  • Report:  #67365

Complaint Review: Saturn Of Knoxville - Knoxville Tennessee

Reported By:
- knoxville, Tennessee,

Saturn Of Knoxville
10005 Parkside Dr Knoxville, 37923 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On 9/1/03 I bought a (used) car at Saturn of Knoxville in Tennessee. (It was a 2001) It was supposed to be a 5 star gold certified checked vehicle. Well the next day I was having problems with the car. Not major mechanical problems but still it was supposed to be checked so I didn't expect to be having problems so soon. The coolant light came on and also I heard a rattling sound coming from the vehicle. I went back the next day and said, look I don't think this vehicle was checked properly and I do not want the car anymore. Since it was less than 24 hours I didn't see the problem. Of course they said no.

I went back about a week later to have something else checked, and I then spoke to a manager because I was still unhappy with the car. I was sent to see Lou Esch, who was EXTREMELY rude & arrogant to me and wouldn't let me explain the problems I was having with the car. His attitude was, 'well you are a woman and you don't know what you are talking about' and he insisted that he was right and I was wrong. I finally told him how rude he was being and that I wasn't going to sit there and listen to him anymore, and he said "GOOD GET YOUR a*s OUT THEN"! I couldn't believe he had the nerve to talk to me like that, and in front of my 1 year old daughter!

I stopped payment on the check I used for the down payment, but since I didn't want that to go on my credit report I ended up paying it anyway. I was thinking of just returning the car to the lot but then I would have a loan to pay off and no car.

Well now I was really mad. I contacted the Better Business Bureau, who said they could not help me, and I called lawyers to try to get advice on what I should do. I also called the Saturn company and I spoke to an area manager but all they did was tell me they would use my complaint as a 'teaching tool' so this kind of thing doesn't happen again. How does that help me? I was not offered any kind of compensation for the way I was treated.

With the loan and the down payment I am going to be paying about $8500 for a car that is only worth about $6000. I can't believe those A-holes have my money. Since I signed the contract I don't think there is anything I can do. I learned my lesson the hard way. I will NEVER even consider buying a Saturn again, and I hope this report stops at least one person from buying one, because that will be worth it.


knoxville, Tennessee

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Saturn

STOP! ..before you think about using the Better Business Bureau (BBB)... CLICK HERE to see how other consumers were victimized by the BBB's false or misleading information. Don't be fooled! It has been reported, when there are thousands of complaints and other investigations underway by authorities, the BBB has no choice but to finally give an UNsatisfactory rating to a BBB member business that is paying the BBB big membership fees every year. When a business is reported that is NOT a BBB member, BBB files WILL more likely show an UNsatisfactory rating, then reportedly shake down that company to become a member of the BBB. One positive thing about the BBB is, either way, if a business has an unsatisfactory rating with the BBB, you can be sure, the business is bad. But what about all those BBB member businesses that had complaints filed against them? Consumers never get to hear about them. What about the BBB advertising to the public? Is this a false and misleading perception they are giving about consumer confidence when dealing with a business? Click here to understand more of what consumers and business alike are saying about the BBB. You decide. ..Remember. The BBB membership is not earned, it's paid for!

26 Updates & Rebuttals


Tiffany: I can't believe you missed this!

#2Consumer Comment

Sat, September 04, 2004

Check the THIRD post, second rebutal of this thread titled "Why a Saturn? Who would pay sticker for a SATURN?". Read the post and see who posted it. I can't believe you missed this! Any you imply that I did not read...LOL.



#3Consumer Comment

Fri, September 03, 2004

I was taken aback by your two's original replies to me saying I needed to re-read your posts and that what you two said had nothing to do with crumple zones, accidents, and such. I simply pointed out that I was replying to Thorn and what he said. If you read my original post you would have known this by the heading. Like you I was just giving my opinion and I don't think your sarcasm was warranted.


Lost Thorn

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, September 01, 2004

Luke, Christina & I responded because it seems like you posted your comment under our reports. I still do not see Thorn's comments on this forum, this is where the confusion starts. It appeared as if you were responding to our comments.


