was going on after my tax returns started being hijacked, my TN. driver's licence was suspended, passport renewal denied, could not find employment and I was threatened with jail by TN. child support officials in 2000. I was treated harshly when I would call in an attempt to find out what was going on. My reputation has become that of an abusive criminal who was also a dead beat parent, therefore I was treated as such. My wages began garnishment in 2006 and every job I have had since have been garnished.

The Family Law Facilitator's office in San Diego corresponded with me and I was informed on 06/10/10 that SD DCSS had filed and won a default judgment in 97. Within 90 days of learning this info, I filed a "Motion To Show Cause" against the judgment. I proved in CA. Superior Court, San Diego County, that I had never received any notice and that my residence was TN. as far back as 95, with counsel for SD DCSS arguing that the dismissal should not be granted even after it was legally merited. The case was dismissed without prejudice...like it never happened, supposedly.

The Judicial Officer, Adam Wertheimer had no choice but to dismiss the judgment but allowed counsel for SD DCSS to keep the money extorted from me on this now dismissed judgment. Apparently, counsel for SD DCSS was allowed to have words with the judicial officer that I was NOT privy to since my appearance was by telephone, and my money was stolen from me for some other issue that had nothing to do with the dismissed judgment.

Instead of removing the dismissed case's account on my credit report, SD DCSS simply altered the amount that they want me to pay. The account number on the bills for the now defunct judgment is still reported as a negative account...same account number but no removal, just a change from $27,877 to $2,478.

I was in foster care as a teen. I do not have anything to do with drugs or anyone who abuses them. I very seldom drink...birthday and New Year (at home). I have NEVER been arrested. There is nothing on this planet that justifies the abuses of a Government Office. Nothing I have ever done excuses fraud. There is no other issue that gave SD DCSS the right to commit fraud against me, extort money from me, threaten me, deny my Constitutional Rights, sully my reputation, drive me to extreme poverty and despair or skirt the law in order to continue the abuse.

I have a copy of the Dismissal which I had to pay for (SD DCSS has never sent me a copy which they were required to do), copies of bills for two different amounts with the same account numer (before and after dismissal) and copies of the manipulation on my credit report (pre and post dismissal). I am not posting copies due to fear of reprisal but can furnish copies to anyone who could possibly help.

I have not found any media outlet who will publisize this issue. I have not been able to find legal representation on this matter because I have been driven to extreme poverty and I do not have several thousand dollars up front. I have tried to get Governor Jerry Brown involved but have heard nothing from his office in almost 2 months.

Above the steps of the Supreme Court building, it reads, "EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW", yet it is apparently not true if government agencies are allowed to function outside the law and the laws that apply to every citizen does not apply to those who take pleasure in getting away with it.  

2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Wed, April 27, 2011

Wel..."HONEY", considering you were not there and do not know what events transpired, you seem to be rather presumptuous and the same type of person who caused this. I was not the one who SULLIED my reputation and my daughter was not "taken" from me. She was caught trying to molest her 2 year old sister and I asked Children's services for help. I had to seperate my children in order to protect one from the other. It was bad enough that CA. would accept anonymous calls of abuse at the time and every time someone had a grudge against me, I would end up with an anonymous complaint against me where EVERY INVESTIGATION proved no abuse of any kind. After 3 anontmous reports, they would forcably take kids w/o any proof of wrongdoing until 2000 when they put forth rules that every complaint had to be verified.
If SD CPS reassures me that they will work with me to help me child (my request) then it is unacceptable that they cut all communication (phone or visitation) with my child for the first 5 weeks (adding an abandonment issue) only to have her molested in the group home by a teenager.
Not every person who has been thru the system is a bad person and when you ask for help there should be no reason for the problem to be made worse.
My ex husband is the one who supposedly discovered her molesting her sibling...it is a bit odd that SD County accused HIM of molesting the kids a year later but somehow he was able to have his records wiped clean.
Unless you were there to witness you have no business with assumption. Assumption is borne of ignorance.


This City,

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, April 25, 2011

" sully my reputation "

Honey you created your ONLY repution when you caused your kids to be taken away and put in foster care.  I assume there is more than one kid because you said "molested at age 5 and raped repeatedly at age 6 while in foster care, causing a need for extended foster care in order to protect her younger sibling from her."

Your next reputation creator was when you moved to Tennessee without getting the kids out of foster care first, and are now complaining about money.

Pay the $2,478 and if your kids ask where you were, tell them that you paid $2,478

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