Hey Luke... I was just replying to the last line.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, September 01, 2004

Well your last line of your post was "And like the poster said above, a bad experience by a jerk of a sales manager at one dealership should not reflect badly on all Saturn dealerships." To me (and obviously to Tiffany also) that line WAS directed towards me, because that's what this whole thread was about. I was simply stating my opinion, in contrast to yours, that the way I was treated DOES reflect badly on all other saturn dealerships. And I don't need to check the heading, I know what it said. I was just replying to the last line.


To Tiffany and Christina: my retort was to "Great Thorn" ...saturn cars are not safe in an accident

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, August 31, 2004

Tiffany, As I told Christina, my original post in this thread was a retort to Great Thorn, NOT YOU TWO AND YOUR EXPERIENCES!!! Go back a re-read the thread as you two claim I have not. I agree that if you have a bad experience with a vendor there is nothing wrong with boycotting them and telling others to stay away, I have done this myself. The only thing I said in my original thread that has anything to do with what Christina said is this..."all of Saturn should not be held liable for what one bad employee does at one dealership." However if you guys wish to do that, that is your right. Please understand I was not replying to Christina or you, I was replying to Great Thorn and his post that implied saturn cars are not safe in an accident. Please tell me in plain english what in the blue blazes does my original thread to THORN have to do with what Christina replied to me????? I don't know why she replied to me in the first place other than maybe she did not realize that my reply was to Thorn, which I don't understand because it is clearly titled "HEY GREAT THORN".


Earth to Christina!!!

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2004

Yes Christina, I have read each and every post in this thread, however you apparently did not read all of mine. My previous reply post, the one you button holed me on, was not to you, it was directed at great thorne in response to his post where he implies that saturn cars are somehow unsafe because they look bad after an accident and have polymer (plastic) side pannels. What on earth does my response to thorn have to do with anything you or the other girl said? The only satatement I made that has anything to do with what you said is the one "one sales manager jerk should not reflect badly on the whole saturn community", and it shouldn't. But thats you and if you want to swear off all saturns because of one a-hole of a sales manager that fine. Again my reply was at Thorn not you, check the heading Christina.


Perhaps you need to RE_READ

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, August 30, 2004

Luke, Perhaps you need to re-read the complaints that Christina & I had with Saturn of Knoxville!! This was NOT about collisions & if the Saturn cars will hold up in a crash. This all has to do with how CUSTOMERS were treated at the dealership. If you were treated rudely & found out that another person was treated rudely at the SAME dealership by the same person - you too would be warning others...like your family or friends. I would think you would try to prevent your children from being treated this way or warn them not to go to a particular dealership if your friends were treated rudely. Would you not??? And LIKE I said in my complaint (that you need to re-read) I had a great experience when I bought my Saturn in 1997. I didn't have any major problems with that car & everytime I went to get my oil changed or worked on the employees were always friendly. And just for an update - I have not heard from Tom or Jerry Hodge about his sales manager treating me rudely. Thought they were customer friendly & really went out of there way for customers???


Earth to Luke ..Our complaint was about the way we were treated by a manager owner, whatever

#9Author of original report

Sun, August 29, 2004

Ummm hello but did you not read any of my or Tiffany's posts? We did not say anything about the quality of Saturns. Our complaint was about the way we were treated by a manager (owner, whatever. he's still a jerk). We were both treated badly by the same a-hole. That's what we were complaining about - not weather saturn cars have crumple zones to lessen the impact in a collision. That's nice that you have a couple of saturn that you love. But for me, I will never buy a saturn again. Even if they are great cars. And you can blame that asswipe Lou Esch for that.


Hey Great Thorn!!!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

For your information Saturn cars are designed to "give" in a colision to protect the passengers. They have crumple zones that absorb much of the impact so the occupants stand a better chance of not being injured. Also the plastic side pannels do not rust or dent like metal does. True Saturns are sold at MSRP and they do not haggle on prices, but the MSRP's are lower than comperable foreign and domestic models. The no haggle pricing at Saturn also protects those who would be raked over the coals by lot sharks/finance managers at other lots. I have owned two saturns, a 96 SL2 and currecntly own an 02 SL2 that I bought brand new in 01 and have done nothing but drive and maintain both. They are not flashy cars but they do have nice body style, are great on gas and very dependable. If you want an all metal car then don't buy one. But the plastic side pannels have nothing to do with the cars not being safe in an accident. I know peeps who have walked away from some pretty bad accidents with them. And like the poster said above, a bad experience by a jerk of a sales manager at one dealership should not relect badly on all Saturn dealerships.


Hey Great Thorn!!!

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

For your information Saturn cars are designed to "give" in a colision to protect the passengers. They have crumple zones that absorb much of the impact so the occupants stand a better chance of not being injured. Also the plastic side pannels do not rust or dent like metal does. True Saturns are sold at MSRP and they do not haggle on prices, but the MSRP's are lower than comperable foreign and domestic models. The no haggle pricing at Saturn also protects those who would be raked over the coals by lot sharks/finance managers at other lots. I have owned two saturns, a 96 SL2 and currecntly own an 02 SL2 that I bought brand new in 01 and have done nothing but drive and maintain both. They are not flashy cars but they do have nice body style, are great on gas and very dependable. If you want an all metal car then don't buy one. But the plastic side pannels have nothing to do with the cars not being safe in an accident. I know peeps who have walked away from some pretty bad accidents with them. And like the poster said above, a bad experience by a jerk of a sales manager at one dealership should not relect badly on all Saturn dealerships.


Hey Great Thorn!!!

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

For your information Saturn cars are designed to "give" in a colision to protect the passengers. They have crumple zones that absorb much of the impact so the occupants stand a better chance of not being injured. Also the plastic side pannels do not rust or dent like metal does. True Saturns are sold at MSRP and they do not haggle on prices, but the MSRP's are lower than comperable foreign and domestic models. The no haggle pricing at Saturn also protects those who would be raked over the coals by lot sharks/finance managers at other lots. I have owned two saturns, a 96 SL2 and currecntly own an 02 SL2 that I bought brand new in 01 and have done nothing but drive and maintain both. They are not flashy cars but they do have nice body style, are great on gas and very dependable. If you want an all metal car then don't buy one. But the plastic side pannels have nothing to do with the cars not being safe in an accident. I know peeps who have walked away from some pretty bad accidents with them. And like the poster said above, a bad experience by a jerk of a sales manager at one dealership should not relect badly on all Saturn dealerships.


Hey Great Thorn!!!

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, August 27, 2004

For your information Saturn cars are designed to "give" in a colision to protect the passengers. They have crumple zones that absorb much of the impact so the occupants stand a better chance of not being injured. Also the plastic side pannels do not rust or dent like metal does. True Saturns are sold at MSRP and they do not haggle on prices, but the MSRP's are lower than comperable foreign and domestic models. The no haggle pricing at Saturn also protects those who would be raked over the coals by lot sharks/finance managers at other lots. I have owned two saturns, a 96 SL2 and currecntly own an 02 SL2 that I bought brand new in 01 and have done nothing but drive and maintain both. They are not flashy cars but they do have nice body style, are great on gas and very dependable. If you want an all metal car then don't buy one. But the plastic side pannels have nothing to do with the cars not being safe in an accident. I know peeps who have walked away from some pretty bad accidents with them. And like the poster said above, a bad experience by a jerk of a sales manager at one dealership should not relect badly on all Saturn dealerships.


if I treated customers as Lou treated Christina

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, March 29, 2004

Thanks Richard for the info. However, I am aware that Jerry is the owner/father of Tom and they own Twin City Dealerships. I know that if I treated customers as Lou treated Christina & me..we would at least be written up for it. They may or may not say anything to Lou, but I feel better in sending my complaint letter. About hiring an attorney...not gonna waste my time or money. If I do receive a response I'll be sure to let you all know. Thanks,


Knoxville General Manager ,Tom Hodge, is on the board of directors of the East Tennessee BBB, brags about never having any BBB complaints

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, March 26, 2004

Give up on the BBB. Saturn of Knoxville General Manager ,Tom Hodge, is on the board of directors of the East Tennessee BBB. He brags about never having any BBB complaints because he can "take care of them". Give up writing to the owner also. The owner of Saturn of Knoxville is Jerry Hodge who happens to be Tom's father. Jerry Hodge also owns Twin City Buick, Twin City Nissan, Twin City Mazda, and Hummer of Knoxville. Your only real course of action is to hire an attorney and have your attorney make a lot of noise. I hope this helps.:-)


Saturn cars has nothing to do with how the sales manager treated us...

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, March 11, 2004

Christina is right. This has nothing to do with Saturn cars. I bought my '97 Saturn & had a great experience back then. They were very nice & always kind. However, I to was treated rudely by Mr. Esch, the sales manager at Saturn of Knoxville. His unprofessional manner cost the company two previously satisfied customers. This has NOTHING to do with the cars made by Saturn. My Saturn has been a great car, but that's not the issue. I wrote Tom Hodge & Jerry Hodge who own the Saturn Dealership about my encounter with Mr. Esch. Christina, I found your complaint a few hours before I was going to go to the Saturn place, but didn't think anything about it...didn't even realize I was dealing with the same employee until I got there. I made it known to him that I knew he has treated customers in the past rudely before I walked out of his office. So thank you for your comments!


Saturn cars has nothing to do with how the sales manager treated us...

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, March 11, 2004

Christina is right. This has nothing to do with Saturn cars. I bought my '97 Saturn & had a great experience back then. They were very nice & always kind. However, I to was treated rudely by Mr. Esch, the sales manager at Saturn of Knoxville. His unprofessional manner cost the company two previously satisfied customers. This has NOTHING to do with the cars made by Saturn. My Saturn has been a great car, but that's not the issue. I wrote Tom Hodge & Jerry Hodge who own the Saturn Dealership about my encounter with Mr. Esch. Christina, I found your complaint a few hours before I was going to go to the Saturn place, but didn't think anything about it...didn't even realize I was dealing with the same employee until I got there. I made it known to him that I knew he has treated customers in the past rudely before I walked out of his office. So thank you for your comments!


Saturn cars has nothing to do with how the sales manager treated us...

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, March 11, 2004

Christina is right. This has nothing to do with Saturn cars. I bought my '97 Saturn & had a great experience back then. They were very nice & always kind. However, I to was treated rudely by Mr. Esch, the sales manager at Saturn of Knoxville. His unprofessional manner cost the company two previously satisfied customers. This has NOTHING to do with the cars made by Saturn. My Saturn has been a great car, but that's not the issue. I wrote Tom Hodge & Jerry Hodge who own the Saturn Dealership about my encounter with Mr. Esch. Christina, I found your complaint a few hours before I was going to go to the Saturn place, but didn't think anything about it...didn't even realize I was dealing with the same employee until I got there. I made it known to him that I knew he has treated customers in the past rudely before I walked out of his office. So thank you for your comments!


Saturn cars has nothing to do with how the sales manager treated us...

#19Consumer Comment

Thu, March 11, 2004

Christina is right. This has nothing to do with Saturn cars. I bought my '97 Saturn & had a great experience back then. They were very nice & always kind. However, I to was treated rudely by Mr. Esch, the sales manager at Saturn of Knoxville. His unprofessional manner cost the company two previously satisfied customers. This has NOTHING to do with the cars made by Saturn. My Saturn has been a great car, but that's not the issue. I wrote Tom Hodge & Jerry Hodge who own the Saturn Dealership about my encounter with Mr. Esch. Christina, I found your complaint a few hours before I was going to go to the Saturn place, but didn't think anything about it...didn't even realize I was dealing with the same employee until I got there. I made it known to him that I knew he has treated customers in the past rudely before I walked out of his office. So thank you for your comments!


my complaint was about the managers

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, March 10, 2004

To Carolyn in Charleston... I'm glad you have had such a good experience at your dealership - Saturns may be good vehicles (even though I still will not consider buying one again) but my complaint was about the way I was treated by the managers at the local dealership I went to in Knoxville.


South Carolina,
wonderful experience at the local dealership

#21Consumer Comment

Tue, March 09, 2004

I'm very sorry to hear that others have had such a bad experience with Saturn. I myself had the most wonderful experience at the local dealership here, Saturn of North Charleston. I purchased a brand new Saturn L100 in May of 2002. I've owned other new cars in the past, but the Saturn has been the best car I've ever owned and Saturn has been and continues to be the best car dealership I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with. No, I don't work for the company nor has anyone within the company paid me for these comments. The customer service reps and the vehicle service department have always been very helpful and kind no matter what the problem has been. Again, I just want to say how sorry I am that some have had such a bad expereince dealing with the local Saturn dealership in your area. Saturns are I feel well made vehicles and I do hope that maybe in the future should you try again, that you will have a much better experience. Thank you.


Respectable company my A@@

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2003

Hey R.A. from Roanoke all I want to know is, how much did Saturn pay you to write that rebuttal?? To Randy RIGHT ON good luck with the protest!!!!!!


Respectable company my A@@

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2003

Hey R.A. from Roanoke all I want to know is, how much did Saturn pay you to write that rebuttal?? To Randy RIGHT ON good luck with the protest!!!!!!


Respectable company my A@@

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, December 10, 2003

Hey R.A. from Roanoke all I want to know is, how much did Saturn pay you to write that rebuttal?? To Randy RIGHT ON good luck with the protest!!!!!!


How About A Protest

#25Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 28, 2003

I posted a complaint about Saturn of Knoxville a while back...The situation was finally resolved although I did protest their business..While many cities may require a person to obtain a permit for such protests... standing near the business with a sign protesting them is usually fine as long as you are not obstructing the flow of traffic Since i see another post about saturn of knoxville i will plan to do another protest on this specific business soon.. I do believe its why my situation was resolved they didnt want me out there protesting for obvious reasons

The Great Thorn - Consumer Advocate

New York,
Why a Saturn? Who would pay sticker for a SATURN?

#26Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 23, 2003

Hey R. A. if a "Lot Shark" wants to make big money off of you they have to get you to think that they like you. They want you to like them so they can get more of your money. When I sold cars I found that If the car buyer liked me, it was much easier for me to pump more money out of them. The car buyers that did NOT like me got a better car deal. Remember this. If you like going to the same car dealer time and time again and getting the same "LOT SHARK" you my fellow American will get taken for more money each time you go back. Once they have you in some kind of "comfort Zone" you are toast. Think about it. If you like someone, are you willing to do or say something that might piss them off? NO! But if you do NOT like the sales person, I am willing to bet you will get a better car deal. By the way. have any of you ever seen a Saturn car after it has been wrecked. Do you know that the sikn of the doors and the skin of the Fenders are made of "PLASTIC" Go to a JUNK yard and ask to see a wrecked Saturn. I will try to get some pic's for you to see and I will post them for both of you to see.

R. A.

West Virginia,
Saturn is a solid, repectable company.

#27Consumer Comment

Tue, September 23, 2003

I hated to hear that Christina had such a bad time with Saturn. My husband bought a 97 SC2 and we loved our experience with this company. The only complaint was that we had to go find a sales representative. Even this is a quasi-complaint because it was refreshing not to be hassled as soon as we stepped on the lot. We enjoyed working with our Sales rep so much that we recently went back to buy a 2003 L200 series and the experience was just great the second time! My only reason in responding to the report was to let people know that I felt Christina got a bum deal from this sales person, but that it should not reflect on all Saturn dealorships.

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